Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Nice landscaping .A backyard full of bud .



The brown dead buds are because little caterpillars are munching at the base of that bud-- itā€™s not budrot yet. Try and remove as much damaged stuff as you can/have patience for.

And fwiw, that roof will probably need attention in the next 10 years. Itā€™ll be way more expensive than you think/care for.

:nerd: :wave:



Dad came by today, hasnā€™t seen the girls in a week or so. His reaction was priceless. He was like me when I made the videos and the buds were just starting to stack. He was like a little kidā€¦ ā€œHoly shit! These buds are as big as my arm and youā€™re telling me we still have more than a month to go?ā€ He had a full conniption fit over Good Shit cuz those are the fattest, stickiest and frostiest of the buds out there right nowā€¦ Grabbing and sniffing buds. Canā€™t get the stick and stink off your hands without rubbing alcohol. It was awesome to watch! I see them 20 times a day, so as exciting as it isā€¦ itā€™s not as largely different from one day to the next, but a week in between a huge difference.

Anywho, we hit up Big Lots and bought some big plastic storage bins and went to the grow store to get a new bottle of BTK since my battle is not over with these damn caterpillars. I guess itā€™s all about eggs hatching and beating them back on the weekly through the September. So much work. sigh


Hey Admins! Problem with the site. When trying to edit a postā€¦ most of it is invisible although it shows in the preview pane. Whatā€™s going on?? Glitch? Itā€™s happened to me now more than once this week. @toastyjakes @Calyxander @Jellypowered @Northern_Loki whoever is working right now. @LemonadeJoe

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What are you trying to edit thatā€™s not showing for you, might be able to help

anytime I try and edit one of my own posts. Most of it disappears, although if you move the cursor up or down, itā€™s going between the now invisible lines but the text is gone on the edit side and there on the preview pane. It only started doing it this week.

Usually it happens if there is more than one paragraph there. ieā€¦ it will only show part of the first paragraph then simply blank where the rest of the text is.

btwā€¦ this is on my computer, donā€™t post much from my phone. If that means anything.


Itā€™s likely a browser problem @Meesh. Try another browser and even see if your phone does the same thing :+1:


I havenā€™t changed browsers though. Last thing to happen was a major Windows 10 update like a month ago. I use google chrome so that shouldnā€™t make a difference. At least I donā€™t think it should.

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Sometimes a browsers cache creates problems like this. Try edge or Firefox to see if it replicates the problem. If it does itā€™s a website problem :wink:


I love that story. I bet your Dad is quite impressed with his girl! :grinning:. All da loveā€¦



:joy: LOL that makes MY day evenā€¦hahah




Itā€™s been intermittent. Guess Iā€™ll have to try Edge for a week just on this site to find out. Just seemed odd that it just started happening after more than a year of being on here without the problem.

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Itā€™s a PITA I know. You could try clearing chromes cache to see if it fixes it.


So, Iā€™m seeing pm again on the OG skunk. Bought some potassium bicarbonate now. @Sunvalley @TrevorLahey yā€™all seemed to use this stuff beforeā€¦ Am I correct in understanding that how this stuff works is it simply raises the ph of the leaves too alkaline for the pm to live? If so, do I apply in sun or no sun and I should rinse it off after correct to bring the ph back to normal? Also, how long do I wait before I hose it off after applying? There are next to no instructions on the Green Cure package I bought.




Working on it. Apparently I havenā€™t done this in a minute. Itā€™s taking forever. I did about half and had to stop to order some dinner. lol Iā€™m gonna let it run the clear cache thing again when the computer is sitting idle for awhile. Thanks for the tip. Weā€™ll see if it helps. It could be me and it could be the site. I guess we shall see.


Very Nice! Thanks for sharing!


The few times Iā€™ve had to use it were on tomatoes and cukes and I just stripped off all the visible stuff and added a few drops of dawn and idk a ā€œspoonfulā€ of baking soda to 1 litre of water and sprayed all around the affected areas. It seemed to work at controlling it as it didnt come back but ymmv. Cant tell you if its because of the alkalinity or because of something else I dont know the science.

As always use your best judgement with spraying based on weather and environmental conditions. Never spray your plants during high sun but you know this. Best time to spray is on a cloudy, windy day in my opinion but cant rely on the weather. I wouldnā€™t go overboard with it unless itā€™s gotten really bad to a point of being almost systemic, just treat any area that had been infected before you removed the infected stuff plus anything that looks vulnerable.

An old friend of mine used to use Aqua Velva on his zucchinis when they had it but once again I dont know why or if it even worked.

I have been spotting some myself on weeds mostly along the edge of my house and garage, it tends to like shade so consider opening up your plants to more sunlight and let the uv kill it.