Lophophora's spare bathroom

Phenomenal use of a spare bathroom mate, and huge props for the light build! :clap: thatā€™s sensational :ok_hand: I wish I could understand and do stuff like that, Iā€™m always blown away by what you guys can do. Peace brother


Your bathroom has much more going on than my bathroom. I tried installing strobe lights to jazz the place up but then I dance so much I forget to go, which would be ok but I just repeat that process all day long. The dr says my digestive track could be in a medical journal!


They still need 2 weeks.

Pics look great.


I spent the night looking at my hands too
Damn carpal tunnel lol, I hate moving. My hands and body are feelin too weak, I think to recover Iā€™m gonna need 2 weeks :joy:


Itā€™s trizzler time!

I want to preface this post with a big thank you to @Mr.Sparkle.

Do these buds ever smell delicious. Itā€™s not the biggest haul but it sure smells that way. As I was washing the buds in the sink my wife walked into the kitchen, had one look and said ā€œThat explains the odourā€. Didnā€™t say another word for the rest of the night. Win win!

Drying after washing always comes with reservations. Given the steady flux in environmental conditions I figure a good fan dry will prevent any plant material from succumbing to molds or mildews. I found that the summer and winter harvests have been my best for environmentals as either the furnace or AC are cranked all season reducing the RH% to nosebleed levels eight months of the year.

Now what?

Check out this big worm. Seems like any time I chop something or poke around at the upper layer of the pot the worms come out to investigate.

I also just noticed the clover sprouts popping up through an old avocado rind. I have read many accounts of avocados being used to promote worm reproduction but I have no idea if youā€™re supposed to give them the rind as well.

Anything new?

Ever seen one of these? I havenā€™t. Alright well actually itā€™s been in my basement a month but I finally took a minute to really examine.

Iā€™m not sure if or how much bud one would need to process to make something like this worth while. The reviews I have read of trim bowls have been polarized and none of the reviews seem to answer at what point is such a contraption worth while.

For beating up an ounce or two it seems like more effort than value. If I were growing 50lbs of outdoor buds in grand fashion perhaps the value in such a device would become apparent.

Which way to the bathroom?

First door on the left but Iā€™ve got to warn you, itā€™s a little crowded.

As it turns out the Skynet are insatiable beasts. Iā€™ve had to bend a dozen branches already and by the look of it a dozen more yet.

I took a picture this moment, its twice as overgrown as yesterday. What a mess.

By the time I pull the Black Snow from the shower, the skynets will have taken over completely.

Those are the Black Snow lurking in the shadows still going strong- So strong they killed my carbon filter. Like trying to open a bag of chips in a crowded movie theatre, thereā€™s no hiding it now.


Yeah, yeahā€¦ Two more weeks.



have you given any thought to adding side-lighting? very underrated IME


Itā€™s never really been an issue before but worth considering. I see how the taller plants could benefit from some supplemental light, but the smaller of the bunch probably would have benefit more from proper training. Actually all the plants would probably benefit from proper training, but thatā€™s not the way things happened this run.


Yeah. I have to wait for the management to turn on the AC so itā€™s 27C in here and the humidity is basically nil. Itā€™s 12C outside and 27C in here.

And donā€™t get me started about humidity :-1:


Meh flop some tops which is my favorite and quickest/laziest method :wink: once you know you can make it work very well for shaping.


The fruits of labour

I had concerns drying out the recent Trizzler harvest but just as soon as my last post my wife decided it is now air-conditioning season.

The buds I had left to drip dry with a fan for airflow ended up drying in record time with the unexpected assistance of the air-conditioning forcing me to adopt the revolutionary four-day drying technique. I can say with all certainty there were no adverse flavors or grassy hay aromas. In fact through rigorous quality testing I was able to determine that each bowl tasted as good, if not better, as the preceding bowl.

Of course, I should have weighed the buds before jarring.


Letā€™s not stand on ceremony

In this case I will not bore you with metrics and numbers.

If the previous Fog Dog run cost me $25 in electricity over 90 days, I suspect the Trizzler F2 cost roughly the same over 100 days.

Any loose ends?

I remember a couple of shoddy looking Black Snow cuttings from a while back. Time for a closer look.

It turns out all the pictures I took of the lush looking cutting are really cruddy looking photos. I have been busy pinching, pruning, and shaping this little shrub. While the older larger leaves are looking worse for wear, the newest foliage is lush and plentiful.

Meanwhile the other cutting still looks like a stick with a millimeter of growth from the lowest nodes. Seeing as itā€™s as much effort to toss it than to just leave it, Iā€™ve opted to leave things alone.

There was no clear goal to this project except root some cuttings, and it turns out the mini SIP planters work just fine for this purpose.

When are you going to get to the bathroom?

How could I forget? What has become of short term recollection?

Iā€™m eagerly awaiting the harvest of the Black Snow, and not just because I smoked most of my reefer.

These plants stink so loud there is no mistaking their presence. Sticky too, like the floor of the cinema but not repulsive.

The Skynet have been a constant battle to keep away from the light but they are growing with a vengeance and plenty budly. Branches I have already flopped are again grazing the lights. I suspect rewards will be worth the effort.

Do go onā€¦

Not much else to tell. Thanks for making it this far.


My Cherry Festival was the same way!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Snow in June?

Indeed the time has come for Black Snow. The last week or two I was just watching the plants do nothing so I decided it was time to chop. Whatever the plants were doing if they hadnā€™t gotten it done it by week 11 then week 12 wouldnā€™t make the difference.

Not the most impressive bundles of bud, but Iā€™m not the most impressive gardener.

