Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

I’m trying to get the second QR code to be readable so I can post all of those tests too.


Would love to hear why they spent a month in mb first, and not shipped directly to the lab in the city they were shipped from

See chain of custody is everything when it comes to quality assurance

Clearly truth isn’t what you are looking for.

Keep digging. That’s all I’ll say.


No cuts are for sale

And I’m not sure soliciting cannabis flower sales on og is kosher

Do your best to stay within the rules of engagement

You sell clones on your website…


Thanks for proving my point that its all BS

Is that a threat??? Bro you better COOL IT

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If you havent figured it out yet og clearly is not my website

So what is your website? You’re a sponsor, you can sell here… That’s how it works right? Am I mistaken? I mean, I was a sponsor for a month to test out selling 3d printing on the site.


We know. Not sure what that has to do with this.

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Best time to order cuts is spring and fall. F4om the website not from here

On that note I have a wack tinctures and seeds to package to ship today

I thought you didn’t sell cuts?


I didn’t sponsor og to openly sell clones and flower. I did it to support Joe

Feel free to email me

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Nah, we doing this publicly. I’m sick of you scammers hiding in PM’s.



I quit ICmag because they had banners advertising crop king seed, well known to scam but still taking their money. Couldn’t support a place that supported scammers. This is the same shit. After the TST shit and this i am quickly learning forums are not for me. Way too many scammers that are allowed to scam. I joined the Patreon here for the community aspect but allowing scammers to thrive is my signal to exit through the gift shop. Its been a slice folks. Keep it real

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Nothing says scam more then shipping ogers 50 packs of free seeds lol

Carry on with the echo chamber of false narratives. Lots of patients were promised their tracking numbers today

I don’t think he did. If you look towards the end of that thread this same thing happened there that happened here when I started questioning some of the things that he’s done and said.
He’s clearly a liar and a scammer. All you have to do is read the first post that he made in that thread and he admits it right there that the project yielded No skunk but it did yield fruity pebbles LMAO. More I think about it. I do believe that maybe he did have something to do with it. Actually something I just noticed when I made this post was now you have to wait one hour in between each comment you made?


50 packs isn’t the flex you think it is.

So just to recap:

First the tests were photoshops. We proved that is incorrect.

Then the lab wasn’t accredited so it was doesn’t count. We proved that incorrect.

Then you said they don’t even test tinctures and they need 60 ml. We then proved that was wrong.

Anything I missed?

Oh thats right. The tests were from 2015, we proved it was November 2019, after they were accredited.


The trump of skunks wall , enjoy


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yeah ok :+1:t3: . What does it mean to put that label on some seeds you never grew and sell it to the masses through a global seedbank ?