LooseUnit's Nano Grow

Hi guys,
Jumping in from down under for my first foray into growing since the mid 90s. My my things have changed.
I’m now a medical patient, so putting together a grow sort of made sense. I originally wanted to do a nano grow having found several guys vids on the tube and eventually that led to here and I started building and finished this:

But decided I’d start in this due to the pc build not handling our heat:

But after dropping the male and starting flowering at this:

I went straight to ikea and decided this was as big as I was going to allow myself:

And here we are so hi :slight_smile:


Nice clean set-up. Plants look happy.

Good to have you on board.


Those look great ! Welcome aboard . :grinning:

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Here’s some more picks from during the grow.
Light is a Viprespectra 100w at the wall, Grow Medium is a product we have here called Grow Dirt. Water only mix from the hydro store, had to start feeding nutes at about two weeks into bloom, have some coco bites as I have some of that to try as well, and some kelp meal stuff.
They are lst’d so they would fit in the space but I just grew the space instead.


Holy shit thats a lot of pics! they look great though . :grinning:


Yeah there’s a few. Grow log in 3 posts. Oops.
And this one brings us up to date.
Just past week 12 all up.
8 weeks today for 12/12
1 week of straight water


Hi LU great job :clap: welcome aboard

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@LooseUnit and we love pictures :slight_smile:

keep them coming nice work and thanks for the look

all the best and be safe



Love the coloring of the one on the left. Those are some good looking plants.


Very nice build & grow! :sunglasses:

-Is that metal-tape both lightproof & flexible (see you got it on those door hinges as well…?)…?

Thanks guys,
I love taking photos of the plants. And sitting with them at startup time for an hour is very rejuvenating when everything’s just cruising along.
So not much to go with today, soooo close to harvest I’m just being as patient as possible to make sure I get it right.
Also in the photos is a shot of what’s in the super soil I’m using.


Hi momo,
Yeah it was flexible enough for the hinges in the first cupboard I built,
I’m using a different neoprene seal in the new build which works a lot better than what I had, but I’m finding that silver tape as good as any race tape I’ve used.


Fave shot of the night


Ok! What is race tape…?

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I wondered also. I guessed the silver is heat/duct tape.
duh, I googled and it is:

It come in all different colors and with word. I don’t see a big difference unless it is adhesive.

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Using the new grid feature, nice!

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This is the one. :slight_smile:



Yes, this is true duct tape for duct work. People have gotten to think the non aluminum, high temp, silver tape(which can be used on cold air ducting) is. It got confused because it is “Duck” brand tape and now the two are both called Duct tape. Than you add in regionality and different countries and we need a dictionary. (That is a big book with words in it showing pronunciation, origin and other info for you youngens :wink:)
Thank you for the clarification @LooseUnit and back to our regularly scheduled program(for us oldies)

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And patiently waiting is what the doctor prescribed for day 58 of flowering. A little fox tailing starting to show on the Gg4. The Cherry Punch will have no leaves left to trim at this rate. All I’m feeding is about 1/4 litre of water each day.
I need to work out my drying spot which I’m thinking I’ll use the small grow box I started in for this run.
Next run plan is to implement a few things I’ve learnt just by checking everyone’s grows out. So much great info.
I had never heard of auto flowers until 6 months ago so I’ve got some to try which should be fun.


Hi guys,
Ok it’s thoughts on trichomes time again, I turned the plants around a bit, cause I felt like a change of scenery and to see if it helps any spots fatten up a bit. This is day 60 of flower which is what I was expecting to be around chop day anyway.
Let me know what u think on these today. Sorry I’m impatient but it’s my 50th in a week so I’m sorta hanging for a nice frosty fresh nug for it still :slight_smile: