Med-man brand™....2023 loud skunk project season spring giveaway

Seeds have arrived @medmanbrand
Thanks for sending along.
Appreciate the extra. Thank you.


nice i bet you find some keepers for sure! :star_struck:


Sweet! Thanks for sharing!

With plant count restrictions. I will only be able to grow the loud kush this summer. As I have a ton of others I sorted thru last night for the ongoing rks project.

I wished I could do the loud skunk1 as well. But last year I had some similar f1 hybrids I made in 2022 and my best guess is you will get something similar to the original high-rise/master kush in the LSK1

That’s why I really appreciate any help and feedback from ogers



it’s going to be around next year fall before i can get to those, but they are definitely penciled in the lineup. will tag you when they get started. thanks man.

skunk is on abuela’s list, but i am VERY hesitant to work them. if i go indoors they will stank up the house. undesirable, as we have visiting nurses and physical therapists coming by several times a week. i am certain most do not care and probably glad we are, but this is an illegal state and gotta keep that profile low.

texas outlaw1

as far as outdoors, my immediate neighbors are cool and don’t care. the guy to the right gave me spare lumber to help me build the outdoor setup. i know he has seen the plants thru the fence and we’re pretty sure he smokes already. though we have never spoken about it.
it may change things growing skunk tho… skunks are not native to this area. jackrabbits? yes. tons. squirrels? yes, tons. rats? sadly, yes. bobcats? yep. the occasional coyote? yep.
but RARELY skunks. my cool neighbors may change their minds if i have skunk weed outside. it’s pretty unmistakable. i’d prefer not to tread that ground and push that envelope with them.
when i have the funds for a carbon filter this will change and i’ll most likely give it a go indoors…

thanks again for sending along.


Lots of skunks here and people smoke weed all the time all over so theres skunk smell around lol but I can’t grow outdoors unfortunately. Hope you can get a carbon filter or 2 someday. I like to have a backup(filter+fan) in case either goes out and anyone not cool will be around before another can arrive.

A few of the nearby parks are loaded with skunks. I saw a pack of 13 once I recorded a video of. I’ve seen a mostly white skunk too but he’s eluded any decent picture.
They always smell so damn good!


lol… WOT?

i had a dog (doberman) that just could NOT leave those things alone. got sprayed 4 times. he HATED skunks and wanted to kill them, but always got sprayed and an ass-kickin’ from me while i was washing him… AGAIN. smell skunk on him for weeks after.
never learned his lesson… and no… the myth about washing them in tomato juice is BULLSH^T and doesn’t work.


:laughing: :rofl:
They smell great man! but its not around me 24/7 for weeks at time lol! I can smell the difference between them and the smokers.
That acrid ass juice has a certain pungency


you’re one of the skunky/chemmy weed fans by the sounds of it.
i have smoked skunk back in the 80s and early 90s. haven’t seen it since then. it was good. but damn was it ever stinky. hard to hide your bags from mom or later roommates. :open_mouth:

i have never smoked any chem strains. curious though. a lot of people like them (like skunk too).


Fresh skunk spray on a dog is enough to make someone throw up. My dog too got sprayed by the local alpha male 2 or 3 times.

Need warm water, dish soap, baking soda and h202. And at least 2 solid scrubs.

What’s gnarly is how that smell will stick to the inside of a house or garage for up to a month later. Just like the weed would haha

Now oxidized skunk juice cooking on a highway for a week or 2 is a whole nother smell. Mouth watering to me, and extremely nostalgic!



yeah. the baking soda and H2O2 slurry got it down to “you can sleep in the house tonight, but stay OFF the furniture!” levels. but the stank would still linger for weeks. even after a weekly bath. friggin skunks.
i loved that dog, but still want to throttle him thinking about all those times i had to wash him for skunk spray.

man, i’m going to have to take your word on that sun bloated road kill skunk stank being mouth watering! lol. i’m guessin’ the sun cooks your roadkill up there a bit differently than it does down here.


I do love skunks/chems. Like some durian too!
You just can’t open them up indoors as the smell sticks to everything and lingers for weeks also.

It’d be great to get a durian flavored/smelling strain :yum:

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I don’t miss the aroma of sun cooked armadillo baking in the Texas sun at all lol. They’re dumber than possums as far as playing in traffic.


Lol :laughing: exactly on the furniture haha

It’s just like wine or anything

When I’m at a trade show, I dont let people stick their noses in the jars for many reasons

What I do do is fan the jar mouth with the lid and let the oxidized rerps waft to their noses.

A little bit of sun, heat and air give the skunk spray the rks smell



But they sure can jump!

I’ve driven and stayed in Texas prob 50x or more. Driving between monterrey Mexico and Canada.

I do miss the smell of all you can eat Texas breakfast at western sizzler in McAllen TX



oh man… dunno if you’re ever been to fort polk in louisiana, but the road in/out of that post is LITTERED with armadillo carcasses. hundreds. ALL sun bloated fixin’ to pop and release the maggot/fly swarm. so nasty.

they are pretty dumb. armored road lemmings. :smiley:


REAL bacon… not that kooky thin sliced HAM y’all canadians call bacon. :stuck_out_tongue:

the BEST breakfast burritos are here in TX. :wink:


Well they are pretty much blind, aren’t they deaf too? They do have tiny ears but Idr if they can hear. They just root around for grubs and insects all day/night, super skittish. Opossums are dumb as shit, they can hear and see just fine, but seem to get hit more than dillos round here


Tex mex and TX BBQ some of the best food I ever had

And I don’t know what western sizzlers did to their regular toast but could eat 100 pieces



How these creatures survived the ice age extinction event is beyond me lol

They can’t even survive a u.s. interstate with barriers haha


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it’s all about the smoke… (clicks grill tongs)
i’m glad you are a fan.

we have a lot of interesting fusions around here. lot of asian fusion with texas bbq. let your imagination run wild with that. especially with thai food/spice. that sh^t is epic. got some great thai places a few blocks east and south of us.
also have some sushi places that have worked texmex into their sushi rolls.
dude… brisket sushi. with jalapenos and cream cheese.