Lophophora's spare bathroom

I think that’s a $250 ticket in your jurisdiction.


A moment of silence

With a heavy heart I say goodbye to the Mephmonster. Not 24 hours after I posted a photo she keeled over. I’m not completely surprised but I had even waited a few days after planting before deciding to share with everyone. She had really perked up and was showing growth after a rough transition to her new home.

It seems my inadvertant foray into hydrodynamics was too much for this little seedling.

I suppose the only way forward is to pop some more seeds but I still need a few days to mourn yet. Gone but not forgotten.

Such hardship…

I appreciate the support, thank you.

The struggle doesn’t end there either. Never would have imagined I would be battling temperatures with the onset of summer. By temperature I mean the cold, my basement is freezing!

I had to better enclose and insulate the vegetation station as the temperature had dipped below 18°C. I mean we have plenty of warm weather here but my wife’s air conditioning preferences could be described as excessive.

Nobody say anything to the Mango Smile x 24 Carat, she hasn’t seemed to notice at all.

Somehow I suspect when the electricity bill arrives the 90W LED panel will be to blame, and not the icicles hanging from the air vents.

Nah, just kidding- she’ll blame me.


Rip Mephmonster…
What do you think caused it brother?

Only asking coz 3 of my seedlings did that to me while the other two in same exact conditions are thriving…


100% my fault… Kinda?

Seedling didn’t take well to the emergency transplant is my number one guess.


Our hearts are with you as you go thru the process of morning.

This was the viewing for Cherry Festival #5. My first seed run.

:green_heart: :seedling:


It looks so lifelike.


That warms my heart, thank you.

That picture is so tasteful I don’t know if I should burst out laughing or burst into tears. :joy:


any update on the black snow harvest?



Yeah, it stinks.

Of course, I mean that in the best way possible because this bud reeks! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Not recommended for enclosed areas or public spaces.

Black Snow, here we go!

I didn’t post any complicated or in-depth metrics because in all honesty I did a pretty poor job on this run. No fault of the plants either as evidenced by results from other growers in the Black Snow grow show.

Getting the seeds going was a challenge for this run, with about a 1 in 3 rate of success. Seeing as I am presently holding a candlelight vigil for the last seedling under my aegis, I may not be a trusted authority on germination rates. Also worth considering is that all of these seeds were being sprouted during the coldest part of the year lending yet another challenge to the process.

Did you do anything right?

I can safely say I wound up with some very high quality flower that smokes great, tastes great, and offers great relief.

I also made sure to get Black Snow cuttings in as many gardens as possible so that others may do this cultivar some justice. Take these photos recently sent to me for example:

Additionally I was able to knock up the best looking and best smelling female with some Alien OG pollen which came to me by way of @Oldtimerunderground. This was not part of the original plan and put a big damper in the overall yield but it was a fun learning experience.

Even the shucked buds taste pretty good, but I imagine after I get all the seeds I will use the remaining material to make some cookies.

Let’s wrap it up…

Hopefully I answered any questions that you may have about the Black Snow grow unless it was a really, really specific question I would not have expected. In the event of the latter, you’ll have to ask.

This was an overall positive experience and I’d really like to give this one another shot down the road to do the Black Snow some justice- I might even have a cutting for just that occasion.

When I consider that I was able to share a few sacks and many clones, stay high 24/7, make some seeds, and still manage to have a jar left, maybe this was a complete success.

Disclaimer: Definition of success may be subject to change.

Thank you @anonymous4289!


Black Snow x Alien OG :thinking:
ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)

I can see that cross blowing up


alien winter, lol


I was thinking Black Extraterrestrial but Alien Winter is good too! :laughing:


Either way, it’s going to be an ULTRA COMBO!!


Those are all black snow in someone else’s garden? very cool of you to share.


Those are indeed Black Snow, at least the ones in the fabric pots. Tough decision but I had to send them to another grow where they would have more room to run around.

Can’t forget this scrappy little cutting, trained in the art of bonsai from the moment it set root. Believe me when I tell you the backyard in the last picture is way more nice than my yard. She’s definitely on to greener pastures.

There are more in the wild yet but these are the only ones for which I have any photographic evidence. Hoping there will be more pictures to share when the time comes.


You reap what you sow…

Thank goodness for this magic pot. I might not always know what I’m doing but this pot seems to have a firm grasp on the subject matter.

I even had second thoughts about dumping a strawberry banana smoothie in the pot as everything appears to be under control but ultimately decided this was preferable to taking my breakfast compost outside. I’m not even sure the last time this pot was watered but it appears to have retained a whole lot of moisture since then.

I’m starting to realize everything I’m doing is wrong, and what I need to do is come across a few more 15 gallon pots. No more transplanting, no more tilling or toiling, no need for totes of recycled soil, no more effort.

Will that be all?

Today marks the 9th week of flower for the skynet in the spare bathroom. Going by the 9 1/2 - 11 week suggested flower time I figure that means only a week or two left.

These flowers smell fantastic, though it’s difficult to tell since the last plants left the bathroom. While not in-your-face carbon filter busting stinky, the aroma is definitely pungent and really comes out when touching the plants. The buds are all very dense feeling, and plentiful. No shortage of branches or buds.

It will be really exciting to run some of these girls again. Having seen this raw, natural expression of vigor I imagine I could achieve even budlier results with proper techniques.

Enamoured as I may be, I will save my true praises for when these buds are dried, cured, and sampled.

Thanks for stopping by!


@lophophora.ca You mean we should be getting 15 gallon pots! Have you gone cuckoo!!? No offense! No room for me though!! :confused: :dizzy_face: You’re joking right? Explain yourself!! Please! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed:


Promix although you will still likely need to transplant.


The Mango Smile x 24 Carat is flourishing by no agency of mine. All credit goes to this 15 gallon pot in which I tossed some worms, and periodically top dress with kitchen scraps.

This pot has been going for over a year now with minimal oversight. The reward to effort ratio is phenomenal, something I wish I could say about all of my grows.

I don’t mean to be boastful but I already mixed that pot like a pro.