Lophophora's spare bathroom

Wait I’m confused. Do you have a private dancer? Are you the private dancer?

So many questions.


Those look great. Where’re the titties?


I’ve heard that plants growing in buckets 5 gal or less should be watered at 7 to 7.3 because of excessive build up of something or another. I usually pH around 6.3. I just checked my soil pH and it’s around 5.9 so I’m going to start feeding at 7 and see how it goes


So tell me what you want, what you really really want-

I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want.


What a turn of fate, you’re usually the one to sneak up on me. What exactly were you doing in here?

I was just going to… use the bathroom. Yeah…

That sounds innocent enough. I actually went to go see the Spice Girls in concert, it was a great show.

Uhhh- so how was the last harvest?

I wouldn’t say lacklustre but rather, unceremonious. The whole harvest just went into a batch of oil without fanfare or photography.

The Bruce Banner x Marathon OG was really, really purple though. Astoundingly so.

I thought the Hulk was green.

Yeah but his shorts were purple. You know what, never mind.

No, that’s a fair point. Anything new with you?

Since you asked here is the newest addition to the spare bathroom, courtesy of one @ReikoX. Thank you for the classic dibs-fest Mr. X!

I can’t tell you much about this one save that she’s from the Feminized Auto Mix. Also this is the little seedling that just keeps on falling down. At first I thought I had over watered and the seedling was damping off but she kept on thriving so I’ll let her run the course. I accidentally unearthed a couple of worms as I dug out a little divot in which to plant her. Perhaps the repeated falling over is the revenge of the worms.

Revenge of the worms?

Sure, why not? That or being constantly blasted by the oscillating fan, or both. Anyways I built up a little dirt fortress around the stem for support which keeps being disturbed, I blame the worms.

I believe you…

I don’t need your validation.


No, thank you for validating me.

You’re welcome.

Okay, up next check out the Sticky Dancer!

It’s been almost two months since repotting this girl. What she lacks in lateral branching and growth she seems to make up in just being a nug-stick. Trimming will be a breeze for this one.

Never mind the leaves looking crisped around the edges. It’s hard to capture with still photography but they are typically flying around like one of those wacky inflatable tube machines they use to advertise used cars and grand openings. I only wish I had the fortitude to defoliate them Qtip style.

I don’t have a quippy comment for this one.

About time…

Finally, here is the (MBAP x DG) x DG

How’s that for canopy management? Seems like the canopy mostly just flattens out where it presses up against the light. Easy peasy.

Can’t say I did anything different between this one and the Sticky Dancer to warrant her being three times the size. Luck of the draw I guess.

So what’s next?

I guess just playing the waiting game.

Anyways I’ve gotta go but I’m sure you can let yourself out when you’re done “Using the bathroom”. By the way don’t use the fixtures, they’re out of order.

You know and I know that’s not true.

Oh, right.


The dried edges look like wind burn to me. It has to be lower than hurricane force.


The fan is only on gale force, honest.

I usually water around 8-8:30pm when the lights come on.


Not too bright, are you?

I beg your pardon?

You’re- I mean, your lighting. Doesn’t seem too bright.

Now that you mention it, I think you might be right.

Funny enough I noticed twice last week that my lights didn’t come on with the timer. My first reaction was to blame the driver but I remembered who wired up this light so I checked the dimming pot. Wouldn’t you know it a quick twist of the knob and the lights snapped back to life.

Honestly I never thought much about it until you brought it up.

You think it could be the potentiometer?

Could be, let’s take a look!

Yeah, that’s not what I typically expect from a 100K pot.

Ever think of cleaning up your workbench?

Give me a break, man.

Anyways let’s just take dimming out of the equation for now.

Oh yeah, much better.

Think the plants will notice?

They might.


The best solution is to apply spf100.

But you have to reapply every 4 hours.

Stop being so funny. It makes me feel like I have to try harder.


I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kin-

Enough already!

Oh… Hello. It’s a pleasure seeing you here twice in a week.

