Mass Medical Strains

Woodstock is where MMS got the seeds from, on the condition that he didn’t sell them. MMS is selling them. AFAIK Woodstock is also the original source of AG for the Bodhi nerika release. It’s his preservation.


Congrats man.

My package just arrived. Would you be opposed to collecting some extra pollen from your males when the time comes? I wouldn’t mind tossing that around the room to increase the diversity. If not, no worries.

Edit: note I’m not starting mine for about 60 days; I already committed to another landrace seed increase. I want to play it safe to prevent pollen contamination!


I received my 2 free pack also. Shout out to @WoodstockFarmacy for being an OG.


Woodstock was the guy who gave MMS his frist round of AG. BOdhi also had a hand in the preservation. They should be good to go.


Yeah ill collect some. Im going to run em in thier own tent. Clone females so i can grow some seedless but let the original seed plants go for it n make ton of seeds. Then ill offer them up free here on the forum to anyone who wants some. I think thats ok w woidstock. They want em shared is how i read it. But thats months out. I think 10 wk or so flower a month of veg and about a week setup before i pop em. But sure ill jar up some pollen when they start dropping.


@WoodstockFarmacy thank you so much again for your kind contribution to this effort! Received my seeds today and so very excited to throw em in the soil!


Have a buddy who is a legit older grower tell me the AG is not around now and wasn’t even around in the 90s.

Anyone have a simple and effective rebuttal?

Or better yet, anyone know the history behind @WoodstockFarmacy preservation of this run?

I had it many times in the 90s and it was always the same and looks very much like the pictures in MMS’s ad.

Always thought It was too special for someone not to preserve it…

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Plenty of things that aren’t generally available are still held by some collectors and breeders. @WoodstockFarmacy has made their preservation available. It’s a 14-16 week pure sativa. Mine smelled like mango and carrot, and had a slightly burned popcorn taste to it when smoked.


Where did yours originate from?

How long did you have it for?

Any grow tips?

I posted a link to @WoodstockFarmacy on IG earlier in this thread.

The IG post linked there has a screenshot from ICMag with the story of how Bodhi acquired the AG (posted by Bodhi). Woodstock Farmacy’s seeds came from Bodhi’s preservation stock. My understanding is that Woodstock Farmacy has continued to do open preservation runs without selection so that he can continue freely sharing these seeds.

Acapulco Gold is too precious to sell. Only by sharing freely will it be preserved for future generations.


I had a plant recently that tasted like burnt popcorn early. I think it was MWCB. It disappeared but I was like, where did this come from? Lol

Never did hear back from @WoodstockFarmacy, messaged here, e-mail and IG …nothing.

@Qtip mine arrived. I can send yup a pack if you are going to grow them.

Yea he can be hard to reach, he is super busy. I received a bunch of packs to distribute if you would like! I still need to get a preservation run organized.


I also sent a instagram message with no response a while back inviting him to stop by the site.

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I got a message back from him but after I said I was in Canada. No dice was pretty disappointed after that. After getting a msg back lol


It will be the fall before I get to it but I would appreciate it @anon71563794 or @Magrowers


if he gave you packs for that, Could you take care of @Qtip tip? i just have the 2 and i would like to explore myself.

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DMed you @Magrowers


if he can’t i will no worries. since you would be doing a fall run we have time.