Lonely's Micro Garden

Looking good. I can see why you like the chemnesia, really nice frosty flowers. :slight_smile:

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@funkyfunk Yes, but I’ve also switched tactic on my feed schedule based on the videos posted about EC stacking with rock wool and it really works well with these.

So I let it dry back until I’m right at the tipping point of the plants taking damage. I then water with max strength nutes. I’ve also looked over my recipe. I now run 5g of the new Maxi Bloom and 1g of GHE Ripen for 3l of water. Before, it took my plants 2-3 days to drink 3l of water. Now it takes roughly less then one. They are fed 5 times as much nutes with this regime then before and it really shows.

I increased the light intensity today aswell and see. Before I’ve only been able to go to around 70w of power as max. Going to be interesting to see if I can push it even harder. That’s my hopes anyway.

Pz :v:t2:


So rockwool is like coco, you have to master the dry backs. Reminds me of eskobar and the crazy CEC he’s running at the root level playing with dry backs. Every grow is an occasion to raise the level. :slight_smile: They seem to enjoy that feeding obviously.


@funkyfunk I didn’t think it was possible without a drip system. But, oh boy did I have wrong. They love the increase to 100w.

Found this on the C4DD4 plant.

It’s not that unusual, but it’s always fun when you get a plant with it. Makes me think of armpit hair :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


“Keep frosting you hormonal freak!” :laughing:

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Here’s some shots of my two Chemnesia ladies.

This is the small one.

This is the larger one.

Pz :v:t2:


The update today is going to be some closeups. :grin:




Pz :v:t2:


Chem D x GMO sounds like a killer cross!!


Getting a nice frost :slight_smile: Hard to see with all this seeds, but it seems the chem took the lead on the amnesia. Curious what the smoke/high will be.


Should be like a Chem D backcross depending who the GMO came from. The original real-deal GMO was made by Mamiko Seeds and it’s Chem D x Forum cut GSC.


@GrowTheAtlas It really is, one of the phenos got super sandy trichomes. Feels like rough sand between your fingers when you leaf rub, but she’s not very chemmy. The other pheno got the sticky trichomes and are quite chemmy. One for rosin extraction and one for flower.

@funkyfunk Yeah, they are quite frost and still stacking frost. All plants still throw white pistils, some ready bitches. They are different Chem leaners, it could be because I directly recognised the leaf and stem rub. I removed all the plants which didn’t have this trait.

@HolyAngel as I understand it, it’s based on the burger line and then crossed to the real GMO and then crossed to Chem D. They are very Chem leaning, with added cookie madness on top. As I’ve said before, my hope is that the Chem D backcross will be able to improve the high drastically. I also acquired the GMO BX4 in the same order which is a future project when I’ve bought my press.

BTW, I got into some M29 smoke for the first time and it’s straight up terpeninol, with a subtle hint of mango. The high is like a 30min rocket ship and then crash into the most boring high imaginable. Going to have to work it into something creative in the future, but for now I think I’ll leave it be. Culled the clone I kept tbh…

Highlights where definitely Triangle Kush S1, Moonshines Ghost Train and The Pedigree, but I knew that from the first test round.

Pz :v:t2:


Perfect dry sift contender! Idk if it’s my climate or what but I only get the greasy trichome texture. Even afghanis that I’ve grown here turn out greasy instead of sandy. Hmm, makes you wonder

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Looking very nice! C4DD4 frosting up well.

The Chemnesia looks awesome! - that’s @santero 's cross? - oops i didn’t realise there was already a Chemnesia when i crossed the C4DD to my Ammi clone! … although its a bit of an obvious name i did search it up and found nothing. How was that one done??
I need to explore my chemnesia more, i’ve only grown a couple and they were very promising… very much ‘stupid grin on face’ type weed !


another “chemnesia”, eh? haha … nice, the more the merrier :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
(there’s already more versions of “chewie” and “alchemy”, haha.
i was first there too, but now there’s lines from lucky dog out there
named this way … ah well :grin:)


my chemnesia ist a direct cross of the amnesia haze clone (1st cupwinner
clone only via eskobar) crossed to my own pure chemline called “alchemy”.

[(Chem '91 SkVA x ChemD Bx2) x (Chem #4 / ChemD Bx2)], male
= “Alchemy” (because she is “all chemmy” , haha.)

@GCC.Bud made F2’s of my “Chemnesia”
and is spreading those since a while here :wink:


a “Chemnesia F3” will make a show at seedhaven soon, so i am not sure,
if people might get confused about a double naming? but as long as we pro-
vide infos and nobody tries to claim originality over the other, things should
stay easy to explain :slight_smile: no one here’s competing for anything, so it’s all good.


