Lophophora's spare bathroom

I make canna coconut oil all the time. Its useful for so many things. Topical, and edible.
I have made topical stuff that has helped so many people… its amazing.
Like you said, the coconut oil lasts alot longer freshness wise compared to butter. Butter has such a short shelf life compared to the coconut oil extracts.


I find the coconut oil extracts more and is more potent then any butter extraction.


When I make my tropicals, I include the cannabis roots as well. They have many anti-inflammatory properties! Try it sometime and take that topical to a whole other level. :+1::seedling:


So you mix the roots in while cooking?


I will definitely try this out, I imagine the roots will still be well preserved where they are buried.

Do you let the roots dry or cure in any way before extraction?


Yep, I just make the coconut oil with the roots similar to how you would extract the bud… Here is a link to my recipe, I don’t bother with the stems and leaves anymore as they didn’t add much to the final product. I also prefer cinnamon and myrrh essential oils to the tea tree in that recipe.


Yes I rinse the dirt off the roots, let them dry, then store them in a plastic bag until ready to use.


A wise man once told me about using the roots for tea, shared a great recipe too. It was after this I started to read up on the healing properties of the roots for treating burns. Somehow I still hadn’t thought to use the roots topically myself- totally appreciate the hints in the right direction.

Believe me, I plan to make tea but I’m not drinking anything dug up from the yard until we get that septic system leak under control. Until then I’ll stick to the roots in my bathroom thank you very much.

I’d swear they were sisters…

Look who’s been hiding this last month. I admit I was keeping her out of the spotlight until I was certain she was a lady. Allow me to reintroduce the Dragon Milk x Tangie.

The leaves on this plant are more of a jade than emerald, a very fresh looking green. The internodal spacing is really tight as well, and the foliage veny dense. This plant was 50% defoliated just the other day. Upon arrival in the spare bathroom she looked like a green Cousin It of the Addams Family.

I’m planning to flower this one in a 3 gallon fabric pot compared to the 5 gallon and 10 gallon of the LSD and Peyote Cookies x Shaman respectively. My reasons are two fold, the first being that I’m still trying out my options to get a feel for optimal plant size and density. The second reason being that this is the only other option I’ve got.

Either way, looking fine on day 8 of flower.


There is a really awesome paper by Natasha Ryze about the traditional uses of cannabis roots. It does mention using them as a poultice for burns. :+1:

You can find it here if you are interested.


Roots and stems I’ve worked with (tough to process) but I can say, @YoBigdaddy does some amazing topicals.

:sunglasses: :+1:



Well thank you for the kind words sir let me know when you’re ready for some more. You are correct the roots and stems is a giant pain in the ass and I couldn’t really tell the difference I might go back and revisit it again


Bear witness to my contempt for nature

It’s been almost a fortnight since the last update, and a very busy almost fortnight at that.

I’ve really been fighting with the environent after nearly two weeks of rain and high humidity. Having learned absolutely nothing from leading Moby Dick I figured the best way to fight the environment was head on.

The worst part about this fight wasn’t losing. Perhaps the worst part was realizing that I would spending more on dehumidification in two weeks than I would on lighting for the month, or maybe it was the fungas gnats who seemed to roll in alongside the dank. Yes, the worst part was definitely the fungas gnats.

You’re baked while reading this aren’t you? Be honest…

What seemed like a couple of gnats turned into a full on invasion overnight. Emulating a trick from the kitchen I put a few vinegar traps in the bathroom. While hundreds of gnats swam to their death in vinegar requiring constant trap changes, my efforts did nothing to slow the onset of insects.

Not to be deterred I managed to procure some mosquito dunks. Along with a thorough watering with dunk juice, I broke up some dunk for a top dressing. After a week of thinking I was ripped off on the dunks, I noticed this evening there is a marked decline in the gnat population.

Perhaps all is not lost- not yet at least.

On the topic of learning the hard way

LSD. Day 54, the time draws nigh. This plant smells phenomenal, like candy. The buds haven’t really filled out as much as I had expected, likely owing to my training and cultivation prowess. The real take away is not going to be the sweet sticky buds, but the first hand lesson in the importance of pruning. Some plants, much like the Wu-Tang Clan, need not be trifled with but through my failure to act this plant has brought me da rukus- and by that I mean the unruly foliage. Just looking at that dense greenery makes it clear to me what I need to do in the future, and what I need to remove in the future. I’m not yet ready for some full on schwazzing, but I think a little bit of triming would have gone a long way.


Peyote Cookies x Shaman. Day 38. My brutal ministrations have only strengthened this plant’s resolve. Just a few short weeks later and she’s once again trying her hardest to grow through the lights. Everything appears to be developing nicely, the aroma has been changing by the day. Had I tried to describe the smell two weeks ago I might have said pine-sol and 7-up, but today the smell has developed complexity beyond my olfactory capacities.

Always a lesson though. As it turns out 10 gallons of damp soil is twice as heavy as 5 gallons of damp soil, making this pot a real chore to lift or move about for photo shoots or general admiration.

