Malana germination and romulan grapefruit crosses

The two lebanese from the ACE seeds that went hermie…look good. I transplanted them into happy frog with extra perlite. I dont know if the leaf curl is something i need to worry about…or what is the cause?


Since your Malana project failed (sorry to hear about it) I do have a packet of Tosh Village (which is literally 30 kilometers away from Malana in the Parvati Valley) I probably won’t get around to growing if you want to take a crack at them (assuming you live in USA).

They’re a few years old but stored well. As for germination, I recommend floating in warm water until they crack. I set them in a little jar or tupperware on top of the wireless router and it keeps it around body temperature.


Thanks vernal, I have a lot.of stuff to.get to…and I have about 60 RaSol seeds some.of these days.


OK the landrace team Lebanese is coming along slowly and looks very much broadleaf indica…my old.strain of ACE Hermie Lebanese looks more sativva

You.can see Romulan grapefruit clones behind it these I.cut done the crossbreds as I.was getting threats from my neighbor and was plant limit.

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Here’ ACE Hermie.origin plants banished to the lean to…

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Here’s the landrace team Lebanese showing signs of stress

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Here’s my romulan grapefruit moms that I hit with pineapple Thai.pollen


Here’s romulan grapefruit clones

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