Likewise. What’s the occasion?

Nothing special, just enjoying a moment in the garden.

I take it you’re not a fan of light opera? No matter.

Speaking of light, I’d say the garden is really taking well to me removing the lighting dimmer. Bit of sunburn on the (MBAPxDG)xDG, but otherwise everything looks happy.

Check it out:

It’s a process but we’re getting budly. The (MBAPxDG)xDG left a distinct candy grape smell on my fingers after just a few minutes of photography.

So Double Grape is not just a clever name?

True to life. As for the Sticky Dancer, she’s a sticky one.

How does the Sticky Dancer smell?

You know what PVC glue smells like?


It smells nothing like that.

Anyways always appreciate your visits. Have a great day!




Whoa. Looking good!

Thanks, I like to stay in shape. Not so bad yourself you know.

The garden. The garden…

Ahem, of course. Yeah she’s coming along.

I’m really digging the (MBAPxDG)xDG… Except for the name, that needs some work.

She photographs almost as nice as she smells.

Is this one just about done?

Yeah she’s getting there.

I planted her the same time as the (MBAPxDG)xDG so I was planning to chop them in parallel. The tentative date on the calendar is two weeks today. Speaking of planning, I should really start thinking of the next additions to the garden.

What do we have here?

Oh you mean here? I think it’s a strawberry plant. Does that look like a strawberry plant to you?

That’s not what I was referring to.

Oh you mean the one in the back?

I have no clue, the worms must have planted that one as well. It’s got kind of a spikey stem, I am guessing a tomato plant.

Can’t say for sure though, I’m not exactly a plant expert.

That much is obvious.


Wait, what? Hey, where are you going?

Okay, well thanks for stopping by!


I like it. :sunglasses: :metal:


I’d guess it’s a raspberry!


just stopping by, haven’t been here in a while. how’s the grow going?


Just stopped in Loph! I never had any luck with the sticky dancer but I gave out quite a few seeds of it, hope it gives your some good smoke.


Since you as-

I want to know, too.

How’d you get in here? I mean again.

Since you asked, have a look.

Check out this monster:

Not bad eh, comes from @ReikoX’s Fem Auto Mix.

This comparison shot really shows off the progression over the last two weeks:


I wish I could tell you what I did because then I would strive to do it again.

I raised the light a bit yesterday but what I really need to do is supercrop some of those branches into place. One day I will actually learn to train plants properly, until then a bend and snap will have to suffice.

Last night I dug out the raspberry bush sprouting in the big pot. You may notice from the photos I left the strawberries in the big pot. Not sure what my plan is but it involves berries. If anyone can tell me why this is a bad idea I’m all ears.

For now the raspberry is regaining it’s composure beside the Sticky Dancer while I find a nice spot outside to plant some raspberries.

You sure that’s raspberry?

No, but I’ve been told it looks that way.

Sorry about the Sticky Dancer @Qtip. I tried to make that plant look like the others, honestly.

You should be sorry…

You’re not helping.

Anyways that’s my garden, and that’s what I’ve been up to.

Thanks for visiting!


You could fill the vacant space with peanuts.


Or Habanero BBQ Almonds.


I would like you to meet Eileen.

You named your plant? Nevermind, I just got it. That’s terrible.

Oh come on, you chuckled.

The tentative chop date is the 21st but I’m not sure she’ll make it to Friday. What do you think?

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Now you’re quoting Shakespeare?

I am?


The rest of the garden you ask? Let’s a look!

Almost like Eileen is embarrassed to be seen in the spare bathroom.

Probably not the only one…

There are plenty more plants, if thats what you mean.

Speaking of, I really need to make a point of selecting the next candidates for the spare bathroom like I said I was going to do so many weeks ago.

Good plan.

Yeah, I’d better get on that immediately… Immediately after lunch.

See you later, thanks for visiting!


I think she could even go a little longer but it’s a judgement call.

You throw a spear, you don’t shake it.

Looks good.