Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

2014 him saying he ran test batches


Oh look, they even have a minimum sample size faq section. You can even contact them. Fan. Tas. Tic.


The fact they were even testing without any authorization makes all their tests invalid.

Seems like the cherry picking and defamation is just that.

What does pesticide testing have to do with tincture being an extract, and you being full of shit?

You don’t scare me.


Lol dude thinks I’ve done one project in 32 years lol

If we based it off of documentation, you have about 2 years of breeding , maybe


Man. It would be nice to have some kind of challenge one day

Liquid life is a topical and edible tincture

Child’s play

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Like your fake lab tests? Lol okay

My lab in manitoba literally has 7 breeding rooms lol spent 8 years there.

If you are so worried about scammers. Get at reeferman. He just burned his colombian partner for 100k and countless loyal supporters for just as much if not more

Your personal vendetta against me is just that and nothing more personal. Twist and manipulate all you want. Ive been true since 92

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Sir, disrespectfully, that same site states that tinctures are extracts. I posted the link and screenshot. You’re being a silly goose.


You were about 13 in 1992 and get it together dude. For the second time, I DID NOT post lab results


You didn’t photoshop those fake lab reports that were then real but the lab didn’t have some certificate (allegedly, especially considering the source) so they don’t count? But then the lab required 60 ml, then they didn’t do it, now they do but requiring less material?

Am I tracking this right?

I think his story on those labs has changed 2 or 3 times in the last few hours alone. It’s hilarious.


Oh they definitely test tincture, what else are you going to lie about tonight?
It’s looking more and more like those lab results are real…

Straight from the horses mouth.


Wouldn’t the easiest solution here be for @medmanbrand to post his own test results?

Any reputable company would have these easily accessible. Instead it seems like @medmanbrand is just starting silly arguments to distract from the real issue here.


Can’t even get him to talk lineage or show a picture of a parent plant. He’s a fraud. Pretty common knowledge at ICMAG


Lmfao :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


hey-look-a-11af5f0b12 distraction-cartoon a6qjQme_460s


Oh I don’t doubt it at all. I was just trying to get the conversation back to the real point. All @medmanbrand is doing here is distracting from his shitty product by starting arguments that don’t matter. He’s flipping the script so to speak; instead of just showing his own test results he’s calling into question the legitimacy of the only results we’ve seen presented here. It’s a common tactic of bull shitters and scam artists.


Yes it is. He’s been doing it forever


I was 12 at the time.

So was teemu shelanie / unlicensed producer.

Distraction is an interesting term. So is moving the goal post for every conspiracy I debunk 10 more are created lol it’s why I usually don’t engage

Idle hands are tools for the devil, and busy hands are used for the spirit. Anyone has any real legit questions please feel free to tag me. Everything has been answered repeatedly on og

I did. I asked for you to post your own test results. Instead you’ve just reverted back to spouting nonsense.