LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

It was that bad? I’m sorry to hear it. The WW was really pretty tho. That’s the thing about the structure of buds. You don’t really know if it’s going to be good or not until it’s dried out. The Forrest Candy I grew my last run was by far was the tightest buds I have ever grown. I barely had to trim the stuff. It was fantastic. My cousin had problems getting them to pop. So I will be breeding that one this summer. I really don’t want to loose those genetics. It’s a shame I have no idea what the strain is. I think it would really be something you would be interested in. When I get done breeding it I will send you some. It’s a Must Grow for sure.


I had so much hope for you on that Auto it looked so big and healthy

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There still may be hope. When i was cutting leaves off after drying what was left was stinky and sticky So maybe better than I thought. I will know in a couple weeks
But LilJonB has his grow under control. Sorry for the hijack man.

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Like I said I’m not mad at all. I just hope that the Hopscotch is not that bad. If there is twice as many seeds in the branches I didn’t want pollinated I will be happy. There is one branch that will not be included just for the simple fact that it practically rests against the pollinated branch.


Check it out! There is a few lighter leaves. But that’s it. I’m seeing a very good contrast now between the flowers and the pistols. I am seeing some of the pistols are starting to change in color.
I will have to break out the microscope soon.
I topped her off with 1.5 gallons of water 20 ml of HM Bud Candy, 1 tbl spoon of Maxi Grow and 2 ml of Cal-Mag.

Every time I get under the lights with the phone I get that pesky yellow filter. I promise there not yellow.
She’s definitely drinking a gallon a day now. Thirsty!

Blueberry. Few more days.

She’s sad but pretty.


it almost looks like a phosphorous deficiency. Could it be?

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I have done a similar thing. I use any size jug but I just put a couple small holes in the bottom and let basically drip feed my plant. I just set the jug at the base of my plant and leave it until next trip in. It just allows the ground to slowly absorb the water better because of the slow drip

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In the Hopscotch or the Blueberry? It could be any with the Blueberry. It is very difficult keeping up with a 1 gallon res. Lol. I gave up on her a while ago.
The Hopscotch after the gallon of water with the shot of Grow seemed to fix her up. The EC did go up this time when water level went down. But not the time before.
My plan is to go another week and do another change out. Let that run until she needs a flush. She might want something different. But for now that’s the plan.

That’s what I figure. The slower the better. If I can leave it and just feed it every now and again and it work. If it will alow me to grow a decent plant in my crappy soil in my yard that would be great.

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I have just put 2 pinholes in a 5 gallon bucket on opposite sides before and let it slowly trickle out. It is even slower with a lid to create a vacuum


Now you got me thinking it might be more practical if I did use something bigger and ran hoses to each plant. :thinking:

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You definitely could with drippers on the hose

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Put an aquarium splitter and run 1/4 inch lines

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That’s where my mind went. As much as I would like to repurpose some plastic bottles. This would save alot more time. How do you know how much to dose them. Since it’s only a drip would you give em the recommended dose?

hah hah yah I meant the blueberry. I didn’t realize it was in such a small container, phew. I wonder if any of the solution is precipitating out due to water level fluctuations?

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It’s not nearly as critical in soil. I don’t feed a lot outdoors, but when I do I just mix whatever dose I want per gallon. You may have trouble knowing what they get with a gravity feed drip system because it would be hard to keep volume exact. I use Mega Crop when I want to give them a boost mixed at the rate I want. Most of my nutrients are in my soil


It could be that. I’ll never do another one that’s 2 gal or less. 2.5 to 3 gal would be nice.

I’ll just give them a little at the start. See how they react. Give them more when they look like they may need more.
Thanks for your help @Bullskinner !


Really man. You just nailed it I think.
Nothing beats observation. Their not slow about telling you something’s wrong.
I always ease into big changes and watch them close.
Now, having said that… Check out the post I’m preparing on my journal
Total brain cloud. Lol


Your talking about watching the plants and give them what they need when they need it?
Ohhh. I read all this backwards. I just came from from your thread and came here… makes more sense. I’m sleepy.