Malana germination and romulan grapefruit crosses

I checked this morning and three lebies are up. I made a germination bomb and put two of landrace team blonde lebanese in it
Maybe one will be male. Maybe one female. Maybe i can pollinate these green stem Ace lebs and keep a decent leb strain going. I have some more.lebs from RSC and from a friendnamed @royal here on over grow so.i can keep this going and hopefully have a decent Lebanese strain

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Looking for something working icon_e_confused|nullxnull , what’s this method about? beer3|nullxnull

I have a picture other phone.
First I sanded the seeds.jn a pill.bottle.lined with rough grade sandpaper for about 2 Minutes
Then i made.the bomb jar
Its a pint jar with a hole in the lid. I fed a hose from a small aerator thats typically for an aquarium
I put…an Air stone in the jar…plugged it in and taped the hose to the lid.
I mixed distilled Water with one mil of hydrogen peroxide one mil super thrive. Super thrive is a product made from kelp and has many nutrients plants need.
I have never tried this before and don’t know if the lebanese seeds need it. I just want to see if it works
Apparently its a good way to germinate hard to start seeds.


Ok after rereading …I put silicone around the hose going into the jar.
I gotta let it dry a few hours before turning it on

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Thanks, soooo the seed would be bubbling around the whole time? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull Hard to see if it finally has got a tail with all that shacking :smile:, willing to see the results … beer3|nullxnull

I will check every 12 hours or so…and yes i.can turn it off to stop the motion of the ocean…lol

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If i.will try some Bokeo seeds from RSC
Bokeo seeds were freebies and are reported by the supplier to be very hard to germinate
Bokeo is the western state of Laos bordering Thailand and Burma.

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Wait a minute, if it’s airtight and you input more air it will explode, so bomb yes, germination in the backyard or wherever that seed lands :sweat_smile:, maybe I’m wrong icon_e_confused|nullxnull, science is not my cup of tea … ejem|nullxnull

I don’t think its that airtight…but I will let you know how it.goes.

Just thinking about the silicone around the hose, no escape … :sweat_smile:

Wow, Germination Bomb! I could have used that on a germinated seed that the hull though split was tight and not wanting to budge so at 10 days old I squeezed it hard and popped it open, now I see a little green pair pushing up

If I suddenly stopped posting you know what killed me

My landrace team seeds germinated in the germination bomb are subpar
One poked up…but looks tiny
The other hasn’t even broken soil although it’s shell was cracked three days ago when I put it in the dirt
Out of my five hermy lebanese seeds three cracked in paper towels and two were extremely vigorous after a week…so I …killed the third one!


My romulan grapefruit Clones are doing good and the cross with dancehall are.ok sept for one phenotype that had tip burn. I flushed her with RO water and she looks better


Our romulan grapefruit dancehall crosses had four…phenos
One tall “” plant grapefruit very.much
One tall sativa like with almost no smell but a faint sweet smell
One.medium height with no.smell
One short broadleaf dancehall type with a stink i have had with dancehall plants before
It’s a familiar pipe tobacco breath smell it reminded me.of.mygreat uncles bad “borkum riff” breath.
I hated and loved that smell as a child and haven’t smelled it since

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The romulan grapefruit moms are showing white hairypistils and are ready for pineapple thai.pollen

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I have two romulan grapefruit Clones that are gonna be my next clone…moms


So the malana is over
Here is the romulangrapefruit clones and romgft-dancehall crosses…the f1s re much bigger than the clones of same age

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My romgft moms are flowering nicely

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The landrace team lebanese is still weak and small its in jiffy cup behind the two romgft clones i am keeping for my next moms