Let us discuss seed giveaways, proper etiquete, self restraint, and seed addiction + Pets

Interesting thread, thank you all.
I consider myself fairly new here. I am not a new model, but new to these parts.
I have a ridiculous amount of seeds, all varieties. Many I have purchased, and I like many, have the collection bug but I have made crosses of most of what I have collected and grown. I am considering and looking for a mechanism to make better use of my collection as like someone mentioned above, my needs and interest change over time, and my time on this planet is not unlimited. Others might benefit from what I have amassed.
I have close friends with whom I exchange seeds. It is a good arrangement. I donā€™t generally place restrictions on gifts but I can understand why it would be good to place any restrictions up front. That said, I personally would not send seeds to anyone who didnā€™t send me postage in advance or a commitment to trade something. Gotta have some skin in the game.
The problem I run into with trades is I already have everything I want except certain landrace. A good problem to have I guess.


I was reading through this thread following the drama and then came to the seed give away and it gave me a good laugh :joy::joy:


Iā€™m probably the guiltiest person on this site, as I have been very fortunate to have been blessed by some very kind people. Frankly I donā€™t think I could ever repay the enormous debt that I owe to Overgrow and its members.

When I first stumbled across OG 1.0 almost a quarter century ago, I was growing bagseed in my closet under a fluorescent light Lol :joy: A member named towguy paid it forward and gifted me a 400w HPS, and other members (including BOG) very graciously offered me their genetics.

That got me started into the hobby, and itā€™s become my lifelong passion. I made and gave away a lot of seeds, and eventually gave my light to another new grower when I upgraded everything.

Then, life happened and I had to quit growing.

When I found OG 2.0 nearly 20 years later, I was back in much the same situation as before, except that I already have most of my growing equipment (and a little bit of knowledge and experience).

You folks were kind enough to help me out, and I even managed to win a few things. My intention is to breed for stuff that I like, and give away seeds to people. I am waiting for seeds to ripen now, in fact.

Hopefully very soon I can do my own giveaway!


I won that one and thought that it was all in good fun, pros and cons can be a gut wrenching experience. Sad but true! :peace_symbol:

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My only issue EVER with giveaways ā€¦is poor sports.
Both winners and those who donā€™t win should be courteous, grateful for the opportunity, an not behave as if they are entitled to ANYTHING.
They use random number generators, or trivia/games-- nothing ā€˜fixedā€™ or nefarious going on here!
This is a Forumā€¦ not some special club you pay dues to, or that anyone owes others ANYTHING.
Those who are giving, are doing so out of their wish to be kind, share, and spread the seedsā€¦
To whine that ā€˜they win it more often than I doā€™ā€™ or ā€˜yeah man-- this was Mine from the startā€™ā€¦ is rude, uncalled for, immature, and doesnā€™t belong here. JMHO :green_heart:


These were seeds that I personally made myself, and they were packaged into coinflips.
The wonderful person selling my seeds were selling them in the original coin flip I put them into with my shitty writing on them.
Not sure there is a way to make it harderā€¦


You could have had me write on the coin flips for you. Guaranteed to make it harder.

What? What strain is it? What does it say?


I agree with that 100% As I said earlier, I for example am just one member and my opinion does not mean more than anyone elseā€™s. I think that really goes for everyone. I have not seen anyone get mad or be rude to each other here. While I donā€™t agree with @LoveDaAutos 's position here, I still respect it.

LOL, thatā€™s cute. Although I didnā€™t see anyone getting upset in this thread anywhere :thinking: Accepting opposing viewpoints goes both ways, there is no fear of anyone being shunned by the community for it.


Probably a good thing I never go to IG, I might get annoyed as well and that always harshes my buzzā€¦ :unamused:

There is a lot of ā€˜transient actionā€™ in regards to free beans. It used to bug me but then I figured itā€™s sort of a winnowing process. The smart ones would figure out they were better off if they hung out and participated. The others? Well, to each their own. :man_shrugging:

We keep the pay forward spirit alive at OG and thatā€™s our thing.



To be honest I donā€™t think 85% of the people who replied to my original post truly understand what point I was trying to convey here.

I think itā€™s great that so many here offer up free seeds in giveaways be it Wiki drawings, Dibs, or Trivia or other questions. I have zero opinion on how they wish to give away their seeds or if they have any sort of restrictions or requirements for the seeds they give away.

My one and only point is that there are about 10 guys on here who would steal seeds out of their poor motherā€™s change purse if they knew they were in there. They seem to me like they are on this site 18 hours a day often working as a team to acquire free seeds. There is a guy right now who has already won a pack of seeds today. He is signed up for no less then 3 Wiki giveaways and will park himself in the thread where the DIBS giveaways take place. With a little luck this person could be stashing away 3 or 4 packs today alone. I think seed collecting on Overgrow is their full-time job.


If you guys with the differing opinions donā€™t care, I will make it a point not to care either. I just need to come up with a creative way to give away seeds in the future so that members who truly need them have a shot at them.


I have a way that could deal with thatā€¦

Those 10 people only get hemp fiber seedsā€¦



You be you bud. Nobody is asking you to change your view, it is yours and you are entitled to it. I donā€™t think that anyone doesnā€™t understand your point, you have made it pretty clear. I just think many have dealt with this before and are at the ā€œtake the good with the badā€ point. Whenever you have generosity, there will be those looking to take advantage of it. Those things go hand in hand. Some donā€™t feel the need the change things for the many just to avoid the few bad apples that are inevitably there. If you feel like throwing up rules to deal with this on your giveaways, that is totally cool. No reason why you canā€™t. Many have before by limiting it to folks who have not won in a month, or from them before. Some go by trust levels or amount time that folks have been a member. There are many ways you can resolve this for yourself anyway.

Just because we donā€™t all feel this is the same level of problem does not mean you are not right. Itā€™s just different methods of dealing with things is all. Just keep doing your thing and all will be well. :v:

Also, for the record, anybody that needs beans to actually grow is free to reach out to me. I would never deny a grower some seeds to plant if they were in need.


I was kidding about the hemp fiber too haha Iā€™m glad to giveaway with no worries of who gets them or what they do with them.

Hopefully me enjoying collecting and growing seeds doesnā€™t come off as bullying my way into these giveaways


I see a lot of truth is this. For some reason I miss the some of the free seed and giveaways. Iā€™m usually late to the show. I have been gifted great seeds.


Hey man, I smell, and Iā€™m proud of it!

Men should have a bit of mansmell on em :laughing:


I believe you were honest. About the same people. I do notice some funny stuff. I donā€™t believe that it is intentional. I buy to much.


Whatā€™s IG?

Man thatā€™s a shitty story for sure. Some assholes out there.


I got burnt on a contest. It was right after I joined. Think it was like 12 packs of seeds. Hash clown. :alien:


That is a true friend. I do that when given seed. I felt like I need to offer something. I feel bad if I canā€™t offer a trade back. Seeds are new to me. @Heliosphear said it best. I have more than I could ever grow.


Its instagram