Lophophora's Peyote

Hey just so @lophophora.ca can stay on subject and I can keep learning.
SanPedroMastery on YouTube is a great source of knowledge about sacred cacti, and if you watch enough of his videos you’ll figure out the vendors you can trust for pure seeds


Glad you’re back, missed your updates. :cactus:


Here’s mine, I got it and it had no taproot, only a small root going off about an inch small. A recently replanted it and it has grown a taproot. I’ve had it for a year or so…


Looking good. Nice handsome green colour.

Looks big enough that you could chop it above the bottom areoles. Brush the bottom of the cutting with a bit of IBA powder and let it sit on some dirt for a few weeks. Then you could have two peyotes! You’ll be amazed at how fast a pup springs forth from the areoles on the rooted half.

Do you have the steady hand and steely determination requisite of a peyote farmer?


Cut your cactus collection in half at your own risk. Ask a parent or legal guardian before using a knife.

Where’s @Pigeonman, how’s Squirt!?


Edit I think I’ll just let it grow.


Here i am! :wave:

And here is Squirt! :arrow_down:

The 3oz of water around his base 1x a week and moving him to the warmer room seem to be working as I can see a little less wrinkle than last week. :+1:

This is his new digs; hanging out in between my male Mexican Death Sativa Houseplant and Amaryllis on the upper Citrus shelf.



Nuh-uh, ask and ye shall receive.

I have a couple thirsty cacti right here. For the purposes of propagation I’ll pick the most plump.

Were I to want to graft a cactus it would be advantageous to dry the cactus out a week or two, otherwise the cactus juice makes the scion slip right off.

Next look the cactus over for areoles. The cut should be made above one or two sets of areoles so as not to kill the rooted portion.

Sterilize a sharp knife with isopropyl in your favourite fashion, and chop. Smooth and clean.

Apply some IBA powder to the bottom of the cutting. This isn’t always necessary but can really help with tiny cuttings, especially those smaller than a pencil eraser.

For now the cutting will sit in the empty well in the seedling tray until the time comes that I remember that I was trying to propagate a cactus. The remaining cacti are given water to remind the cutting of the good life.

For those just tuning in, the question was how to chop a cactus in half. I’ll keep everyone posted as to the outcome of this endeavour.


Oh I concur.

It could just be me but Squirt is also looking a little more pink at the base. Were this the case, that would be indicative of sunburn, which could be remedied with dappled shade.

My glasses are pretty thick, you should give it a good looking at and note the colour.


It’s getting a fuck tonne more light now so i’ll move it to the edge of the shelf behind the MDS so it’s less direct light for now. :hugs:

Everything i know about Peyote i learned reading Carlos Castenada :hugs:


I read all of his books. Read the first one around 1974. :cactus: :sunglasses:


I found peyote seeds available in Canada.
They won’t ship outside Canada. “They” being Richters Seeds, Ontario.

Sorry for stomping on your thread Lophophora, it seemed the most relevant place to post.



If I had any worldly money, I would spend it on those seeds.

Next I would grow those seeds for 3-5 years, then I would join an internet forum to show off my boss plants. I would call the topic “Lophophora’s Peyote” and achieve instant and permanent internet fame.


I miss the succulent and cactus club spring sale in Toronto. Some really nice specimines i have no right owning :rofl:


Most of Europe is cool with cacti, as long as you don’t consume or extract them. But for ornamental purposes you are free to plant as many as you desire.

I’m a huge fan of crested San Pedro and Peyote clusters.


Super cool read @lophophora.ca. This is definitely a litfa grow. I’m going to need to reread it so I retain more info.


Are you referring to yourself or somebody else! lol! Love the instructions!! Just don’t like the 3-5 years part, but it’s ok! You rock brother!!

@Gpaw listen to @lophophora.ca!! Please!! :flushed: :hugs: :laughing: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


@lophophora.ca , a quick question I’ll ask here as it may be useful for others to know.

Do you (or) have you used worm castings as a top layer under and around your Peyote?
Squirt’s doing soooooo much better and my gut tells me to give a top-dressing but wanted your opinion.



I think you’re crazy.


As a top dressing never tried it. Without knowing anything about your soil/medium I could say 10% EWC is a good idea without feeling like I’m misleading you.

I wouldn’t know if there are any differences between top dressing and mixing into the soil from the cactus’ perspective.

Anybody else remember the time I was advocating cutting cacti in twain?

I wasn’t expecting any cacti-related attention today, but here are some unscripted behind-the-scenes shots of the very cacti to meet the cutting board.

Notice how the root portion has calloused and curled up. Letting water pool in this cavity can lead to an unhappy cactus.

The newly separated button is looking wrinkled and thirsty. I didn’t bother to peel it out of the dirt to check for roots, but they may or may not be there. After the initial chop I used a piece of tissue over top of the cutting for shade, then discarded the shade cloth a couple weeks later.


Dude… you in canada?? Ive tried popping loph beans many times. Got sprouts but have ALWAYS lost them due to something stupid going on. So ive grown a lot of those tall sharp fucks you speak of🤣 do you sell loph beans at all? Maybe tradsies or something if you down? Im in canada too and would love to support another canadian instead of getting my seeds from some random seller on ebay!


He’s getting there and considering I forget how old he is but it’s around 20-25 years.