Lets try this another way big plants small pots

So all my tents are just beginning flower .
Nothing very exciting so not been posting. In a few weeks ill throw up an update .

@herojuana.tom Finally Romulan and Goji are happy n growing well . I took cuts off them yesterday and trimmed them back , stuck them in tent 4 and will flip them when they rebound
You ready for them???

Finishing up the second nets in all the tents today .

Some not too exciting pics


Been playing with the new pcp alot lately . Getting use to it , its a damn fine piece and shoots superbly . The action is loosening up 1500 rounds in .

Thing is deadly in close , working up to 50 yards now .

Put a bipod on it , off the bipod only , 25 yards , windy day

At this time , anything as large as a dime is in trouble out to 50 yards


Sure! They’ll be a little behind everyone else but I’ll make room


up to you , i can wait , or you can have them when they root ???

Be 10 to 12 days fore they throw roots , just let me know


What up @HolyAngel

Just went through your thread everything looking good


Yeah mostly. Little hiccup but no problem really. Least have some TK soon. More plants to flip. More beans to start soaking :sunglasses:

Things lookin great over here! That gun looks sharp! And some nice shootin too :ok_hand:


amazing gun , comes apart packs into a backpack , does not change scope zero when broken down .

All good here , in a few weeks things will be popping again :sunglasses:


Hoping this is the same cut of gmo i just recieved. You got my blood pumpin!!!


Those moms are looking shaggy. I think you need to trim those down and im sure there’s 1 or 2 dozen people who’d want those trimmings. :wink:

I see the TK has reached the second net before everyone else and still looks like she’s going to break in half if you breath on her wrong. If her high wasn’t so god damned clean and strong I doubt I’d grow a floppy bitch like her. WC looking as pretty as always.

I’ll be cutting the Giesel down this afternoon around 4-5 and bring her by around 5:30-6 tomorrow after work.


Where you get yours

Its the one you sent me homie.

Salutations Jetdro,
your grow is looking amazing as usual.
Take care, webe


I couldn’t remember what I sent but it is the same


Ill have a care package headed your this week.

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I am in no rush, they won’t be going in with this upcoming batch, but my cloner is still set up from rooting Sharm’s cuts so you can send em now. If theres any chance you have an extra Cap Junky cut, I’d love to run her too? LMK what you need for shipping and I’ll get that to you ASAP


Awesome man I appreciate it. I hear illudium is a long flower my plan is to grow her and GMO together if I can get her to take root


The Ohio Trifecta! I love you guys spreading around all these Ohio gems. I’m most excited for that Afghani Mango!


Shes gonna be a beast!!! I’ll toss one your way when they ready


yes i have her , i like her much to be honest , who else u want ?


good eye , yes she will be in the top of the tent in another week .

yeah it’s a shame there’s no one around me there’s hundreds of cuts I could give out.

I think you were over when I hacked them back two or three weeks ago, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks to turn into a jungle

Buck all the buds and trim them as tight as you dare that’s what works best in the machine I just pulled all of mine out today the machine is ready