Medicating to sleep through the night

I just do hot milk and a tablespoon of weed butter. Lightly simmered.

Easy on the Chai :slight_smile:


CBD extracts are known to improve sleep quality.

Besides marijuana, there are many other things you can do.

  • A VERY COLD room with a nice blanket.
  • Deep breathing, a quiet, dark room and a weighted blanket.
  • Eye mask, ear plugs and sleeping on my own.
  • Get a great mattress/pillow that you always feel comfortable on!
  • Using an eye mask in addition to using blackout blinds.
  • Fan in the background.

Check out those excellent information resources about sleep:
(tips from people using sleep trackers)

(sleep mechanisms explained and proven tips from neuro scientist)

I have also bought a book “Why we sleep” by Matthew Walker and I swear by it…


Me too.

In the wee hours I wake up. Sometimes even uncontrolled and apprehensive.

I think it’s the covid scam and fear that’s been injected into our lives this year. Sleep is a valuable commodity.

I make RSO with my rosin chips and ethanol, then dilute it with olive oil. I take one full measure of the dropper before sleeping, it sometimes helps and sometimes it doesn’t.

Full spectrum cannabis oil, it’s what works for me.



One of the first things I did for my wife’s sleep was to allow a plant to over ripen, cut and prepare it like any buds, and packed them into a well marked jar.
Well before we had a vaporizer, I’d keep her a packed bowl, or joint, on her night stand.
Now when that sleep jar runs low, I just leave a few nice branches to over ripen.
Usually the edibles or butter seems to keep her night sweats and restless leg thingy at bay. If she still tosses and turns, she hits the over ripen buds and lights out for her.



Interesting, and it should work. Over ripe cannabis will definitely do that for you.

You gave me an idea, gonna let a CBD plant go over ripe and use it exclusively for oil…



good ol’ northern lights to get to sleep then a couple caps of melatonin usually does it for me. a couple drinks before bed works too but can quickly become a bad habit but I’ve done it. fan in the back ground or a noise machine is a must! can’t sleep without it.


Yup…indica strains for sure. If you grow your own, try letting a black domina go a week or 2 past potential harvest time… :sleeping: zzZzZZZZZZzzzzzZzzzz


Iv been recently taking 50 mg of Benadryl and night time cap of indica seems to be working pretty well for me lately . I would in the past be able to fall asleep pretty easily but after 4 hours or so wide awake it’s usually toss and turn but the Benadryl seems to lull me back to sleep . Doc had me to start off with 25 mg of trazadone which is small but even up to 75mg to 100 mg didn’t do shit ! Don’t want to go down the ambien or lunesta road either.


i do the same with my northern lights.


Better to take melatonin then sleeping pills. I take them when iam out of zanax. Someday I’ll S1 the Pheno I use to for sleep and send ya some beans and spread the big red love.


trazadone doesn’t do crap to me but benadrl does but if i take more than 1 tab. I’m groggy in the morning.


Thanks man appreciated! Lately @lefthandseeds jungle spice has been my sleeping and relaxing med and I’m enjoying it more than anything from a dispensary I may be making some heavy duty tincture from my door seeded bud Soon .


is a bit boring lying awake for hours, i go to sleep listening to music after having my last hit, after a max of 3 hours i’m up have a pee hit the vape and put music back on, i’m not so tired during the day and i do vape constantly so i dont need the sleep and its not so boring while the music is on


I still have all the JS seeds lefty sent. Deepchunk js never did germ. Which one are you growing?


It was one of the tester Paks I got in on in a seed run awhile back it was grown outdoors this summer it was a bit later when it started flowering in August it was the least seeded plant I had it was one of several crosses I have a black coded Vial iircc


Interesting. Your growing the JS/BD #1. Iam using the js/bd #2 as a breeding tool RN.


I have some indoor now under the new LEDS that are close to chop … orange goji , UFS, unknown prophet , blue dream s90 and an unknown


I also have a few seedling of mostly blue god going now


I’ll check out your thread and see what they look like. I still have those (js/bd1) too :laughing:.


Yeah…you could always post a pic one of flowered here I suppose. It does help you sleep right?