Magic mushroom hunting season is officially open

Tis the season


Looks great I need a cow in the back yard lol.

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HI man, care to take a look at this one I found this morning. I gave it a couple of taps and then blew on the gills if that’s the right word lol. Lots of spores came flying out so it may have some prodigy later on.

How long does it take for the blue bruising to show if it’s a psychadelic?


Not magic, but I found this Boulet…


just make sure someone’s there to take you to the ER!! :smile:

btw I’ve got a copy of this on the way to my house


Hi mate, I don’t recognise that variety. Best way to ID something is to take a spore print, also the colour of the gills(yes you were correct:)) is a telling factor. Depending on the type they tend to go blue pretty fast once picked. The Pan Cyan are normally blue already hence the Blue Meanie name they get, cubensis take normally 20 to 30min after harvesting.

Shroomery is a decent forum with some knowledgeable people on it, I unfortunately only know about what’s in my region .


apparently I live in mushroom hunting paradise, I lived here 30 years never heard about it until recently.

Probably because spots are fiercely guarded secrets, my guess is the better areas are up in the hills & into the nearby national forest

I want to take my dog up there after a rain but my back is all messed up, getting caught all alone in the middle of the forest with a fked up back doesn’t sound fun :neutral_face:


Yeah l am home alone for the next 3 weeks, I have no intention of eating it unless I know for sure what it is.

I will check the books out thanks.

How do you use a spore print for ID?

Thanks for the link I will check it when I am on the pc.

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Yeah l have 6 hernited disks pressing into the spinal cord in my neck, and I went for what I thought was going to be a quick 30,-40 minute walk in the forest behind my property.

3 hours later I got back, hurting like a mofo, I under estimated the distance cutting across between two trails big time. We get a lot of trees fall over here, not much top soil, so you can get into an area, walk for 10 minutes then have to turn around and go back and around another direction, because it becomes a nightmare obstacles course, with one trip or fall stopping you going anywhere for a long while.

Just make sure you got a well charged phone with a good signal and someone knows where you are going. We get people here stop their car, walk off the road 20 yds into the forest for a piss and dissappear for 3 days lost.

My buddy was out 4 wheeling and found some half dead guy who had been lost for 10 days. He was lucky they recon he only about 40 hours left before he died of dehydration and starvation.

My buddy said he found him 15 miles into the forest, his dog slipped it’s lead trying to get a rabbit and he went after the dog and got lost.

My buddy went passed him and turned around after 5 minutes and went back to check he was alright, thinking he didn’t look to good and not dressed for deep woods survival, lucky for the guy.


I’m definitely not super experienced in mycology but I use the spore print with certain varieties that look similar and are kind of “copy cat” species that grow in the same environment. There’s one that looks very similar to the pan cyan that I would regularly mix up so the spore print was the only way to tell them apart until I trained my eye a little better.

These in the link below look very similar to the pan cyan and a couple times I collected them by mistake, obviously I never ate them but they are easy to mix up

So basically first ID with your eyes the colour of the gills, cap, stem etc and if all that lines up then the final test is the colour of the spore print. And also if a dung loving species is growing out of wood or vice versa then good chance it’s not what you think it is.

The forum is a good way to get more opinions but just a warning mycology heads seem to be a little more pretentious than weed farmers haha


I have joined the local mycological club and I’m going on a shroom walk this weekend! Pscyhed. Now, how will I identify and bro-down with the members that like magic shrooms? Should be interesting…maybe I’ll wear a tie-dye shirt or something as a shout-out?? :grin::grin:


Yeah we have one local here as well but as you say they are a bit pretentious.


it’s true, one time in a park in Boston I saw a guy foraging, big ziploc bag of round, white mushrooms, I walked over to say “what’s up, what kind of mushrooms are those” and he looked me directly in the eye, said nothing, and walked away. I was like, OK asshole, I don’t even live here anymore.

The Europeans I see foraging are usually much nicer, I had some woman from Eastern Europe show me a huge brown bag full of shrooms, she was eager to show them to me & explain.


these people are cool! Just got the membership package - they have their own logo stickers & instructional book…not sure I have time for all this, with my fanatical dedication to cannabis, but we’ll see…


bummer - my hopes for this wkd are crushed! not only that, huge pine trees could be crashing through my roof

Dear Eager Forayers,
We can’t send you out in a hurricane. SUNDAY’S WALK IN GLOUCESTER IS CANCELLED.


Sorry to hear that, I hope you and your house stay safe from damage, is that from the hurricane coming up the eastern seaboard :thinking:

Out walking the dog this morning, found this in the area where I see a lot of fungi growing on the edge of my neighbors property.

I spotted it as it has a lot of blue bruises on it, from the 3 slugs that were attacking it, so I will not be trying to eat it :nauseated_face: but I have maked the area to check on a regular basis. All the gills had been eaten so not sure if any spores survived to reproduce it. I live in hope :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit. The photos would help I guess lol.


cool mushroom, I have no idea what it is. Storm isn’t that bad, people get overly excited around here about tropical storms, winds 20-30 mph, no big deal. We could have easily done the shroom walk. Rhode Island will get the 60 mph winds


Glad to hear it, we were told if it didn’t hit land we would get some heavy rain and wind.

Its hard to identify being all chewed up. When I get on the pc I will have a look at what shrooms in our area are growing and see if I can find a match.

I am wondering if its possible to dig one up in soil and move it, so its safe from slugs, squirrels and other things that eat them. Put it in a shroom shotgun chamber and allowing them to grow bigger and possibly re populate.


Wasup @FattyRoots
Wasup ogs.
This year in reveillon i drop 3 pils , have 1.5 grams of dry mushroom in this capsules.
Thats a wornderful dose , micro dose , good ideas, bye depression.
I need more.


Looks like its either Gymnopilus viridans.


Or Gymnopilus junonius. Which was growing near buy and was all slimy and rotting. I think its more like the top one.
