Making quality seeds

Indoors,I lightly spray the plant and entire area with a mist after pollination. The plant stays quarantined for a few hours. Them i full on put them in the shower and get em wet. They spend the night in bathroom drying out and back into the tent the following day.


Something to be said about the heavier the pollination the more often there are smaller seeds and whites/aborts, vs lighter pollination’s or say earlier pollination like @Budderton said the plant starts putting energy in early knowing its job, and also focusing on fewer seed sites.

Now size and what not is a bit more genetic dependant, but on average fewer seed will typically be bigger in size than alot of seed when considering the same plant.


Some do melt their pollen with water just before the application. It seems to work for targeted pollination, but you have to be fast, like 2 minutes max after the pollen is wet.


I think only parts of that are true.
Genetics play a huge role in seed size. You have to factor that.


second part of what i said…


I found a bean even try to pop drying in the bud before I shucked her .I did my pollination with both plants Same Time same age of plant They we’re literally Twins two from one seed one male one female.Pulled the male after about two weeks when his dumping was just starting to get real good i mean bump the plant and see a vaportrail .I dont think I found one white seed not one couple duds and a couple of special looking ones but no white


first part of what i said


It’s becoming clear that there is not many certainties about making quality seeds
Some of the issues to explore are

  • Is there an optimal time/maturation of the female for best pollination to occur?
  • What are good nutrient regimens for promoting quality seeds
  • What causes dud seeds, or higher ratio of dud seeds?
  • Is there an optimal time to harvest, after how long, how to indicate?
  • Curing methods for optimal seeds

Can you think of any more?

There are probably a good amount of white-papers written about hemp seed production, and I’d bet there’s good info covering the issues we have here.
Scientific hemp seed production papers might be worth a search


I do too . lol

Definitely a nugget of truth on the frequent Pollenations in waves vs one time and the plant focused on bean production i believe breeder Steve would call the white ones aborts.One Shot pollen dusting vs continued extended exposure.At the end of two weeks of dump i shook the whole plant upside down with pot wrapped in syran wrap and did a massive whole plant cover of my two recipients.After that it was water and baby for 4 weeks then chop

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Something I did one time was run some 14 week hazes i had no intention of finishing. I just wanted a male to hit some other more indica stuff with. Same rules apply.


Not all white seeds are bad tho…I was given some freakshow seeds and they all were pale in color but they did germinate so, me personally I don’t judge a book by its cover.


nothing wrong with non colored seeds as long as the pass the pinch test, did that years ago with the banana kush seeds threw out like 1200 but kept a few back and when i tried them all most all of them germed and gave me a perfectly fine plant.

over pollination is a thing …


Freakshow seeds finish super pale…like coriander.


Wow, very nice looking pile of beans there. I always have a pile of white or immature seeds. I am pretty sure it’s because I beat the males up and collect pollen the whole time they are viable. For that I pay the price of having to pick out the garbage. It’s just a trade off I suppose.


@DougDawson I still handle my pollen the way you taught me with that shaker idea from that convo we had awhile back that shaker worked out so much better.I dont get that missed speck of plant material that would mold out a whole vial anymore its as pure and flowing as the cheezy dust packs in kraft mac and cheese.Trick for me was to master drying,to get it dry on that Mirror for 24 hours and let it dry over a wider spread surface for collection then into parchment paper sachets vac sealed with a desicant pack.Your sourbubble pollen from over two years ago was still viable and made beans very good resin plants.I still have some left.Im telling you Doug you equipped me with an arsenal of pollen i was able to win most of everything you put out.Only one i never got was the Sweet and Sour Cindy that pack never arrived for some reason i figured someone at customs nabbed them.But then again ive had a couple packs go incognito so might be a Shit head in the post office.Happens from time to time but not all the time so its cool.He must have needed it more than me i say and trudge on.No harsh in my mellow.I seen that freezer bag of beans you made Kudos if i had that i would fly down a wooded Zipline and chuck that whole bag the whole way i went and make a one mile path of Monster pot plants.BOG would want it this way.Its a good Bucket list activity for sure


That’s great to hear bud, glad I was able to give you some useful advice. The S&SC pollen went out with the last batch of stuff so it may still arrive. Been seeing some longer postal times since Christmas but looking at my used label sheets I see it went out so I would not count it as lost yet. Give it another week or 2, if you don’t see it message me back.

It’s stories like yours that make me go through the trouble of having to pick out the non viable seeds, lol. I love hearing there are folks making seeds using pollen I harvested. Makes the extra work well worth it IMO. :v:


Some stuffs about feeding for seed production there:

and there:


Hey @DougDawson . I am very interested in your technique for storing pollen. :nerd_face: If you find a little free time could you perhaps write a brief outline of your methods? I am sure everyone would benefit greatly from that information. Thank you. :grin:


I’ve heard that adding silica to the feeding helps develop stronger shells on the seeds. And adding aminos 1x/week to the feed is something I’ve also heard for healthy seeds.
Also, I think it was Rasta Jeff, but don’t quote me on that, who said that when the seeded plant is harvested, curing it is not neccessary, because you’re not gonna smoke it; you can dry it out more quickly and not lose any seed quality.