LilJonB's Hopscotch Grow

5 gallon. DWC.


Not bad for a 5 gallon


I’d bet they know how to compress bud

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She only filled up half the bucket. If you want them to fill the whole bucket up you have to have them in veg longer. That’s what I’ve seen and read,not from. Personal experience.
I do have to say it looks like you can yield a lot more from growing one big plant longer then you would growing 2 small plants. I’m sure it depends on what strain and how you grow it. I would have liked to see what I would have gotten with 2 Hopscotch crammed in there. I did try. We need fem. Hopscotch @Hoppy. I would like to see how the Cherry Dragon crossed with the Hopscotch. Purple and red Hopscotch?!
You goingnto try the water culture again @Hoppy? Maybe not the CD but something elce perhaps. I would just hate to see that little bump in the road discourage you man.


Look at this weird one.


Ya I’m gonna try again @LilJonB. I’m gonna grow CD in dirt. Ya the red in the Hopscotch would look awesome. I’m gonna harvest everything then make an effort with water, gonna soak that bucket in alcohol.


On that link about bags everyone is calling me antisemitic for my comment about bee’s. Jeeze this world has forgotten how to take a joke. The feed is filled with comments. I sat in prison with black guys that loved the hell out of me, and a couple call me once a month from the joint. And trolls on the internet are calling me racist whatever.


I looked. I don’t see your posts.
Yeah it’s different in certain places in our country. There is some places that are really struggling with that subject. So some people might be very sensitive about that topic. So don’t let it get to you. Gotta be careful what you say on open boards. I might know your joking but the 3rd party might not.


Ya someone reported it. I saw sea monkey say something so I looked. Ya I’m learning that the words we haphazardly used in the 80’s are taboo today. Whether it’s intended as a stereotype or just as an off the cuff comment. Well I’m 51and the world is changing.


Hopscotch flower Mowie x Cherry bomb flower.
They’re needing watered twice a week now. A plants water uptake is directly related to the light they receive. I’ve got three 1200 watt LEDs in there one over each plant. The weekend flowers are slow for some reason


They were out partying all weekend. Lol.

I’m sorry it’s supposed to say Kraken, idk what happened. Check out my buddy’s clones. He is 6 feet tall.


What’s he growing?

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A boat load of weed ! Lol I’m curious too looks like a big leaf indica of sorts.


Oh mine!! :sunglasses: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Awesome!

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Welcome to the cancel culture and PC.

I had to quit caring what most people think. I’m fairly old-school also.

I have some Jewish buddies that love to joke about all kinda of stuff, so I won’t repeat any of it. :joy:

I avoid many topics on here, personally, so I can just get along. :wink:


get along just fine! no stranger to me!!! :sweat_smile:


See your cool over here @Hoppy ! Don’t mind them folks over there.

I agree.


I try to stay ULTRA-PC, only my ideas and facts are offensive :smiley:


Maybe the small one will be a female for you like mine was for me.

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