Lets try this another way big plants small pots

Hope your staying dry. Let me know if you need anything. Looks like the house is good from the photos I bet the creek behind the house is full tho


Ok brother

Wishing you well

I know it’s bad out there🙏


Wishing you the best bro


Hope your doing good and just relaxing and not affected by the flooding or anything else.
Best wishes to u and the pack


Same! Long time no Jet :cry:


20 days so far



Jets doing fine. The flooding receded about a day or two after the rains. I’m not sure why he’s not been on but when I call/visit I’ll be sure to ask.


He told me he’s taking a break and doesn’t know when he’ll be back.

That means it’s up to me to keep you informed about the pack.


well keep the topic warm till he’s back then


Haha tell jet fish says to “ rip your dress off “ lol


I was going to say un knot your panties
But @ifish beat me to it

As Long as he’s well that’s all that counts
All good

Peace my brother


I’ve I nice blouse might fit him
: )


I can’t stop laughing :joy: oh shit


Jet moved to a Leper colony in Molokia, so he would be the handsomest man there.


Nice harvest of WC this morning

Full tent of Tahoe doing fine

Romulan taking over tent 3 , running over icc and Goji , lol

Tk bulking up week 6 or so

ICC doing what she does , incredible plant and self supporting . I intend to breed to this lady

TK is a floppy bitch , last run of her , Mom gone . Last run of Tahoe , Mom gone . Mac gone .

No more Mom’s. Too much hassle n space . Cuts placed in fridge , grab when i need , opened up Mom tent , now have space to run through the Dosido , which will be next

ICC allowed to get 40"tall at flip this run . She doesnt stretch much and supports herself , going for the gusto .

Samwells Dosido F3 down , will hit both ICC and WC with a nice male , not often i hunt a male , but ICC needs to make some seeds for me , WC too .

Last week here been Hell . More rain n wind than i have ever seen .

Yard flooded , pool been underwater near a week .Nothing in the house , no damage other than tree limbs and filled up pool .

Pack is fine , Mercy hung out with me all morning and afternoon while i harvested the WC , and placed the ICC in their place .

3 ICC and one GORGEOUS Permanent marker . PM already purple in leafs , think she will be something .

Sorry been gone , just been busy , also been shooting my PCP rifle A LOT !!
Met several others online near me who are into the PCP . They are all my age , retired or about to , and mostly very well off . One owns a machine shop , and is an expert 40 year machinist . We made my AA TDR FULL left hand now :sunglasses::boom::sunglasses: and i have been shooting every day .
500 rounds shooting in an afternoon cost me 6 dollars!!! Another owns 25 acres 5 miles from me , we set up metal targets and have shot “meets” out there , and can hunt on it too .

My rifle is 20 years old , bolt action , and has a skinny barrel on her . The gang laughed when i pulled it out at the first shoot off . They all have 4K FX fully tuned rigs with 2K scopes on them . WTF ya gonna do with that toy ???

After the first meet , they no longer say that . I wiped all their ass’s BIG TIME out to 100 yards . Not one of their $$$$ rigs , either off hand , or just front bipod , butt on shoulder , could hang with us .
Once on full machine rests , the way they tend to shoot , its a different story . They can group right at 1 inch out at hundred , while mine will do 1.3 or so off a rest .
Difference is this , i can shoot same group , 1.3 inch @100 from my shoulder with just a bipod . 2 inch’s shooting off hand . They group 8 to 9 inchs off hand and no better than 2 inchs or so from just a bipod and gun on shoulder .

4 or us went rat shooting the other day . At a closed construction site FULL OF HUGE RATS .

I only brought front bipod , and had 6 rats. down by time they even got their shit set up . One would call rat , before he even got rifle set on his rests, i had already killed it , lol . I did that about everytime till one got mad . Since ive been shooting 500 shots a day , off my shoulder or with just bipod , my skill with a gun has returned . I took 4 rats at 75 yards that day , standing from my shoulder . None of them could hit one at 25 yards off hand . I LIKE TO HUNT , and practice in hunting situations , not off a bench with front n back rests . They now understand and a few are now practicing off hand also , lol

So , sorry been absent , all is good here. , just a busy last month or so. AC took a shit , pool filter split in half , Randall brought fleas over and my pack got infested :see_no_evil: , found the PCP gang , and just now getting back to normal around here

PART ON :sunglasses:


You have one personal photo in there, bud. @Jetdro


least it wasnt a dick pic.

awesome tent shots those are the reports we missed. i see no apple fritter this run you toss that mom also? ICC is still a stunner. and a winner. now that you found real life friends you dont go forgetting about us faceless and nameless ones :stuck_out_tongue:


If you need any cuts I have let me

Good to read you brother

Great to hear your doing fine my man. Sorry to hear of the flooding and glad the pack is doing well. I love guns, all kinds. I have a friend that is a lieutenant colonel n the army. He came down a few weeks ago with a bunch of rifles and pistols. Great time at the range. I shot a 45/70 for the first time. 498 grain shell. Made me step back. Holy hell it was great.


The group of guns


I see you’ve been doing some Amazon shopping lately :slight_smile: