Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Now that’s what I’m talking about! Sounds like my typical morning. Peace/Love…



Ha, yeah, well put. Perfectly… been a minute since I had one like that. But, I’m looking!


Didn’t find any pm on the OG Skunk today. Hope it stays that way! The Botafumeiros actually smells good now, like the forest. It had the weirdest, bordering on gross almost neem oil like smell all through veg and beginning of flower. Actually was getting kind of worried cuz who the hell wants to be repulsed by the smell of their weed? Still a bit lingers, but it’s changed for the better.


@Sunvalley Thanks for the vid! That guys farm is A-MAZE-ING! Wish I could get my hands on one of those machines! Looks $$$$$$$! Shoot! Want one of those 1000 gallon compost tea bubblers too oh and 1500 plants… :smiley:


Note to self: Autos

Ground autos Day 59
FM 4-6 Day 47
Blue Dreams Day 38ish
FM 7-9 Day 24 preflower

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try it like 3 times…

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That’s pretty damn impressive thanks for sharing @Sunvalley!


Yeah he seriously has a great looking place … well maintained for such a massive op


Did you check out the vid I posted on Today I learned post 249 cannabis farm in Colorado? Pretty impressive also


Will go and have a look when I get home bro


I had a 0lant once that had a strong menthol smell. Couldn’t handle the flower, so I tried making rosin. It was like dabbing vic’s vapor rub. :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:


Kushage is so big now that she is bursting from the seams. Even with the net, she has bulged across the pavers . Luckily my pansies have died back from the summer heat or I’d be walking on them just trying to get down the pathway now. Bob and weave. lol. Boy do I love this ridiculous plant! She screams “I’m Dank AF” at me every time I shimmy by her.


I used to have some inbred SSH that stank to high hell of cat piss… so bad I couldn’t bare to even catch a whiff of it without wanting to vomit. Honest to god was link a full on amonia cat piss… funny thing is now that I lost it I wish I still had it hahahaha


Some people lust after that “cat piss” stuff. :dizzy_face:


:joy: I’d bet Bob has a weave & panties where you’re at… :high_heel: :santa:

:evergreen_tree: :smoking:


What a day! It’s Fleet week at the Port of Los Angeles, so we went down this morning to tour a few Navy ships. Super cool! Everything is free including parking and shuttle services, but they get ya with 85 degree heat and $5 bottles of water. I love going on those ships and my dirty old lady self loves checking out the 20 somethings in their hot cracker jack uniforms! lol Anyway, we get down there this morning and they tell us Cheap Trick was gonna play at night. So FOMO got to my man after we got home and we drove back down and checked out the show. Pretty awesome! They sounded really good too! It wasn’t even that packed. I honestly was shocked that my man actually had to go back for the show cuz the man is usually in bed by 8 pm and works at 3 am. So, Yay Me!!! Honestly, aside from vacation or special tickets to something, I can’t remember the last time I went out on a Friday night.


Not as many as you’d think… I’m a good 20 miles from West Hollywood and that may as well be a 100 miles in LA Traffic. lol



I have like 5 different strains of weed now from my auto harvests, but I can’t stop smoking the premature OG Skunk I got off the branches I cut. It’s seriously good stuff. So far, photos seem to just blow doors on even my best autos. I was tempted to cut a premature branch on one of my other plants the other day to test it out. Can’t remember which one, probably the Kushage, because I obsess on her. I actually told myself no and that it would be cheating. 4 hours later, I’m thinking, it’s my fkn plant, I can test it if I want, it’s not like I would even miss it come November. I still couldn’t bring myself to do it, even with my pep talk. Guess I’m just a weirdo, but I’m sure y’all figured that out about 1100 posts ago. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:speaking_head: :hear_no_evil: :busts_in_silhouette:

Si se puede lay-day

take buds at 3 different times & see the difference for yourself!
