Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

It depends what you meen to be repulsed?
Read a post from bodhi about an old Afghani he has acquired artifact 1, you could feel his energy about this in the text.
I will try to repeat line of top of head so not an exact quote but close for reasons of covering my backside.
I’m really excited about this, it’s so gross and it makes me feel so happy, and “it smells like a prison basketball game”. Just made me want some. Someone is testing a variant that is Malawi x artifact 1 x 88g13 hashplant I think? I’d have a go on that :rocket::volcano::sparkler::fireworks::sunrise:


Bodhi cracks me up with his descriptions. One podcast I listened to had a few… one I remember is “pirate sweat”… lol… wtf? how does anyone know what pirate sweat smells like?! I love it though…his imagination is wild.

I had a strain almost 3 years ago that smelled like dirty feet/socks, or something sort of repulsive like that. I’ve never had a strain that smelled so rotten, and at the same time could be so intriguing. It was sort of like skunk that way.

The buds were rock hard and it would burn in a bowl forever. Like a spark would just lay there waiting on you to hit the bowl again. And, it was very strong. I still have a little of the shake left that is all keif mostly.

It’s a cross of Pineapple Chunk from Barney’s Farm crossed accidentally to a male Selene from Sannies Shop. I only had the one plant so I need to grow them again. It was a large sativa looking plant and was just amazing all around.

That smell when you opened the jar, though… wow… at first I was ah crap, I hope this cures out… heh… It only got more stank but much more dank to is, too. Very skunky in a way. I’d love to get that pheno again. It was unique to say the least… but it would lay you out, too. peace


Bought this 20 year old scotch once that was the same. Complete cat piss! Grossest stuff ever! Best bottle of liquor I ever had. Miss it too in this really sick and twisted way.

Not in a good way. I know what you mean. Just like @Sunvalley cat piss bud or the 20 year old scotch. The smell would make me grimace and move away from the plant, Watch it will turn out to be my favorite out there. lol


Autos are a useful tool but a comprise.
Although there is a breeder that I used flash seeds that does super autos if you try these and time it right you can end up with an outdoor grow that is prolific and like indoor.
I know years ago that’s why Cali took to darkening greenhouses.
My experiment was stolen by pirates but the flavours it was putting out were tropical fruits although that was not in strain descriptions z


I guessed that Neville shoemakers once commented about you cross haze with haze from the batches he had you would end up with catpiss. Someone replied what’s wrong that? Nothing if you like catpiss!


Last year I grew all of my outdoor plants in containers. This year only the autos have been in containers. Since I have been smoking my container bud for a year straight I didn’t realize this until now… My container grows can only be compared to each other. Even the premature bud of one of my plants grown directly in the ground this year is like a whole other level of bud. The quality is unsurpassed by the container grows. Not even in the same league.


I know I have said this before, but you are doing an A+++ job outdoors; flowers, veggies and “Flowers” @Meesh

I wish I could transport myself there just to get a whiff of that backyard…lol



Maybe I’ll take a sample of one of the Cherry Berry White buds that I picked brown caterpillar spit out of. Have you had a smoke report on that cross yet?


Much appreciated, my friend! Now would be a good time! Stinks to high hell out there and just getting stronger! It’s a beautiful thing!


Question OG’ers… Is it normal for CBD plants not to smell? I can’t get a whiff of my Charlotte’s Angel to save my life.


I bet it is…lol… I think I would get high just from wanting to cradle and smell all the different bud…hehehe… contact high, you know… some of them trichs would definitely absorb I would think…



That was Dad on Wednesday! Grabbing and sniffing! It was awesome to watch!

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That’s why I’m asking I’m growing bingo pajama.
I’ve heard the description of greener GDP it’s the fizzle I want!
And the Appalachian has that but kudra is supposed to be gifted in its outcrosses.
I’m happy with what I’ve found.
I need to understand though to me my prolific plant at the moment is the appy leaning pheno . Roots suggest though the one I’m calling a little more kudra although I can not attest to this. Would be a larger plant horizontaly if had more root space.
Sorry the appaltion has sort of what I’m looking for but the kudra was a reason to get more fizzle for me. I miss its


Sorry wrong thread think


Nope! :grin:


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The remedyCBD/Z-7 was orange skunk & stinky. :thinking:



How long did it take to stink?

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Ah shit! @Sunvalley just read that swallowtails like dill. I have Monarchs, I need milkweed instead. Damn it! Don’t think dill is gonna do it over here.


Charlotte Angel had a really strong savoury smell @Meesh but not until late flower. It’s also has a 10 week bloom period when grown indoors. When I grew her out she shared the tent with WW and a couple of other smelly strains.


still got the message though haha.
I’ve also got a few packs of bingo pajama. I’m excited to hunt through that one and outcross it to champagne x ken’s kush from Ken who bred gdp. Double moet, backed up with appalachia and ken’s kush. I might also make some bingo pajama x gdp hybrids.

Let me know what you find in these bingo pajamas, I’d love to see what those look like when you pull them. Hope you get the effects you’re looking for when they’re ready to smoke.
If you start a thread on those, I’d definitely be interested in hearing about their growth characteristics.