Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Sure you did :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Imagine “breeding roadkill skunk “ over 10 years ago, the most sought after terp profile on earth. And here you are calling yourself “ recreating it “ :laughing::man_facepalming:t2:


You haven’t debunked anything and have been shown to be incorrect, with citations. Where are your test results?


He can’t even explain the skunk thing. He’s clearly a salesman right ? From fertilizer to seeds, fake tinctures etc
How can you explain not being a multi millionaire by now ,flooding the world with roadkill skunk seeds if you bred it. I mean he clearly sold it on attitude lol.
But here he is 12 years later searching through skunk 18 crosses saying he’s reviving roadkill :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Sounds just like the other skunk scammer


@medmanbrand. Can you stop wasting our time and just go away? I am waiting for Boron guy to make an appearance. Your not fooling anyone with your vague BS. Produce some photo evidence like @Dirtroadfarmer has requested or start stepping.


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I’ll bite

I’d like to know why you say you’ve won so many cups… but taking credit for others work, your “students”. When I get a PHD does my math teacher get theirs too? How many y cups have you won with flower you have PERSONALLY entered, not others?

I’m also curious why you sold RKS seed, that is clearly mislabeled. And like others have said you won’t talk about it, give proof or ever pictures. Why is it everyone else growing your product and not you? Where’s YOUR rks???

Why do you take credit for Fruity Pebbles OG? I’ve read you gave out seed and then it was stolen, and therefore you are the real creator. I find this mirthful

Why do you avoid questions and skirt the truth so much? If you were legit, you would face it all head on, with proof. Where’s the pictures, where’s your test results. Why also always point to someone else growing you stuff?

Actions speak louder than words and what your saying is all easily seen as a smoke show. You come across as a shyster. I have never read anything good about you and you haven’t answered anything properly…

You avoid questions, you avoid answering or even showing evidence. Prove what you say.

Mythomania? Pseudologica Fantastica??


You have more T5 bulbs.

Medmen was established in 2010.
The last guy swearing about his skunk was blueskyvienna.
He’s also Highly Regarded.


Like really regarded. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


If you visited the 2023 loud skunk thread many times but didn’t think to actually read it then I think you may need to get more familiarized with what “research” actually means

Something in the water in manitoba I tell ya lol

Thanks for the laughs today guys.

The one who does it last is the loudest

It must be repeated, MedMan doxxed Paul and not only got him fired but got him to lose his nursing license. All for exposing MedMan’s lies.
A literal rat, and yet Medman sells himself as a breeder and rapper.
This dude is worse than Rezdog. At least Rez ratted people out when he was facing charges.
Medman ratted for free.

Why is a proven rat allowed to be a sponsor at OG???


He admitted to being a cokehead and spending all his money on cocaine and other drug safaris. Oke of these drug safaris was in Peru, where he found RKS, Colombian Gold, Peruvian Gold, and many other heirlooms all from one seedline growing in a ditch near a river where he was doing dmt to stroke his ego.
He then went online to virtue signal that he did Ayahuasca, all while stroking his own ego. Maybe there was no DMT in the brew and it was merely a cup of MAO-I’s, as is common down there to serve to white people with tattoos all over their body.
He said he did 30 cups of this brew. Yet still has the biggest ego on the game.


Medman, post the parental pics and lab tests.


Haha He was one heck of a player.


Any way you spin it, you’re a scammer. It’s that simple.


He can’t , they don’t exist


This has been a really troubling read. I am appalled that someone was taking advantage of those with terminal illnesses by misrepresenting figures on much needed medicine, as well as doxxing several people


Remember that time you said that lab doesn’t even test tincture anymore. Just a friendly reminder, they do.

Do you have any testing of your products? Should be super easy to show who’s full of shit and who’s not. Someone trying to help people with medicine would surly have testing done… Right? Currently theres 1 set of legit tests done, and you’re story on those changed 2 or 3 times in a matter of hours.


Why are you avoiding the questions?



That’s the same lab I use! They are a great group over there!