Loud (road-kill) skunk

Not the road kill but something really different My cross called Disgust-O has gotten some pretty good reviews here from the few that grown it so far. It’s Diapers in the summer garbage can for sure. I plan on doing more work with the remaining seed I have left. Was Nature farm Red Eye Skunk x Skunk 18 male. Very Shitty molten trash smells you might love it !

one review

full quote " .Now @ SkunkHunt101 had a cross called disgust-o that was absolutely foul I think it was a nature farms red eye skunk crossed out to a UFS#18 that was also a nature farm stock.it smelled like a full baby diaper left in a dumpster that had a dead hobo in it that pissed himself as he passed.Truly revolting but was pretty good shit.I got some wierd side eyes when I busted that stuff out."

I will for sure get more of these seeds done soon to share. I am down to about 2 packs left. I gave tons of these away here on OG. Some smelly surprises for anyone who gets them out. Got real lucky on this cross its HORRIBLE delicious good shit! . Super fast flower too it’s insane. More to come