The buds on the left smell like pinosol cleaner while enjoying a mouthful of fruity childrenā€™s candies. Itā€™s an interesting departure from the smell during the grow, the smell of smoking a menthol cigarette and pumping gas into my IROC while blaring Rock you like Hurricane.

The buds on the right smell like meat, but in a pleasant and satisfying way.

I forget what you did last summerā€¦

That makes two of us, but check out my plans for this summer all the same.

The large pot holds a mango smile x 24 Carat auto fem courtesy of @Oldtimerunderground. In the one gallon pots at the back are C99 from @floyd by way of @DougDawson. Thank you to all!

Note: Of course by gallon I really mean a trade gallon (0.75 US Gallons, or 2.8 litres).

I hear only good things about C99 so this should be exciting. The beans must be similarly excited, as I have never seeds germinate so quickly. I put the seeds in a shot glass in the morning, between paper towel by noon, and by evening all four in dirt.

What about the other two?

After recent setbacks which I totally attribute to the starter soil and not my gardening prowess I decided it was time to whip up some soil afresh.

Out with the old

Perfect opportunity to spruce up the garden. I like how the perlite makes the strawberries sparkle in the evening. Better homes and gardens here we come!

The privacy corn along the fence was similarly topped up with old mixed soil.

In with the new

For my next experiment I whipped up a DIY octopot style SIP.

At first glance it might look like I got baked, ate a tub of frozen cream puffs, and decided to jam a net cup in the bottom of a 3 gallon fabric pot to sit atop the newly empty dessert tub reservoir.

PROTIP: 2.25 gallons in US Customary units.

After filling the reservoir up a few days ago Iā€™m delighted to find the medium nicely moistened bottom to top. The soil is nearly identical to that which I whipped up yesterday but with the addition of a $2 bag of rice hulls picked up from a nearby brew store for additional aeration, looked to be about two litres in volume.

My plan is to run an auto in there and see what transpires. If anyone can see any glaring oversights in such a plan, or has previously learned the hard way trying something similar, please speak now instead of letting me know ninety days from now.

What does this have to do with the bathroom?

Hopefully in a monthā€™s time the C99 will graduate to some 5 gallon fabric pots in the flower shower.

Until then, absolutely nothing.


iā€™m not sure if itā€™s just me, but all of your pictures are off to the side so you canā€™t see them


Yes, someone used gallery view, it does that to me most of the time as well. If you edit the post @lophophora.ca and remove the gallery view it will fix the pics.


Short answer, did gallery improperly while high.

Gracias amigos! Iā€™ll fix it up laterā€¦ Maybe lol


I donā€™t want to be a downer but your privacy corn sucks.

Iā€™m about 5 seconds away from popping these fastbuds but I just need to pop the clutch.

Is it auto season yet? Am I late? Fashionably? Nope just late

Thatā€™s quite neat. Is that a sufficient rez? I know very little about it.


Privacy corn is a misnomer. Everyone will know about it once those stalks tower over the fence.

I didnā€™t plant corn last year until the first weekend of June so this already feels like a huge headstart.

I donā€™t know. Octopot sells 3 and 6 gallon reservoirs, way larger than I had imagined.

The largest tub measures 16cm x 16cm x 10cm for an estimated 2.5L and the shorter tub measures 7cm tall for an estimated 1.7L. I just chose these containers based on footprint and availability but I will keep an eye out for potential candidates.

Regardless of reservoir the soil in the bag is evenly moist throughout so it seems like that part of the idea is working as intended.


Very nice Up date. I enjoyed it very much.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I get all my best ideas whilst bakedā€¦ Any idea that comes out ā€˜half bakedā€™ - just needs more weedā€¦ :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Girls gone wild, volume 5!

Are you ready for unabashed shower action, action, action? Get ready for girls in the nude, nude, nude!

Feast your eyes upon the Skynet sisters (Big thank you to NugLifeFarms420)!

These girls have really made be rethink my life, or at least the part of it I spend locked in the spare bathroom. I can instantly see the appeal in a SCROG net, as opposed to just weaving the branches through my LED strips.

As it stands this is a fairly accurate representation of these girlsā€™ natural expression, save the single topping and repeated bending of a few over eager branches- and believe me, these girls have a lot of them!

Looking at the calendar these girls are around the six week mark, but donā€™t hold me to the exact date. Just how much longer you ask? In this case I will yield to the expert on the subject:

Oh man, but I wanted to smoke them nowā€¦ Might as well get settled in for the ride, we still have a ways to go.

What was that sound?

It sounded like an explosion! False alarm, it was just the sound of this plant blowing up.

Itā€™s near impossible to get a detailed photo of the node spacing because this plant is just so dense and grows more dense with each passing week.

Mango Smile? Iā€™m smiling already!

How is the DIY SIP working out?

Everything is ahead of schedule. Sounds like a first for me.

This seedling was originally in a solo cup receiving bottom watering- pretty standard stuff. Iā€™m still not sure what occurred but during the last watering as I removed the cup from the water all of the dirt evacuated the cup like a gravity bong woosh, leaving only a seedling in a cup of perlite.

Never seen anything like that before either, wasnā€™t employing any sort of new technique. I just chock it up to me gardening while high but I really hope Iā€™m not the only one to have done this.

Either way, at that moment I decided this seedling would immediately proceed to phase two of the SIP experiment.

For those wondering the test subject is a Mephmonster from @estab87. Thank you!

Whatā€™s next?

That pretty much covers everything, just another lazy Monday. Thank you for stopping by!

Itā€™s Tuesdayā€¦

Oh no, not again!