Lophophora's spare bathroom

Since you as-

I want to know, too.

How’d you get in here? I mean again.

Since you asked, have a look.

Check out this monster:

Not bad eh, comes from @ReikoX’s Fem Auto Mix.

This comparison shot really shows off the progression over the last two weeks:


I wish I could tell you what I did because then I would strive to do it again.

I raised the light a bit yesterday but what I really need to do is supercrop some of those branches into place. One day I will actually learn to train plants properly, until then a bend and snap will have to suffice.

Last night I dug out the raspberry bush sprouting in the big pot. You may notice from the photos I left the strawberries in the big pot. Not sure what my plan is but it involves berries. If anyone can tell me why this is a bad idea I’m all ears.

For now the raspberry is regaining it’s composure beside the Sticky Dancer while I find a nice spot outside to plant some raspberries.

You sure that’s raspberry?

No, but I’ve been told it looks that way.

Sorry about the Sticky Dancer @Qtip. I tried to make that plant look like the others, honestly.

You should be sorry…

You’re not helping.

Anyways that’s my garden, and that’s what I’ve been up to.

Thanks for visiting!