Looking for RED SNAKE beans

That is really cool I hope you get two females out of it! But if not it would be cool to get a brother and a sister! :sunglasses:

Very nice bud sample which pheno is that from 6?

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It’s from #2 pheno, so the spindly popcorn bud one. The aroma is still fantastic after more than 6 months in the jar, and no mold at all. Still sticky and leaves a strong floral aroma on your fingers after packing a bowl. :wink:


How has the high progressed through the cure?

After harvest
1 month cure to now, has it gotten better how so?

What are the effects like?



High is potent, long lasting. Typical clear sativa high, no ceiling, can be somewhat stupifying, you feel a little pressure behind your eyeballs. Very pleasant effects for sure, nice for playing music. Has not changed much from when fresh.



It’s still super emerald green!!! Beautiful flowers bro :sunglasses:

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Also what does your soil consist of and what inputs do you utilize,

I ask because I’ve been running Jacks with teas for several years, and probably still have enough to last me for the next 20 years if it doesn’t expire first! Lol

But I was thinking about buying a few bags of Kisorganics “water only” soil to just keep it simple where I’m not constantly worrying about mixing every feeding.

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Out of likes. Those buds looks delicious, very resinous, those are from the f1 or f2.


They are from the F1. However, if you look at the Central America thread Skunkhunt posted an f2 plant in flower 20 days ago that looks identical to the mom plant. These definitely seem to have a classic sativa structure and fairly consistent.


All organic with small amounts of fish meal, fishbone meal, kelp, karanja, oyster shell flower, biochar, several different rock dusts, tons of worm casting, compost, in a peat base with perlite and rice hulls. I feed Recharge microbe mix, cal mag and in bloom BioBiz flower and some molasses. Usually my mix is slightly hot no matter how much I cut it, hehe.


I don’t think the Mextiza exists anymore, but if you’re willing to grow out some NepalJam and Oaxaca to do a cross, I’ll donate the seeds. :grinning:


I just found it, beautiful structure, the space between knots very short (sorry I forgot the name in English :grin:), really beautiful. Do you still have the mother?

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Thanks! I do not have the mother, but I do have a lot of seeds. :slight_smile:


Forgot to mention this is recycled soil mostly, and has been going for about 3 years now. :wink:


That’s interesting, do you re amend your soil once a year or veg/flower as your growing in it?

It flowered out fast as well. Big yeilder and sticky smells so good.


You said it has remained “one of your favorite smokes” all summer

If you don’t mind me asking what has been YOUR #1 smokes this summer?

Also how was upstate’s Oaxaca from cryptic labs compared to the Red Snake :snake:?? Effects wise Thank you :pray:t2:


I have to say, some seeds I got from icmag member Maha Kala has been my favorite smoke this summer, tied with Red Snake I guess you could say. Very different, Haze hybrid that he has created that is a little trippy. Super fine spicy flavors and aromas too.

I didn’t get to try Upstates Cryptic Labs repro yet. The only one I had was a male so far. But I am itching to try some Punto Cometa Oaxacan that Tejas kindly sent me. I’m thinking of popping beans right now in fact! :slight_smile:


That’s awesome brother! Sounds like you have some really nice stuff, can’t wait to see as well as pop some of your Red Snake beans ! :pray:t2::+1:t2::sunglasses::seedling::pick:

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Also I have these in my lineup from Snowhigh