Looking for RED SNAKE beans

Holy crap! I have Pelo Rojo and Coco Loco beans here and am thinking about trying them. Might wait and see how the germination goes with the 4 Punto Cometa beans I just planted.

Please keep me in mind if you make any repros if those! :slight_smile:


Wow omfg. Good acquisition you have there

Edit, and I bet that’s only the snowhigh :grin:


Brother that sounds awesome!

You will definitely be getting some on the repros I do in preserving these Mexican lines! And when I produce enough beans from each line I’m going to play mad scientist and start crossing the different Mexican lines!


Some great Mexican varieties going around these days. It’s exciting times. :slight_smile:


Yes, I saw the list of what is coming, it is impressive, green lemon and the extreme crossing of Colombians with the corinto is brutal, if I am lucky, I buy those 2. I’m from Colombia in the late 70s. And the best weed you could find was the Corinthian there was nothing that reached her level. Very difficult to get even in those times, It arrived at the dealers and flew and you never knew when I would return, I had experience of out the body with that herb.


I’m going to start making the first repro this winter, I’m going to start with the
Cola de borrego . It will be an OP.
Will start a thread in November and journal, I think there a lot to explore in the Mexican lines! Brings back nostalgia.


The Mexicans are a delight, especially the trip, I love it. There you have very good projects for the 22/23 season (well, you actually have for a decade :grin:) You already have a follower, good luck in the project I will be aware of it brother


Yes I do but I’m very passionate about Landrace/Heirloom’s as are a lot of people have become. It’s a special time indeed. A lot of people are coming out of the shadows and are now sharing their work and what they have, to the public.

Thank you brother! And thank you brother @TexasTea for making a grand appearance here I hadn’t seen you in a very long time, I look forward to your F2 Red Snake beans, you will be rewarded kindly as I go through these Vintage Raw Heirloom Mexican Varieties.

As will Upstate , Lambchopp and a few others who have been kind towards me.

Thank you all for taking the time to visit me and having interest in this thread.


I cant decipher the top two on the left. But, man, what a stash.
I hold Snow and Bodhi in the highest regard


Click on the picture then zoom in, so you can see them all!

Snowhigh and I talk and text periodically, he’s a great breeder and an even better person. I don’t have any bhodi gear or kagyu. I know they are all good friends

Snow told me that bhodi and kagyu go over to his house all the time.
I can’t speak for the others but snow is an excellent dude.


Here you go brother see if this helped.


Please let me in on some of them red snake beams sounds interesting!!!


Thanks. That worked