Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway


On another note. I thought it would be really cool if people shared rando pics and feedback here with eachother in this thread…Even if other full grow reports are made elsewhere.if It can help people grow better it helps us all.

There’s something magical about these forums and sharing the same experiences especially on or around the same times



I agree 110%. That’s why you should stop with your lies and scammy behavior on these forums. There is nothing magical about false promises just to make a dollar.


am i missing something? i haven’t seen him ask for a dime in this thread.
where are the dollars being made?


Definitely missing a lot.



here is your chance to enlighten, or remain a part of dramatic cancel culture mob ™.


Do you have any details? Or anywhere we could read any details?


Read his threads on here and ICMAG. Should quickly become clear.


All I can say is…there are people that have actually grown my stuff or used my products that are 9.5
x outa 10 happy

Then there are people that never have a part of a mob bent on smearing my good name.

I choose , as I do myself , to judge products on experience, not hearsay/gossip/jealousy and zealotry

Always question the source of info. If verifiable factual evidence supports the claim. Great if there is nothing…take it all with a grain of salt

Back to the lecture at hand…I’ve worked with these genetics a long time in one way shape or form.

Their offspring should be epic



The irony. Look what happened when I questioned the source of how you made “roadkill skunk “. You turned total troll and got all your thread closed down on here and ICMAG. Roadkill skunk seeds you sold by the way. Straight fraud


It’s open on icmag. Lol.

Feel free to join in. I’m updating it now as we speak.

This new one will be rolling into 2024.

With that being said. Please stay on topics



I am speaking of your brand and seeds you made. It’s perfectly on topic :+1:t3:


so go read a bunch of stuff. here and another forums. right.

i have read some of his threads here. asked some questions. he answered them satisfactorily IMO.

have you grown any of his stuff? it IS a giveaway thread after all…


You should test his roadkill seeds. Probably find some skittles


so that’s a no.

you got the info from your boyfriend’s half brother’s sunday school teacher’s mechanic’s aunts cousin on their grandfather’s side but felt compelled to let everyone know.

thanks for the warning.


Hi @medmanbrand could you provide a reference for your use of “Mexicanis” and “Columbianis” on that pack @Dirtroadfarmer posted?

Those aren’t terms that are used in cannabis genetics so I’m curious where they came from, as I don’t think there’s anything considered a “typical” (in the sense of type-defining) Mexican genetic lineage, rather many polyhybrids some old and stabilized, perhaps worthy of landrace status but mostly IBLs. Similarly Columbian genetics also show a wide variability so it’s a little strange to see those being used as technical terms when they appear nowhere in the literature that I’ve been able to find.


LOL Medman brand has an illustrious history in Canada. He’s a legend, and a rap star…most decorated cannabis grower in the free world. I bought his gear when hempdepot had them for 40 bucks for 18 seeds? Those were the days. His marketing was ahead of the game here, like subcool and he became quite successful, then the competition caught up, and the swerve and Gu -like soap opera started. Quite a saga, I’m sure Medman will release an autobiography one day. Maybe a spoken word musical style??? His name is a good one for fame IMO.


what do you mean by “gear”?

have you grown any of his strains/seeds?


Oops showing my age LOL. Yes his seeds, bought 4 strains and gave them all a shot. One of the strains was consistent and very unique of flavour. The other 3 were nothing of note, I will look up my old grow notes, for the strain names, if you like, I still have some of the others around, still. I don’t believe medman carries any of the strains currently. I’m curious, gonna go get my log book.


Conkusion, Headband, Purple Pain Killer, and OG Kush x Skunk #1 was what I purchased in 2013 from Hempdepot. Conkusion was the best by a long shot, compact, stinky, so sandlewood/earthy/coffee pungent beyond belief in bloom. It was not very pleasant smell to me, almost made me heave… cured it kept that smell, but mellowed and when smoked was one of the most tasty unique weed strains I’ve smoked to this day. I rated it 3 stars.
Purple pain Killer, was average, big and not purple, Indoors or out, but the best outcome from that plant was sample dusting with a male Querkle, which brought out some dark sleepy weed as a donor parent. The querkle male was the magic though.
The other two were garbage and hermy respectively. In the long run, despite the price and hype, trying someones gear (seeds, ferts etc.) is the only way to understand what is important to you as a consumer and grower.
Great thing these forums, some of these legends are among us and most of them have a colored internet personality.


thank you for the reports. appreciate you.

that’s pretty cool. i felt the same way about the 2020mendocino “the spice!” i grew last summer outdoors. weird smells in flower. cured up real nice. very tasty and potent outcome. would grow again.

oooh. good one. i got some querkle seeds last summer. haven’t been able to get to them yet. you’re the first person i have spoken to that grew out querkle. good to know it has a favorable report.

this is a mature way of looking at it all. there’s a LOT of hype in this game. i’ve only been in it 3yrs, but my experience has led me wading through rivers of bullsh^t to find some truth.
some things lose what made them great when they get too big. hype goes up and product quality goes down. some get back to roots and do right, some do not.

and you’re right. the only way to find out is to do it/try it yourself. what works for some doesn’t always work for you/me.

thanks for the objective report/convo.