Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

ONE of those outdoor plants would exceed my entire years run inside… :scream:

Gotta be so cool to do that.


Absolutely! It still blows my mind and it’s my yard. lol Let’s see how my harvest ends up after this next month of fighting caterpillars and pm, though. It’s not over until the fat lady sings.


You are fortunate to be there. If that was your yard in Texas you would have been ripped by wild eyed, gun totin’ rednecks before they flowered! Great pics. Peace…



I am caught between drooling, being green with envy, and maybe a bit TMI, but kind of that “peeing in your pants” excitement that dog owners will know (ya know, when they are so excited to see you, they can’t control the whizz factor…lol) when I see the budshots of your yard… Future goals…

On the homestretch now, and as long as you can keep the predators(i.e. crapapillars, etc.) at bay, then you should be golden… or is that green???

I agree…:+1:



Looking very boss at your place @Meesh! well done! That last few weeks is hard on the ole sphincter muscle. All of that hard work and you are so proud when they are that size, but it’s stressful at that stage until you cut them down. Best vibes on a clean finish and a successful harvest!


Crazy to me that I started these seeds on April 1st and that in only 5 short months they look like this! Sure wish all the new perennials in my flower beds grew in this fast. Supposedly, once your soil is in a perfect balance, plants will emit something that keeps bugs away. So far, no aphids or spider mites or any other creepy crawlies beside the damn craperpillars! Maybe by next years soil test and amendments the soil will be even closer to perfection and will keep even these little green bastards away. I find beneficials like lady bugs and spiders here and there, but not too many as I don’t think they have too much to eat pest wise. When all the bud finishes, if it has half the sticky and flavor of the premature OG skunk pieces I have tested, I will be over the moon! I just can’t figure out how to get that kind of strong taste out of my container grows no matter what I do.


I honestly believe that once your soil “matures” a bit, that perfect balance will be achieved… I think all the hard work you have done this past year, will only reap rewards in the future for you… better buy bigger bins…lol

Slow and steady wins the race…



You aren’t kidding! Aside from battling pm here and there and caterpillars, I worry whenever I leave the house that someone walking by is gonna get stupid and scale my fence. I try not to think on that too hard though as I don’t want any bad energy to bring that into existence. Aside from the Good Shit being topped at birth and not being sure she was gonna make it, veg was easy peasy. All the insanity and long hours spent on them have been in the last month once flower set in and it’s still gonna drag out past most of the harvest with the super sativas that haven’t even started. DBHP is barely starting now and who knows when the diesels will finally bud or finish. Those 3 at the end may prove to be even more stressful than the other 8 plants combined.


Haha! Dad and I hit up Big Lots on sale and bought out all their big plastic storage bins and we will probably need more. There is quite an expense wrapped up in a harvest like this actually. All the dessicant packs, storage bins, drying rack then once their cured it’s gonna be turkey bags and vacuum sealer etc… At least a lot of the supplies can be used over and over.


@Meesh damn that strawberry diesel is a stubborn one. Only if it were possible to keep it in the dark for 24 hours to force it.

Garden looks ridiculous. Promise you will give another video walk around right before harvest please :blush::v:


They sure are, along with that DBHP! Dang! They are so damn big, I wouldn’t even know how to cover them to block out the daylight at this point.

Every time I upload a bunch of pics, I think I should’ve just taken another video, so you guys can see them all. So it’s gonna happen. May even be more than one before harvest time.

I may dig out my real camera and see if I can figure out the video on it for better viewing.


I completely forgot to mention another form of my bud stress. I work from home 90% of the time and have clients dropping off and picking up stuff and pretty soon even in midday it’s gonna reek. The Kushage already kind of does and she’s closest to my back gate. I refuse to lie about anything about my life even to my clients, so if they ask I’ll tell them the truth… I grow the cannabis for Dad! Okay, it’s only partly true, but still a fact. lol The nerdy accountant isn’t supposed to be a cannabis farmer… certainly can’t afford to lose clients.


The smart ones are…

Checks and balances are what Life is all about imhumbleo…



Complain about the “liberal” neighbors to your clients if it comes up. :smile_cat:


Haha! Thought of that, but if they came around to the backdoor they could see the top of the Kushage just from outside the gate as she’s taller than it.

Right?! Luckily, my clients probably wouldn’t be very shocked. Most of them have been with me for a really long time. Some of them even a couple of decades. My work is professional, but my style is super laid back and casual. They’ve all figured out that I’m gonna roll up to a business meeting in my flip flops. You’re not gonna catch this boss lady in a business suit. Probably look more like a surfboard salesman than an accountant. :metal::sunglasses:


Just got home and was checking out the girls in the dark while the dog was doing her business and the DBHP is finally getting that look. You know the look when all the branches seem to separate when buds start to stack and instead of a bush you have these prominent spears and you can finally see between the branches. Anyway, I think it will actually stick this time and she will start budding all over instead of just the tiny buds on a small part of the plant. YAY! Now, it’s Sept 1st, those fucking diesels better show up to the damn party already!


:yin_yang: hit me up when you get a board designed for the southern Rockies! :metal: I’d buy a board from you. You are why your clients deal with you. :kissing_closed_eyes:


I agree that MegaCrop is an inferior product.
But I always use powdered dolomite lime in my container soilless mix, so my problem with using MC was not due to cal/mag, it was because it simply did not keep my plants as green and vibrant as I like, I was using more than one teaspoon per gallon and my plants still appeared hungry. I quickly obtained some of my long time preferred nutrients to use instead of MC.
½ to ¼ teaspoon per gallon worked better than the MegaCrop at considerably higher dosage.
The MC was not uniform in consistency of powder, and did not dissolve easily as well.

Regardless of nutrients used on container plants, I think it is a good idea to add dolomite lime to the soilless mix.

Good luck in finishing your spectacular array of bodacious buds!
It’s crunch time baby! Stay vigilant.


Bigger house with a bigger yard! RESPECT!



My Auto Charlotte’s Angel had a nice smell. Maybe musky, earthy, not sure. However it decided to stop growing at 25cm and yielded freaking 1.8g dry. lol

My Sweet Pure Auto CBD is developing a bit of scent lately but mostly smells “green” so far. No problem to have her inside without air filter.