Let us discuss seed giveaways, proper etiquete, self restraint, and seed addiction + Pets

I can believe it. I notice when we talk about seeds the world listens.


Wasap dudes?

Did someone say giveaway?


Come play @berzerk


OG is a known place for people to come and get free seeds.
Other people on other forums and other platforms all over the internet post about OG all the time.
Many people come here just for free seeds and then fuck off, without participating in the community at all.
It also attracts many of the scammers we have had here lately.
Free seeds are cool and all, and its great for people to receive them. It does have cons to it as well though.


yes youre right, and this point has been raised MANY times before. i have at least seen a post like yours like 5 or 6 times since im a member, and it all derails into the same shit show lol… with no conculsion other than “well, lets all just do our thing and hope for the best” and thats honestly, the only viable conclusion.

youll see whos here to grow and share, whos here to sell, and whos here to troll, all in due time.


He isn’t the only one. They are others. I have some. Seeds no good at all. A gift. It turned into a money pit. There are people that have taken advantage of others.


Yup, seems like every spring I see this come up when seeds are flying around for the season, last year I think most giveaways were barred and limited to trust level 2 or better or must be a member of the site for more than a month or two to try to dodge the hit and runners


@chronix I know some people can’t pay out much for seeds. They are over priced. I myself spent way too much these past few years. I enjoy giving seeds away. A seed packet is cool. I know it has nothing to do with what is inside. Good topic.,


I’ll say this. @DougDawson had his Bog seed run. I felt like there was too much going on. I seen the list. It was long. I talked with Doug. I have two package of his seeds. @BigMike55 and @MoBilly . I have some nice stuff from many growers. @Oldtimerunderground and @Gpaw they hooked me up with many many seed packets. @TestOfOath @ReikoX and @lefthandseeds have been very generous to me. That is one reason I don’t get into the giveaway’s that much. Then JP has some sweet deals. I don’t feel burnt to bad.


it hurts me that ppl have this system of robbery instilled into there thinkset…it happens a lot here and makes a mockery of honest ppl documenting for the greater good of everyone…seed care givers should at least have a system in place on how many packs you can obtain through giveaway and it would at least try to curb this fever of discontent…things seem so precise and intricate in how seeds are being mass organised and stolen in groups and its the care givers and donaters setting up something to stop or limit what’s happening…get member pack limits per month but gawd knows how you market that one…it is starting to smell awful the more your over here though…such a shame a weed website called overgrow(irony was never a strong point of mine)is largely anything but!!!


I have seen this. Lost a friend. I guess the money was better than friends. They still are around. Different names. I notice some. I never say anything. They slip up. They say the same things. Or they try to show the room a little different. I’m not stupid.
I enjoyed the topic I think I said enough.
One Love!


I was fishing them dudes out 20 yrs ago…lolol


Recently I saw someone mention The Bean Basement and their PUOSU program which stands for Put Up or Shut Up. There are 2 levels on the Bean Basement. There is an entry level which greatly limits what you can see. In order to get to that second level you have to do a grow from seed to weighing your flowers. Once you complete said grow you’re upgraded to the second tier and have access to everything the site has to offer.

I know on that site it keeps away the riff raff really well.


Keeps away everyone real well, site is dead ass slow


Im gonna jump in as someone who has joined a bunch of free seed threads. I am glad this community exsists and there are so many people willing to give. I have won some free seeds and some auctions. What this has done for me… its now its up to me to breed seeds/share seeds when i can to other members. I also try not to enter contests I have already one, because i want someone else to experience the joy of free seeds!

I am currently waiting on some Lucky Lime seeds to do an op (seeds for everyone) and pheno hunt. Useful said to Spread the Love and im glad OG exists to do just that.


There is nothing wrong with caring. It’s when that caring turns into throwing stones towards the ones you care “less about” that there becomes an issue… Those issues seem to be best resolved by caring less about what others do that I don’t approve of or leaving myself.

I see nothing wrong with individuals signing up for any or all wiki’s, whether they have won recently or not, whether or not they have a huge personal vault or contribute themselves.

Are there bad seeds? Yes; Statistically, ~2%.
Should we take this into consideration? If we so desire.
Should we stop the world because there are a few bad seeds in it who want stuff too? I think not.

And I did undersrand what you are saying, I see how there is a large constituency of users who:

  • Only seem to show up when they are tagged for a giveaway… and have personal groups whom they also always tag.
  • Never seem to have read through the thread or even a single post above theirs :sweat_smile:, to understand what is going on
  • Show up and call dibs and ask what the cross they won is after they win
  • Those who always post a dibs, just in case there is something available

But the OG site has internal rules which stipulate:

  • Each qualified member is free to sign up for one or all wiki’s unless there are limiting rules specifically stipulated in any specific wiki.
  • It is acceptable to add stipulations to one’s own distributions to attempt to control who might partake in the event.
  • There are no rules governing how many wiki’s/signups/wins any individual is limited to in any specific time period.

So although I understand where you are coming from, OG is a place where lots of sharing and giving happens every day and …even if only in my mind… your post seems more contrary to the spirit of the site than individuals signing up for open giveaways


I’ve already had several try from me, and one was a breeder on IG. The Dr, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Other than the Dr, I’ve sought the most reputable members to test run CripXmas, including yourself :facepunch:


You did your PUOSU grow on there, @Jetdro ??

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sure did :+1:

Talked to myself the whole way too, lol


This was completely understood but when you run giveaway’s this is what you’ll run into and it comes with the territory.

There is a vast majority of kick ass people and legit growers here than there are those of the nefarious variety.

I myself wouldn’t let a handful of people worry me… either way you’re spreading the love on OG!

It’s not that I don’t care I’m just not worried if a pack or two of mine just gets locked up in someone’s stash. I have plenty more where those came from.

Hell get creative… make the giveaway’s only eligible for certain members and do you’re giveaway exactly how you see fit brother!

Lastly not all but A LOT of us don’t “need” seeds but it doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t mind a shot at them down the road. I do that frequently. I’ll see something that catches my eye and have to hop in.

I know tone in text never comes through so please don’t take this as argumentative or anything just stating how I feel about your opinion on the subject… Nothing but respect.