Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Definitely my mistake. I misinterpreted that last comment completely. As I thought it was a jab against justanobody for his latest efforts. That I did not understand. Hopefully you can see the error in my ways, and understand my misunderstanding.


So… Any, skunk in those?
Any new lies in an attempt to explain away the lie you stated about that lab? Or are they defamatory statements?


I wouldn’t even buy gas from this guy if he worked at a gas station.
Huge addict vibes, and imposter personality.


@JustANobody :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Woke mobs don’t really get much. As clearly seen. Other then their own personal dark triad agendas. Cancelling others is their method of “self improvement”.

My best guess is they are mostly unprofessional delta9 staff on the chopping block

Do your best not to call out the entirety of the site and maybe you’ll be alright

Otherwise: why are you even here?


What in the conspiracy theory is going on here?!? You got called out for scamming and lying over and over and over. And your response is using unhinged alt right talking points???

Im not a political person in any way. But thats just insanity.

Dude, you better watch your mouth saying stuff like that. I was a completely indie central cali grower for years. Started commercial at 22. Won a high times award at 24. Youre just tossing insults like a child instead of dealing with YOUR lies.


If funny you mention delta 9, because thats all they found in your tinctures.

For anyone who would like to read the full report, it’s available here.

To view the lies he’s made about this report and the evidence he’s lying, please check out this post.


Only a man with no conscious or compassion would sell that product to sick people and tell them its medicine. Has lemonaide joe messaged you yet @JustANobody asking you to explain your accusations. Everytime i call this guy out joe messages me defending this POS.


Wow. Out of curiosity, what is the defense ? I’ll check back in 60 minutes


Lmao that lab report was from ACS lab in Ontario, it’s not even canvas


But hey, that lab report being fake and having nothing to do with the Canvas lab report is pretty amazing.

So full disclosure, I just slapped a scientists ass and asked her to look at the canvas report. Looks legit according to her…


So 24mg per whole bottle.

How much did you sell this 1/40th of a gram of cannabis for, @medmanbrand

Lets do this.
Someone in Canada buy a bottle of Medman’s tincture from a store - not from medman so he cant doctor it - and send it into a lab. This will settle his claims of broken custody.


It’s smoke and mirrors, he can’t even provide his own testing.


Tampered tinctures from my biggest fanatic does not equal a valid lab test

You see dishonest people aren’t the brightest instead of just watering it down half he just emptied them from dramatic purposes

Imagine how much possible success he possibly could have had vs spending his life wishing he was me / slandering my good name lol

Cyberstalkers never prosper

Must have been the same person who tampered with your roadkill skunk seeds at the seedbank. That’s surely why the progeny turned out to be fruity pebbles :+1:t3:


I doubt this dude was even born yet when RKS was to be had. I was a young teenager the last time I smelled or smoked RKS, and I’m 60.


Yup, this sounds like someone who drank 30 cups of Ayahuasca.
Could you do me a favor and share that quote of you saying you drank 30 cups of Ayahuasca and slayed your ego. Please.

Hey buddy, i remember you posting some months ago about how you got onto a cocaine bender around your birthday and had to quit. How’s that going btw? You sober these days?or still popping Adderall and snorting lines while dodging every single question posed to you on this forum


The people making these “claims” should be practicing what they preach dont you think? And sharing the time stamped quotes. just saying what they feel off the tops of their heads has no standing.

Hearsay, bias, conjecture, fruadulent dox and badgering are non admissible in my court

The irony? I’m not the one looking bad. It’s the false witnesses making themselves and this site look bad. Way to go!

Are you physically incapable of not hurling constant insults?? Youve been caught in lies over and over. At this point, your only defense is to attack the people calling you out. Grow up