Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Caterpillars are back at it. They like the stickiest and oldest buds dog damn it! I’ll spray 3 or 4 plants again tonight then follow each evening this week on the others so it’s not as overwhelming and time consuming in one shot.

Almost forgot DBHP is finally budding!


I’ve sort of got a thread. I was finding things hard to navigate so lemonade joe pasted the buck to me I just gotta change title😉.
I got on this strain cause description I was looking for an old flame! I bought a pack and sent a member here three they never arrive to the insulated address.
He was doing a seed buy either glc or Jim bean.
I suggested the bingo, he has chose A male and has made many crosses and has f2! Me I’m shackled but have a guy I trust at the mo to keep clones or whatever viable mode there is for getting job done. He will know results from my stock then go from there


Best defense against those caterpillars is to check the buds every day and maybe twice a day. You’ll get good at it. I was just removing them and maybe a bud if it had already gone inside.

I got ahead of them and when I harvested I only came across one or two I had missed. White moths are bad about laying the eggs on the leaves and the worm hatches and grows by feeding on the bud. But, if left on the plant, it’ll cause bud rot and that can spread. It’s a fungus I think… Good luck with those bitches. I don’t miss that.


by mid flower obvious, late flower kinda too stinky for a lot of people. the skunk was to blame. :neutral_face:



Yeah I’ve kept six bingo pajama back.
I was going crazy not growing so hatched two.
The other 3 were intercepted in a mix bag I sent friend.
The strain had interested for a while.
My friend decided to get a pack and found some gems. Crossed them to many things, but made f2 stock too

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Let’s go ahead and do that then please. You can continue your discussion over there.


@Meesh thanks for the tip on the Dill … Will read up on what it may attract for me me out here


Couple things… first I sprayed Bt on the 3 plants that are the most caterpillar effected and it’s such a pain in the ass. I’m actually gonna set my alarm for like 6 am and use the hose end sprayer which does not have a mist setting so I have to use a lot more and pretty much soak these mofos.

Secondly, I’ve decided that (no offense to anyone) Megacrop is complete crap and causes Cal/Mag issues every time I have used it. Since I can say that I didn’t use it at all on my first auto run this spring and had zero issues on those plants and issues on every single auto I’ve used it on since. Crap. Not using it anymore. I’ll dig something out of the garage to finish these with. I think I have some Advanced Nutrients for bud out there still. I’ll just be very careful and go light on my feed and build up. Luckily, I have a cal/mag drench per my soil test come Friday so I’ll drench the autos too. I usually don’t use any of my soil test stuff on the container plants.


From what I’ve read the brown shit on the bud from caterpillars is not a fungus or bud rot per se… it’s damage from basically the bugs saliva, like an enzyme they produce. Of course I pick off as much as I can, but you don’t always find the culprit inside and whatever kind I have, I rarely find on the leaf, usually the only way I find them is digging in a brown spot once they have already started fucking it up. I got lucky today and found a leaf with eggs on it and got rid of that, but with literally thousands of leaves they can easily be 1000’s of eggs hidden in the plants. More than likely they are caterpillars from moths cuz if they were butterflies they would be larger and easier to spot. The good shit is straight tore up. I’m just frustrated, but I’ll just keep fighting, They may get half my crop by the end. Who knows?


I never tried to do anything to the leaf and egg phase, just buds. I would look for that brown spot and take the whole bud or a piece of a bud, or whatever it would take to remove the brown stuff. I started geting pretty good at it and could catch a lot of them before they entered the bud. I could see them crawling on a leaf or the bud itself. Mine came in pretty late, maybe a few weeks before harvest or less… can’t remember. I remember the moths were white and not real large. It was a pain, but it became part of the day. Morning night or whenever I want to see if I could see another one. I threw a lot of bud out, too, but nothing like it would’ve been had I not worked at it.

Here’s a couple of pics to give an idea of how many buds I had to try and check and save… This plant was nothing but buds. It was fun. peace and best vibes on winning the battle!


This is only 1/3 of the plants I’m dealing with @GMan … I definitely look them over on the daily, but good god man, a girls got to work to eat for at least part of the day! Lol Digging for caterpillars could be a f/t job over here.


@Sunvalley made a ton of crosses and f2 I think?
I bought a pack couple of years and sent sv three in a mixed bag, but intercepted.
I’ve got six left. But after that it was on freebie on either glg or Jim bean, so when asked I gave thumbs up.
I’ve got clones that I’m trying to give away to keep it on the menu. And in hope of something special.
If I manage to get the money together I’m gonna be away for a few weeks in winter.
So I won’t be able to hold them here.
But there’s a guy coming today to grab clones as he wants start keeping stuff.
I think the guy will be happy even though it’s a very small selection.
But until it’s flowered out won’t know, but I reckon if it’s something I want to keep he will want to keep about.
If he doesn’t like he has my permission to discard,
I have so many strains on my to do list that I will just give cuts to him I think he wants 2 strains can’t remember but everything is open to discussion and keepers are only keepers as long as they can keep there place, the king is dead long live the king. Like I said I’ve still six beans in fridge. And sv holds f2 so I still have access to this strain in the future


Yeah sorry didn’t mean to hijack thread will do that


Damn @Meesh plants are looking good! I’d say you have a fair amount of scoping to do !


Yes, yes… now I see your predicament.


Doctorzymes will take care of all the soft bodied insects and pm and molds 100 percent organic will not effect the buds . I’m using this product with fantastic results just follow instructions .


are you using nutes for your whole garden, or just the plants in containers? either way, I always had good results with the roots organics bloom, which was also the cheapest organic option at the time.


I use Roots dry nutes and a few of their other amendments. No complaints. Took a while to get a feel for they way they work but I’m good now.


Just nutes in the containers. The garden was amended per a soil test and I’ve just followed the recommended liquid fish and cal/mag drenches out there. I only have 2 cal/mag drenches left for the season.

I’m just gonna finish these autos with whatever I find in my garage at this point, even if I have to just use alaska brand fish fert for bloom. I’ll dig around out there. It’s kind of ridiculous how much crap I’ve accumulated over the last year. The only photo plant getting Megacrop right now is the CBD plant cuz she’s also in a container. I’m hoping I’ll have enough harvest to get me all the way through to the next years harvest and I won’t need to grow anymore autos after these, so I don’t really want to buy anymore fert.


A few pics for your viewing pleasure…

The Kushage, I love her

Holy Punch

Strawberry Diesels still not budding and 7 feet tall

Cherry Berry White… Beast

The wonderful buds on good shit getting a lot of caterpillar damage

Jungle Spice her bud spears are massive but trip me out how they are all encapsulated by the leaves

Another cherry berry white shot… she’s a ham

This is what I have to deal with now when I need to walk down my path… Kushage hogging up the joint

The autos… @ReikoX FM 4-6 left row, blue dreams middle and youngest FM 7-9. Back plant cbd

Charlottes angel cbd… great bud structure, bugs don’t seem to like her and still no smell at all