Mass Medical Strains

I’ve always wanted to try AG, that and Colombian red


Nice, thank you for doing this! DM sent

  • BD

Just sent you a dm. Thanks for offering this for preservation.


Hi Woodstock! So honored to have you here on this thread :slight_smile: I’ll definitely send you a dm on instagram, as well as a DM here. So happy that you are on board with this idea and down to contribute seeds. “It is your duty to preserve and share as well, not be sold for profit”… I’ll smoke to that dude! feel the same way about the AG and the many unique landraces and heirlooms that have positively impacted my life and the lives of so many others.
:v: :seedling:


Could have a mass preservation project, with a half dozen people or more, all expanding their packs.


I sent message on ig. My name on there is ceasarinthejungle. Appreciate you spreading the love. If given the opportunity i will do the same. Im a closet grower for real so i cant do any massive preservation breeding but i could dedicate one isolated tent to the ag project.


I just got new tents 1 of them has nothing in it and is in a seperate room all together. I was thinking the same. Itd be small but with the ok from woodstock i will dedicate a tent to a small breeding and share them here on overgrow. Im no real breeder but i know the basics to not screw it up.


Nice now we’re cooking with gas!


This is the best possible outcome! Happy to see @WoodstockFarmacy here too. Hopefully he’ll pop in now & again to share some of his experience.


Yeah i was checking his ig. Hes got a lot of good things goin on on there. Serious farming going on.


What’s even better is that Woodstock posts as many (or more) pics of plants he grows than reposted pics of other people growing his stuff.


Love this idea :clap:


I like this idea!!


Good morning everyone!
I think I’ve responded to everyone who has inquired about getting their Acapulco Gold gifts. Just wanted to pop back in and make sure. Originally I said DM on IG, but I need email addresses in order to send invoice for shipping. Its also much easier to keep track of shipping addresses (and more private!) So if I have missed you via DM please don’t hesitate to reach out to also, I am still learning how to navigate Overgrow, so if I miss you here, please accept my apologies! I’ll figure it out in time. :slight_smile:
Going to ship the first chunk of seeds this coming Monday, so most of you should see your seeds coming in by Wednesday. Seeds are being sorted and packed by our eldest son Jonny bear this morning. :green_heart: I will send everyone tracking numbers once theirs have been shipped. Thank you all for your kind words and support! Hope you all have an excellent weekend! Keep it Green :v:


You’re the best for doing this!
Also, I’m not a fan of Mass Medical so do you mind if we start a thread for you? Or maybe you start one yourself with a basic history of your AG preservations? I used to spend a lot more time on IG but it’s full of snobs and too much drama for me.
Just my .02 and again I’m very happy that you continue to spread and preserve this strain


Fellow OGers.

Needing some help. I have taken Woodstock up on his generous offer but I do not have a way to pay for shipping since he only takes credit cards and I need to be anonymous.
I tried buying a prepaid cc but they make you register your info before you use it.
Would any kind soul be able to pay for the $8 shipping? I will gladly pay you back and more via bitcoin.

Or if anyone has any other ideas I’d appreciate it.


Did you try a pre pay from a gas station first I’d heard you have to put your info towards a prepay card .

I did, no luck. Maybe Im just not trying at the right spots.
Good news is, someone from here was kind enough to help me. I love this place.


Once again thank you to @WoodstockFarmacy. Ill be starting a thread for this acapulco grow aside from my normal grow thread so i can focus on just the acapulco and keep it organized.


Rooted. That’s awesome!

A few questions…

How do y’all think Woodstock’s AG will compare to MMS’s AG?.

Does anyone know if it’s from the same source? Or the known lineage?

Or do we need another thread for this?