Medicating to sleep through the night

Melatonin is also a great aid


I suffer from chronic insomnia and delayed sleep phase syndrome. The dsps started for me when I was around 10-years old, and the insomnia later in my teens. These conditions have been crippling for me and have caused me to miss out on many opportunities. I’ve been on many different prescriptions (Ambien, Trazodone just to name a few) and for me not only did they not resolve my issues, but created whole new ones. I participated in a few sleep studies where they basicly told me that indeed, this is a true insomnia case as most other patients show at least some level of sleep activity in their brain wave patterns

The good herb is the only thing that has given me the relief I need and has allowed me to funtion normally, or at least close to it. Four days in with no sleep and I’m having visual and auditory hallucinations, intense dizziness and nausea, and severe anxiety. No fun at all.
Afghanis are a game changer. Fully matured with 50/50 ratio of cloudy and amber trichs in oil or edibles does the magic. 10mg of melatonin taken a half hour after the edibles puts me on a dream cloud, and I’m not easily knocked out. Smoking really doesn’t give me a whole lot of relief, at least for sleep…


Welcome to OG JustsumTomatoes, that sounds terrible. I struggle to function if I get a couple of days of interupted sleep let alone none.

I used to be a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, so I understand brain frequency functions. I am curious if you have been like this from birth or did it start late in life🤔

I expect you have you tried a lot of things to rectify this problem has meditation been one of them? You can access the same brain frequencies as when you sleep in deep meditation. A quick way to get into Alpha is closing the eyes and looking up at the top of your head, within 5 minutes you should start getting REM.

Working night shifts can cause Ultradium and Circadian rhythms to go out of sink.


I always felt like mediation was “just breathing”.

Then I took a course from Wim Hof on breathing and everything changed!

(If you haven’t heard of Wim Hof… definitely google him. They call him “The Ice Man”. Super cool dude!)

If you can build up your tolerance to accept larger doses of Coconut Oil or RSO - that can be very helpful as well!


Thanks for the kind words! No, this hasn’t been from birth for me. It started to progress for me in my teens. Yes, I’ve been prescibed many different medications with none of them being effective in treating it. The side effects alone were horrible. From wht I’ve told by sleep specialists, while suffering from it my brain refuses to enter any of the REM stages (even when I’m mentally and physically exhausted.)

I’ve tried meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, self hypnosis, and physical exercise (which helps when the sleep problems are under control.) Someone who was close to me talked me into going back to cannabis because it’s by far been the most effective treatment for me.

The challenges I now face are jumping through the legal and social hoops surrounding its legality and stigma sorounding it. Sourcing quality medicine is also difficult and is costly. It’s also a hassle trying to pass drug tests for employment… I can go a month without getting high no problem, but can’t live a month without sleep. I’ve tried it and wound up in the hospital. I just feel so frustrated that something as safe and effective as cannabis is still a crime. :pensive:


So would the problem be the autonomic nervous system not doing something?

Have you tried magic mushrooms, they can have a re set affect on the brain and nervous system when micro dosing.


Seriously, if you could consider to relocating to a location that legal isn’t an issue, thats wjere I’d start.

If you can’t, pm me, ill send some seeds bro.

Much love :v::peace_symbol::v:


That’s not a bad guess, but I honestly don’t have an answer and wish I did. The delayed sleep phase syndrome is easier to understand as it’s typically brought on by stress and when the days get shorter and the clock sets back, like right now. It’s also easier to treat as I just need more exposure to sunlight and a melatonin supplement. It’s the insomnia that’s the real enigma.

I’m in a group with other insomnia patients and the means of treatment varies greatly with individuals. I consider myself fortunate cause there are people that have to constantly rotate benzos for relief, or have become dependent on alcohol as a result. Even worse, there are ones who a relieved by nothing which places them at high risk for suicide.

For me, cannabis (particularly strains that are Afghani dominant) has given so much relief with little negative side affects. My weight began to drop, my diet and lifestyle improved, and people in my life who don’t know of my use began to ask what had changed and noted my improvement. I had to bite my tongue cause many people where I live still look at cannabis the same as crack, no joke.


