Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Whats up with you putting skunkmans logo on your packs in that thread i linked?


Exactly. You released RKS seeds 10 years ago but never even tested them. So if you never tested them, how did you determine it was roadkill before you decided to sell them ?


Would love to see pics of your grow report 10 years ago.

We can all wait.

Testers on ic grew them before they were sold. Just called quality assurance and better practice aka the med-man method

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See now your telling lies because last year you said your “partner” sent them to be sold and you had no idea :rofl::rofl:. Either way, you didn’t even grow your own product and called it “RKS” ? You know what you did. You ripped people off


Did any of them document finding an actual plant that smelled like road kill skunk?


Go look on ICMAG. quite a few of them called him out because they were skunkless. They were there as of last year. He’s been allowed to erase things over there so may he gone


Yup. On icmag. Hiding in the haze is a reputable member. He even kept a mom for breeding with.

A few others too.

My heart is filled with sadness seeing all these newbs posting here that never got to grow, smoke or at least smell her.

Hence the giveaway to test them

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You never even smelled it. Don’t even have a picture of your own from those seeds before you release them. LMAO.:clown_face:


Please share your grow report of my seeds.

If you didn’t or havent. The lack of experience is self discrediting.

Feel free to ask my student unlicensed producer how much skunk we smoked, sold and I grew


Imagine putting the name “roadkill skunk “ to some seed you “bred” but never grew? Not even a single picture of the parent used. What does everyone think a reasonable assumption is


Brother I just read that log. He found one skunky male that he didn’t show anything of. None of the females had skunk smells. Pine, cat piss, chem were all described. Not skunk though. Also it hermed. Am I looking at the wrong log? Maybe link it for us. It’s 11 pages. Right?


If you’re interested, keep looking. There are others there that found nothing even remotely skunky and we’re not shy about saying what they thought lol.


from someone:
I was a Registered Nurse (Palliative Care) 2010-2019 Manitoba!

We (my palliative care team) were well versed in patients using cannabis as adjuncts in their current medication regime and were happy to help educate and inform accordingly!

I had 2 particular incidents were this Med Man Brand product was brought in by patients…

They explained to our team how it was their silver bullet in treating their terminal illnesses!

We were obviously curious and so we did our research!

we realized QUICKLY that there were some huge inconsistencies in the product and it’s claims!

The company was directly telling its customers that this product could cure EVERYTHING! Including terminal Cancer!

Remember these were people with less than 6 months to live (Terminal)

The research led us to Med Man Brand…

I was also aware of him and his questionable history here in my home province!

So……we had a colleague purchase all 3 products via mail order….

And submitted them for testing with a Health Canada Approved lab…

And these were the results….

We were NOT surprised!

As you dig deeper you saw that all his testimonials were from friends or his shadow accounts!

He had claimed to a mother that his product could even help her sons autism!

I posted the results to help educate and protect the public!

And he went on a full attack of myself!

My Professional Nursing job and even tried to post my home address and medical grow!

The Nursing body declined to take action against me and quickly dismissed his unwarranted revengeful complaint

And luckily he had the wrong street and house number of my house family and grow!


Not shocked…

But data and numbers don’t lie…

Shit stains do however…

These are the results from some of the oils he sold online to patients. some sick people thought they were getting a real medicine to help them. turns out, no


Wow, now that is real low


Lol these arent lab tests. They were photoshopped in someone’s basement in winnipeg

Canva is in vancouver lol

No accredited signature, date, lab tech or qa person in charge lol

Why would someone order them from vancouver to winnipeg when the non hc acceedited lab is in van?

Truely sad the lengths people will go to and sadder what people will believe

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yea he has been a known scammer for a long time. I think that @LemonadeJoe should be more particular about who gets to become a sponsor.


Isn’t doxxing a bannable offense here on og


where is the doxxing? you mean the attempted doxxing you did? Yea, maybe you should be banned


So, we’ve read the thread, no skunk. Do you have a link? Can you prove those ar photoshops? Why are you taking advantage of sick people, that’s fucked.

You’ve shown no proof just “They are stinky headed liars.”…do you have any proof what so ever?


Right. I’m sure you have plenty of pictures of lab tests just like you do pictures of mother plants for seed you make.