Interesting! - yes i’m sure there may be other “chemnesia’s” too ! Mine is still F1 and no plans to take it further really, and my amnesia clone was the core/coffeeshop cut (smells of mentholated Lemon and peanut ) so Amnesia x (Chem D x (Chem4 x Chem D ibl) )

yours has the '91 in it too i see which is cool !

VG :sunny:


ooh, the core is nice too, but different …
that’s another amazing variation on the chem/amnesia theme :slight_smile:
congratz, mate !!


@GrowTheAtlas Yeah, I’ve not got into researching that much about trichome types and what drives the different traits. But you are probably onto something. Environment plus genetics equals phonetype, so your environment drives the traits of sticky trichomes.

Also a lot of the Afghans I’ve grow are not very sandy. When hash is produced, the herbs are so dry that I don’t really know if oily vs sandy really matters. As I’ve understood it, it’s much better for the trichomes to have long stalks that can easily break off.

@VerdantGreen Yeah, the C4DD4 does perform awesome, as any of your cultivars do.
I’ve started to plan for a Blue Digi Berry to (GDP x Purple Urkle) coming up in the future. Since I’ve run the Blue Digi Berry generation you released on ICM, but not this generation. It’s going to be really interesting to see how this generation turns out.

We all seem to have Chem/Amnesia crosses. When I was a care taker I made a cross which was Amnesia Core cut(Sourced from a Dutch ICM member) x '91 S1 from CSI, it was a fem cross and it produced say 50% herms. That worked for me since I only made seeds for myself to grow to patients, but it stuck in my mind. It was a super nice cross that me and many other people enjoyed. So I thought that I would try to do it with “cleaned up genetics” and since I had great experience with your C4DD line from ICM that would have to be the base. I found Core cut S1 seeds that wasn’t white labeled and looked like the cut I had and not to my surprise, all ladies was herms except one and I used her to make the final Chem Core cross.

I initially also called it Chemnesia in my notes, but when I ordered your C4DD breeder pack, I saw that you already had a Chemnesia and I switched it to Chem Core. Then I discovered that @santero also had a Chemnesia. Also the more I think about I think Chem Core fits, because what makes it nice are the classic features of Core Cut into a Chem profile. So the focus are not as much on the Chem inside of the line.

I think that any type of Super Silver Haze plus any Chem line is a know fact to produce fire, we also have the SSSDH which I’ve had the joy to experience and it was straight up fire🔥.

@santero There is so many double naming and consider the amount of cultivars out there, I wouldn’t blame anyone for it. I think it’s only illicit behavior, if you try to trick the customer to think it’s something that it really isn’t. Like calling something Bruce Banner because it’s OG Kush x Strawberry Diesel, but have no relations to the seed line Jason made.

I’m super excited to see the end result of the Chemnesia Blaster cross. Both side of the line have different trichome patterns and Chemnesia is much much more Chemmy in the terp profile, also the growth structure is much better then the insane stretch of Chem D x GMO BX3 . In my mind I see that these could be really terp/frost monsters of Chem goodness.

The small girl of Chemnesia is already starting to finish. It got a sweeter more generic profile then the tall Chemnesia and I think that this one might be more towards the Amnesia Haze used, what do you think?

Sorry for the long rambling, I just got excited when two of my favorite breeders check out my work. :relaxed:

Pz :v:t2:


Could also be a late harvesting maybe? Resin would leak out of the trichome caps then, hence the greasy feeling. There’s a lot of info about that in this thread : Trichome Microscopy 🔬 Harvest Timing Science

Where’s the rambling @LonelyOC , I’ve only seen interesting ideas here :wink:


Some Friday resin pics for you 🫣

Chemnesia F2

Chem D x GMO Bx3

Pz :v:t2:


The Chem D x GMO Bx3 is really starting to turn purple.

The trichomes are still 70% clear and 30% cloudy and the seeds are not ready yet. We still have probably 2-3 weeks left until harvest of these.

You can also see the bright green water leafs that popped up after I increased the light intensity. I can also see that some foxtailing have started on some of the plants. Since my temps are steady at 20-21c, this is a sign that we are now probably on the edge of what the plants can handle. The last sign that will make me turn down light intensity is if I start to see signs of bleaching where it shouldn’t naturally occur. But these two first signs is an indication that I need to keep a good look at the plants.

Pz :v:t2: