Magic mushroom hunting season is officially open

So apparently we have a Magic Mushroom purveyor downtown now to go with all the pot stores. Kids have it so easy these days… :grin:



haha…tell me your in BC without telling me your in BC… :rofl:

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I’m actually in Ontario


No way! I thought for sure that would be in Victoria or Vernon BC! I guess it really is getting mainstream these days. I say good! Mushrooms for everyone! :smile:


Awesome pics mate! feel like I’m in fern gully! :star_struck:


Meanwhile in Ontario…

Home delivered to my mates door


So cool to see. Been ~15 years since I’ve taken any but Pan Cyans sure were potent and preferred them over cubes. What sort of fresh / dry dose are you taking with those?


Its crazy right! what a time to be alive! :grinning: :star_struck: :love_you_gesture:


I have been getting that strain. Not bad.


Hey fatty! He had some pretty good capsules too.
I like them better. lol
Mushrooms get caught up in your teeth. I just happen to be on when you gave me a like.
The ones I had the other day were strong.

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Día del Hongos

Wet season took a pause, but it’s coming back now. According to the locals El Niño is meant to bring the rains late… hopefully that doesn’t equal flooding like years past, it was also la canicular July 15th to aug 15th so looks like it could stay wet from here on. I’ve always been curious how mycelium networks exist during weeks of dry periods, do they lay dormant or completely die off allowing new fungal hyphae to start fresh :thinking:

Today I found my first round of Cubensis which although not as strong as the Pan Cyan it’s my favourite to pick mostly due to being extra hardy and weighing quite a lot. The Blue Meanies dry down to nothing where as the Cubes due to their thick stems stay pretty solid.

Wild story, believe it or not. My friend a few miles away has been finding Cubensis but I’ve had no luck but today conditions seemed different and I said out loud “this is cube territory” and literally at my feet there stood a beautiful specimen. I couldn’t believe it so I sent a voice message to my wife and as soon as I said the word Cubensis again I stumbled across a couple more stompers. Synced Gaia vibrations or just coincidence… who knows! :alien:

Few Bluey’s around too

Scored on the Reishi too, I’m gonna have tincture for years :raised_hands:t4:

My friends finds


Nice closed caps. Dehydrator is the best thing for shrooms. I would put them on metal tin when I was a kid.

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i hope,you didn´t pick the same shrooms,as this cow did :wink:


Are the reishi tinctures difficult to make? We have a ton of ganoderma that grows around here…

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Hey i have some prints of some pan cyans, not sure if mine are blue meanies but how is the trip on those. Is it true they are stronger than cubensis? Or is it same potency but less anxiety and or paranoia and nausea.


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Haha eating the wrong mushrooms are no joke bro. Meanwhile in Australia, this woman is guilty as hell in my opinion. Apparently last year her ex husband died of a suspected poisoning, she’s suss as

They are not and they last for a long time, my wife takes care of that part. What I do know is it’s important to use high grade liquor for the tincture, like a good vodka or something similar. It takes time and you need a few jars but other than that it’s pretty simple. They charge insane amounts of money for the product too so nothing beats DIY medicine.

Hey mate, it is but there is also a different chemical make up of the Pan Cyan’s to the Cubensis so they react a little different. The bluey’s are almost equal parts psilocybin to psilocin which basically makes them kick in faster without prolonging it and getting a weird stomach or anxiety. Cubes always make me want to take a shit just as they are kicking in, can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve peaked sitting on the toilet :joy: The Pan Cyan’s don’t last that long though maybe 4hrs, I feel this is to do with how they kick in quicker and are more bio available for the brain.


Well shit, sounds like making RSO without the evap step. And I just use upgraded liquor since I’ll be consuming some of it in the final product. Thanks!

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Yesterday was another good day in the jungle, it’s always a nice walk either way. I saw some highly endangered spider monkeys the other day, I’d post a pic but I only took videos. There’s always cool birds around too.

Like the mot mot

The first pic is of the one in the photo above that hadn’t opened its veil



King Blue

Another Reishi for the collection


Heading back out now for a hunt :pray:t4:


Blue Crowned Mot-Mots are one of the coolest looking birds on the planet. They’re what got me into actually paying attention to birds…we were eating in Manuel Antonio (way before it went to shit) and the waiter told me to come look at this bird…he didn’t know the name. I couldn’t believe the iridescent blues and greens.

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do You hunting shrooms only for trippy ones or do you eat em too ?

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