London pound cake og challenge

There is definitely something special with the ISS.

@joheimgrohen had gifted me a clone off one of the clones he had grown out from you, I believe.

I put it indoor in a 7.5 gal SIP and quickly learned I needed to flower it quickly or it was going to outgrow the tent.

Life happen, instead and outdoor it went as a mother. I have taken maybe 6+ clones from her. She had also has a perfect record thus far when being cloned.

So here is the low down with ISS. I have run a few clones from her, kind of. I had four clones still running as of Monday and as of today I only have one left… Every single time a good friend/grower finds out I have ISS running I end up gifting a plant or two.
Everyone wants some ISS it seems…
One day I will get to flower me some ISS. :wink:

You must know me well.

I have had my eyes on Frankie for some time.
I am pretty sure from what I have seen that the vigor from Bloody Monster came from Frankie.
I can tell you that when I get my hands on Frankie that I will most likely be crossing it to something that produces some great buds but needs a little hitch in its giddy up.

The cross you did with Sour Bubble and Frankie should also be a monster.
I noticed some fabulous root development when running Sour Bubble that led to some pretty large/strong growth early on.


This is Sour bubble at 13" high/tall and is sporting leaves that are 8 inches long.
Absolutely beautiful plant.

The picture of tall Bloody Monster in the post above is a clone from the original seed run.

Been so darn busy I haven’t been on OG like I had been in the past.

Overgrowing the :world_map: one plant at a time!

I have got to go…take a :dash: break. :call_me_hand:


I have THE cut of Guptilla, originally popped maybe 8 years ago. Amazing yields, ridiculous resin, most vigorous plant ever. 100% a unicorn. 10,000 stoners can’t be wrong. Shits on “White Truffles”, “Apple Fritters”, “Purple Kush” and countless other hype strains. Keeps winning out over and over.


Hey @Oldjoints what are those black units in your buckets?


Those are water lever indicators to let you know how low the water res is getting.


Yep what @MoBilly said. The black part just holds the water indicator (the green part) in place.
They say to fill the reservoir up until it starts coming out of a whole I drilled 31/2 inches from the bottom of the bucket. The indicator has holes in it the shape of leaves. The directions say that once the indicator shows two leaves to re-fill but I let mine go down all the way and it seems to work better for me.
According to what everyone said on this site I am also not suppose to put nutrients in the reservoir but according to the manufacturer it is suppose to be fine. I have already put nutrients in the reservoir and it works just fine.
Once the roots get large enough to reach that reservoir that may change, time will tell with a bit of trial and error.
So far I am pretty impressed with this system, if I end up staying with it I am going to buy 10 more…….


Thank you :blush:

That’s what I thought it probably was I just haven’t seen that particular variety.


I have fed through the water res and from top. Both seem to be working fine so far.


So here’s my plants after topping a couple days ago.

Branching nicely.


I’ll be topping soon. Just up potted the little one.


Well, it’s that time again. For a refresher, here’s the family shot from three days ago.

And three days later…

The two that I topped are branching out.

Here is the LPC x ? that I didn’t top.

And the three babies must be happy to be given a chance to thrive because they are getting busy, trying to play catch up. lol

And there is my Saturday report.

I have to say that I am really enjoying this little event. Thanks again to you all for taking part in this.


I mise well bow out right now. You have it going on brother. Nicely played.


OH no!!! Be careful bro! I tried that joke. No bueno! LOL
I am happy about how they are doing though. :slight_smile:
Yours are rocking it too!


Thank you for clarifying that sir at least this time I am not the cause LOL
I will be the cause tomorrow with my new post


Looking forward to it. :slight_smile:


I feel like I’m losing the topping race! :laughing:… BRB!


Yeah! hows that!?


Apon further inspection, I’ve had to AXE 2 more indoor LPC due toxic masculinity, lol.

That only leaves me with 2 more indoors, one of which I’m 99% sure is a male as well… jeezuz! Fingers crossed for the last one!! If it goes darkside on me, I’ll have to bow out of the indoor!

Haha, o well, that’s life. The outdoor is doing quite nice, though! Topped and stretching


Fine. But the weird thing is… you will probably STILL win with that plant right there! You are that good. :slight_smile:
Now, how do you turn a male plant into a female?


Now, THAT sumbitch is TOPPED.


Shucks @MoBilly thanks :blush: as for turning a male into female… ive got a few ideas…, none I should share here though :laughing::rofl::rofl: