Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Why’d you have that thread locked?

Canvas old website lol

Here’s a good read from some professional lab techs / scientists

This court of amatuer public opinion is officially adjourned lol

Now back to the lecture at hand loud skunk freebies.

Look I can edit sites too, to make it say anything.
TiNcTuRe ReQuIrEs 9000 ml, SeE


Those pictures have nothing to do with the tests already shown lol what a clown.


Theses fake tests started their spamathon in manitoba circa 2015 or soon there after.

You seem like the only rational person posting here since the witch hunt started

  • no qa or lab tech sig
  • no cereal number
  • no chain of custody
  • no proof of purchase from me or the “lab”
  • just my product shipped from vancovwr to mb
  • minimum amount not purchased or “tested”

Quite sad watching people taste the sweetness of a lie and disliking the flavor of truth :cry:

We shall see, because right now we were told it was 2019 (they were accredited in 2019), so we will see if they respond. Your numerous lies are easy to disprove so I don’t think anyone takes you at your word here. Looking at other reports from their lab, and in talking with them they are accredited, they do test tinctures, etc etc etc.

The easiest way to prove us all wrong is to post you own tests, because if you are providing a medicinal product you’d surely test it for the safety of the pateincts you scam, right? You’ve done nothing but call people names and try to misdirect. Show us the tests you’ve had done.


You know what’s cool about technology… We can blow up that QR code… And it opens to a legit site. People should try it themselves.

Just an FYI, anyone can download the report if you click “report” in the upper right hand corner. These were tested in late 2019, months after the lab was accredited. Not in 2015 as @medmanbrand had stated.

The full report is also available here for anyone to dowoad.


Here ya go clown. Pretty intracate fake… /S

So now that we have definitive proof that you are lying about the test results, and anyone can see that. What do you have to say?


Awesome investigating @JustANobody. This confirms how full of it this guy is. Nothing but lies from medman. And its been like this for years.


I’m outta likes. Glad this clown is getting recognized for who he is. A scammer/ liar/ grifter/ straight up clown. Wouldn’t be surprised if he deletes this thread too (like he has many others over the years). Everything that comes out his mouth is straight up bs. Really lame that he’s still here when he’s been well known scammer for over a decade. Called him out here years ago but basically got shit on for it.

Who cares if he pays get rid of this loser.


Dude is a flat out liar. This is his newest lie that’s easily debunked. All proof is in the posts above this.


I’ll put it all in my thread. Not gonna get that deleted




“My last serious rks in 2012 project spawned no road-kill. But it did give us the world famous original fruity pebbles og”

Once again this is not true either, fruity pebbles OG was around before your 2012 “hunt”



Bro, quit trying to deflect with some dumb bs. Noone was talking about stupid tests. You’re not going to change the conversation with these schizoid ramblings.

My question was simple, yet you could give me no answer. WHERE CAN WE FIND THE CUTS. If so many people have it, you should be able to get some in peoples hands in no time. Yet you’re trying to make a total strawman argument about nothing. Even where can we smoke some bud of it?? Im tired of the excuses. Put up or shut up about it.


I’m done with these scammer clowns that are running rampant, now I am just going to show everyone what they are. 1 by 1.


I love it! And the documentation is so damning! Well done mate!



Someone’s trying to flag my posts… I don’t think that’s going to work out how they think it is.