PM sent. Thanks for the love homie.


Back in the day, we use to go for 50% amber (or more) for real couch lock effect, but you might get some more of the “weed hangover” from it.


50/50 cloudy/amber is generally what I prefer. I tried taking some higher-CBN bud to age for a year, then slow cooked it in oil for 24 hours to help degrade more of the THC into CBN. What I learned was smaller amounts were actually better. Too much CBN not only causes the hangover effect but actually makes you feel pretty sick and doesn’t help with sleep. I guess CBN alone is not the answer.


FWIW I read (who knows where) that THC suppresses REM sleep. Part of why it has good applications in PTSD treatment. My dreams are so vivid and emotional when I wake up from a good dream even I feel awful. Either the dream was traumatic or it was so much better than my real life.

Curiously, last night, I had some old flower. A 1:1 strain no less. I slept so well… for the first few hours. The. I started dreaming. Then I started waking up and falling asleep again for a few hours. Around 9am (went to sleep around 12-1am) I wake up and decide to just get up. I feel the shittiest hangover I’ve ever felt. Holy crap. So I am curious about CBN and it’s conversion time frame. Definitely to be used in moderation lol.


It’s counter intuitive but mild amphetamines can tire your brain out enough so you can sleep. Just don’t take them right before bed.


Same - the state of dreamlessness is good. I started medicating because of severe migraines, and found out about the REM properties and welcomed the unanticipated side effects.

Always had horrible nightmares, but when the migraines started and I realized the additional benefits medicating had on me if used before bed.

It worked really well (just smoking) for a long time, but now, I’m learning that the only way for myself to stay asleep and id say 90% dreamless, are edibles. the ABV from my volcano smoke, truly, TRULY has been a game changer for me.

The danger with the edibles, is the hangover feeling. Dialing in the dosage can be brutal for a couple days. But, keep at it, you’ll get there, trust me!

:v: :peace_symbol: :v:


As someone with ADHD, small doses of caffeine make me sleepy. It’s not uncommon in our family to have a cup of coffee with desert after dinner… or with a late night snack.

I can’t speak to Amphetamines, they did nothing in small dose and gave panic attacks at effective doses. But I metabolize amphetamines about 2-3x faster than normal. But stimulants are really helpful to me in calming down. Caffeine, THC. As long as I keep it to the mild ones, I get a sedative effect.


One experiment I wish I could do would be to observe my brain wave patterns and rem cycles in a sleep lab while under cannabis. One thing I’ve been able to do is track my rem cycles with a fair bit of accuracy using a Fitbit watch. I’ve been able to observe how I tend to stay asleep longer, wake up less, and get 3 cycles of rem with 3 stages under cannabis. Without, and I tend to not get into deep sleep, and stay in stage 1 fairly briefly before repeatedly waking.

Something about THC makes dreams less vivid, but allows me to sleep comfortably through them uninterrupted and feeling more rested. Obviously proper dosage is important, too much and it can be counterproductive.


It has probably been mentioned but I always run my plants for edibles at least longer than normal a week 2 weeks even and of course edibles the hydroxy 11 has a much more “narcotic” effect as opposed to delta 9 works for me about the only thing that works for me good luck folks


I agree and try to do the same. Unfortunately, outdoors in my climate you have to be done reasonably early because of the mold promoting weather. Not to mention people being in the out bush during hunting season. Afghanis hate damp conditions, with Northern lights being one that resists it (That splash of Thai in there.) Great all-round strain.


yeah I get that for sure I am not an outdoor grower at all I’m in Central NY we just don’t have a long enough season maybe with fast flowering strainsor light dep but other than that it’s tough I know people do it so what do I know anyways indoor I have much more control over that and if they arē destined for edibles they run a week or two longer


Are there any potent, Indica-sided autos that anyone would recommend that would finish earlier in the season?

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