Catapult into the limelight

Dragon Milk x Tangie. Day 20. Finally she shows me a bit of stretch. After being hidden away for so long it’s time to shine. The buds are plentiful and show lots of promise. I wish I had more to say or do for this plant, but it seems to be doing fine without intervention. The plant structure doesn’t really look like it would benefit in any meaningful way from pruning, especially at this point in flower. Whatever it is I’m doing, she likes it.

I’m curious to see how the choice of the 3 gallon pot will pan out for this grow, which is a breeze to lift and move around. Of course this experiment has no real adherence to any scientific method, no hypothesis, and no control group. I’m just winging it. Next time I run one of these ladies I will try a different size pot and compare results. Although I recently stumbled upon another 5 gallon fabric pot matching that of the LSD, I think I would be looking at diminishing gains if I were to make attempts to up pot to a 5 gallon at this juncture.


did you do the soaking in water thing with the mosquito dunks? I think it was 45-60 min or something like that to get the bti in the water.


I did soak the dunks for an hour.

I top dressed according to @Gpaw 's post here:

The remaining ground up dunk, about 50mL, I added to 4L of water which I let soak then watered in to the pots.

I don’t remember where I saw the recommendation 1/4cup per Gallon, but it was somewhere within Overgrow.


yah sounds like you’re doing it right. It does take a bit to finish them off, so you probably have to give them a few doses because the toxic proteins don’t last long.

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Aww, man (literally)

It was a good day. The weather was warm, the sky was blue, and the sun was luminous. Not much room for complaint.

Check out these funny looking pistils. Wait a minute… That’s not a pistil, it’s a pen-

The grizly path lay now before me, castration.

Thorough inspection revealed no further signs of unorthodoxy. With great hesitation I will let this plant continue, but one more slip-up and our eunuch friend will be drawn and quartered… Or sent to the lions, we shall see.

Heads will roll

Unrelated plant, unrelated circumstances.

LSD, Day 57.


All in a day’s work

I was on my way to the market to sell the milking cow when a voice rumbled behind me “Young man, I will trade you these magic beans for your cow.”

Startled I turned around and met the man’s gaze, his steely eyes piercing into me from beneath his cloak. Wordlessly and wide-eyed I nodded, and without thinking handed over the reigns.

In a flash the man lept atop the cow and rode off into the sunset on Old Betsy as atop a mighty steed. After the dust had settled I looked down to see the magic beans in my palm.

“Black Snow” I read aloud. From the one and only @anonymous4289? Highly dubious, these beans are just stuff of legend. Where would some cow trading, tree growing madman get his hands on beans like these? Afterall, there are so few photographic records of these beans’ existence- only rumours on internet message boards.

Just then I remembered I was supposed to bring home a dozen eggs…

No big deal

Naturally my wife was furious. Upon seeing what I had brought back from my journey to town, she grabbed the magic beans from my hand and threw them with all her might. Be it fate or fortune, one of the beans found it’s way in to an errant pot where it began to sprout. What happened next was truly extraordinary.

Time to suspend your disbelief and disregard the date stamps in the photo filenames. What elapsed in this photographic record was not over the course of twenty five days, but over the course of twenty five hours…

Doctor says I need a backiotomy

In the shadow of this astonishing plant looms the ever growing question- How am I supposed to move this thing into the spare bathroom!?

Having only recently learned that 10 gallons of soil is twice as heavy as that of 5 gallons, I have also discovered that 15 gallons is three times as heavy as 5 gallons of soil.

Can’t wait until I can tell you about my no-till

This is my second run using this soil, and my first attempt at no-till gardening. The soil mix is identical to all the other soil I use, having mixed all the soil at the same time.

Every rainfall I go outside and fetch a few worms to add to the container. I feed the worms mostly strawberry tops and banana peels, sometimes peels and celery tops as well. Throughout the first run I wasn’t sure if I was sending each new handfull of worms to their death, having zero visual indication of their presence. Now every time I bury some food scraps I unearth a worm which hastily burrows back into the depths of the soil.

I have also top dressed the soil every three to four weeks with kelp meal and organic 4-4-4 fertilizer, each at 1/3 the suggested application rate.

What about your bathroom

Feels a lot roomier following the recent departure of the LSD. I’m certain the tub is about to get a lot more crowded when I decide it’s time to flower the Black Snow. I’m debating waiting two weeks until next harvest before packing any more pots into the tub.

This evening I will be apply a second application of mosquito dunk water to all of my pots. Having applied a light dunk top dressing to a sealed container of soil, I noticed that the dunks were able to better innoculate in the higher humidity environment. There were tons of hairs growing from the crushed dunks and zero gnats. All of my active plant containers with steady ventilation showed a lot less activity from the dunk top dressing. Perhaps there was a lot more activity below the surface, but there are still a few gnats floating about.

Peyote Cookies x Shaman. Day 42.


LOL creative! Love the storyline :slight_smile:


Oh it’s no joke, my wife is pissed


not sure about that black snow, but i would love a pet cow… maybe not in the city though…