Medicating to sleep through the night

Slept for 12 hours last night. Can’t sleep a fuckin wink tonight. 3 glasses of wine half a zanax, extra curricular activities, and smoking afgani still no dice. Might as well make breakfast. I feel sober. Benadryl…


It’s a compromise we make, I only sleep six hours any day at best. But I almost always sleep everyday. I guess that’s better than no sleep?


Yeah I got about 5 hours. Which is usual. The slipped disc is what got me the 12hrs of sleep.


Is that why I barely remember having any dreams? There’s only a handful of dreams I can recall even having in the past ten plus years…


Absolutely. I love this effect, I don’t care to remember any dreams I have.


This time of year really fucks me up with the daylight hours becoming less and then the clock change. Even when I can sleep I go through a period where my patterns reverse and I sleep better in the day and am up at night. Sleep disorders can be brutal.


I slept too long and I fucked up my internal clock probably more then daylight savings has already. I need to clone a bunch of plants but my wrist is fucked up just got off and I just wanna relax.

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Jameson and mendos breath for me again tonight.


I might add that for us Americans, getting health insurance to cover sleep studies and expensive medications for sleep disorders is a nightmare in itself. Had to get a physician to approve the first sleep study obviously, but the ones after that I was given so much grief. To make matters worse I had waited a year to get an appointment with another specialist, conducted the study for 3 weeks, and then 6 weeks for the follow up appointment. I also turned in a sleep log/diary with all of my data. Now get this, the nurse scanned the log and put it on a computer file. When the doctor went to look at it during the follow up appointment it was unreadable. The doc called the nurse in and the paper log had been destroyed, oops. I kid you not, the doctor said “Well, that’s some bullshit. Want to repeat it?” Had to wrestle with the insurance enough just to get the first time approved.

What I finally got though was a diagnosis on paper, which I’m sure will be helpful in my quest to prove to others that cannabis is a legitimate treatment for some people like me who are suffering.

How does this work for people in other countries? Is medical cannabis a thing for sleep disorders there?


25 years of shift work and continental shifts fucked my sleep cycle for life.Days at a time with no sleep and when i do sleep its usually in the day for a couple of hours and then i am up another 36 to 48hrs.If it was not for my growing i would go mad.


For sure, rhythm is very important. I used to work night shifts every week and that fucked me up badly. Sleeping at more or less the same time every day is very, very important.

I love my dreams… Even my nightmares in a way. Don’t like this effect.

My doc didn’t suggest it, nor did I bring it up back then - but the worst of my problems started when I was on a years long cannabreak. I know that they are receptive to it here if you bring it up, in the Netherlands, but I’ve never heard the initiative come from the docs in my environment.


I find that Boneyard Seeds NorCal- One Hitter Quitter knocks me out. Couple that with some RSO gummies made with the same strain… and I’m out until the morning.
AG Seeds- purist Indica is also very good.

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I support cbn edibles like @ReikoX says at the beginning of this thread. Thc edibles don’t work for me, but I get better sleep with a “hard boiled” tincture or edible. I haven’t figured it out yet, but all signs point to cbn for me. 2c

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I had posted up in this thread at about the halfway point.
Since it’s still alive, our newest sleep aid, is cannabis capsules, the 00 size.
For about $25.00 I got a capsule capping machine that does 24 I think at a whack.
Works great, IMHO.
Some decarbed weed, ground fine, a bit of Lecithin, 24 cap bodies, in the lower jig, the tops in the other half of the jig, set them on top of each other, and press!
Nothing works for everyone, but these are great for sleep, or when you got to visit where you can not partake.
Drop a cap, and get permasmile!
In the other jar, drop a cap and nod off !!
I usually use weed, I do care for some aspect of it, lower’s, trim, shitty plant, been in a jar for a year.


I have one of the Cap machines too and have tried a couple different recipies.

I just did my first batch of CBN and CBD full spectrum caps. I just tried it the other night and it worked pretty well.

The only thing was I made them pretty strong and all the THC did not convert to CBN so I got pretty high from them. Next morning too so need to be careful to decarb longer or use only when I don’t need to go to work!


Right now I am using a Indica Kush CBD extract I make gummies with. 7 MG CBD with 1MG THC. Sometimes I also take a G13 gummie. 5MG
Nite Nite :100: :sleeping:


I also know, many of us are cutting up and composting hermi plants.
Over 10 years ago now, I used a big sfv, that went to the dark side, deep in it’s 3rd week of flower, for me.
After getting past the hurt feelings, as I cut the branches, hung them on a indoor clothes line, and let it dry.
I did an ugly strip n rip, and stuffed that bag into a freezer. A huge amount, well for this wee grower anyway.
Over the course of 5 years, I made some great extracts and tincture’s, that helped some folks seeking relief from ailments, the doctors could not.
Just to be honest, I’ve had just as many fails also. As just because it worked for person A, I found out, it may or MAY NOT work for person B. So I never feel, oh fuck yeah, this here fixes the world, anymore.