Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Looks ready to me but if you like it better put a loupe on it?

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I have butter!


Wasnt it cool the way the 2 separated?? Did you have much ā€œcrapā€ in the water?

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Betty Botter bought some butter, but, she said, The butterā€™s bitter; If I put it in my batter, It will make my batter bitter. But, a bit of better butter will make my batter better. So, she bought a bit of butter better than her bitter butter, and she put it in her batter and the batter was not bitter. So, 'twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.


Mostly just murky green water with a few fat drops that didnā€™t stick. I strained it really good 4 times then used a cheesecloth, so not much debris in it.


Not sure youā€™d be able to say that once you eat some of this butter! lol


Try the tongue twister in your titration tests.


So funny, my boyfriend just texted me ā€œDid you get an english muffin and try it out?ā€ Hahaha! Hell no! He is my guinea pig, Iā€™m afraid of my butter.


Great post @Funkjunky. Just call me Master of Jack. :laughing: :joy:

The US Defense dept. issued a report about 15 yrs ago saying that was a serious threat to natā€™l security. Something like 1 in 5 or 1 in 4 applicants donā€™t meet the piss-poor reqā€™s. :rolling_eyes:

You were raised properly! :wink: :thumbsup:

:evergreen_tree: boys will be boys! :joy_cat:


Looks like you did a good job on the CBā€¦

How much is your Butter worth??? get itā€¦lolā€¦ enjoy



Your Mom must have gotten so much shitā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I would chop now. And hang the plant as much as possible intact. As you say this is higher than house maybe hard?
What are the lower buds like? With sativa dominant hybrids sometimes the lower buds can mature first. Some tropical sativa need at least four months to mature.
Donā€™t forget what you have acquired is an attempt to tame the beast.
Cannabis for what we know did not originate at the equator.
It made a journey and adapted to its environment.
At the equator itā€™s 12 and 12 almost all the time.
There is a slight shift where the earth isnā€™t spinning on an exact axis.
Plants at these locations only need a gentle nudge to shift to flower.
In the seventies most weed was import and contained seeds, this era was before my time as an adult. But Iā€™ve located a time machine on e-bay and that is where Iā€™m going if It ever gets here!
Indoor market changed things a bit indica reduced size and less hermaphroditism, then bred for desired traits.
My desired scenario would be that a conservation project happened early. But crossing breeds was ok in a controlled area but could never dilute the gene pool of land races that have evolved over many generations, this is cake and eat it, but what flavours would we be smoking if the war on drugs hadnā€™t happened? Imagine if this plant had the freedoms some of us fools think we have? And was allowed to evolve with its best friend but worst enemy man!

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Sorry drifted. If you hang an intact plant it doesnā€™t die straight away. The plant can go from milky to amber during the drying process. Might work in two sections I think?
Iā€™m still experimenting with the slow drying process. It makes smoother better bud but takes longer and you have to stagger what you jar.
As my next run wonā€™t be entirely for my own enjoyment. I will go by my instinct at time may Chop in bits and dry?
Iā€™ll know when time comes!!

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@Funkjunky No No, the sativas barely started budding like today. They are gonna go long into November


I have like 4 plants that are really close though, within 2 weeks probably They havenā€™t hit the pinnacle of their stinky yet


You got itā€¦ But she was smooth as syrup about itā€¦lolā€¦:v: I got a lot of razzinā€™ tooā€¦ but hey, makes for thick skinā€¦

Just wanted to say, you are certainly getting an education, and valuable experience outdoors this season, arenā€™t you???

Damn, just think how wicked future crops/yields will be if this is an indicationā€¦

Hang in there, you got thisā€¦ @Sunvalley will be recruiting ya soonā€¦



Strawberry diesel?
Iā€™m sure you will know the ripeness.
I can only go by photos let it go greasy them couple days can make a difference. But then will degrade.
These are the times when we earn our spurs! Go by your nose there almost family. In England you canā€™t bring a plant in early. Unless you ripen. under darkened greenhouses You can succeed . Someone will correct me there as they have had the luxury of eco sytem that comes with garden fence. Iā€™ve bought home plants that Iā€™ve chopped good bud away to create scorched earth against botryotis.
Never got to be lord of the manor there was always a compromise. These got greasy and lost 60% before I pulled. The haul netted me more than my shady spots.
Itā€™s like about everything in life find ballance.
Take on board what people say but thatā€™s based on there party.
Fly with the freedom of knoledge always ask opinions but remember sometimes itā€™s just a point of view. Itā€™s whatever works for you, ive moved locations inside and canā€™t do what I could before!
You have a feel for the plant and have a chance to progress our knowledge!
Go with your instincts girlšŸ˜‰
I miss em when there gone so try to get greasy but havenā€™t got heart to see them get problems of going past sell by. But outdoor here is hard Iā€™m 52n with damp climate. If thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way though!
Greenhouses do perfectly well here with extraction. But certain strains just wonā€™t Finnish here!
When I had young legs and could run around I really enjoyed it. But you learn to go with the usual suspects like Frisian dew as Iā€™d take half a plant that is ripe against a whole plant semi ripe!
And I used to take that on the chin cause gorilla is different. Iā€™m gonna sleep. Thereā€™s debates about the cold at end of season. Force it or use super autos or shelter do fine. Some plants c an handle it but hard for more potent ones

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I was so pleasantly reminded last night that once all the pollinators fuck off for the season, Iā€™m gonna be dealing with aphids and spider mites. And they are already disappearing. My guess is they will hit the last 3 that go way into fall, the DBHP and Strawberry Diesels. Just mentally preparing myself now, in case. The bug universe is the Wild Wild West, Man. Constant duel with nature.


Petunias and worm wood help with aphid control ā€¦ if a nursery around you sells them,maybe get a few to put around the plants youā€™re worried about. Also of you can control any ants that may be trying to work your plants will help too. Spider mites can be a bit more tricky but good airflow , some humidity and a spray down every couple of days with cold water can help keep those fuckers away


Iā€™ve got a few pots filled with petunias. Good to know! Havenā€™t seen wormwood here, so may not grow well, but if I recall I have a online nursery bookmarked that sells the seeds. I can always try. The only ants Iā€™ve seen since last year were in my kitchen looking for food as all of their homes have been flooded out of my garden, once I started growing things out there. I got the humidity covered and soon it will be a little more than breeze, it will get windy if they go too long. I have lowered expectations for the fall plants, but we will all find out soon enough, I suppose. The diesels have some lavender and lemon balm next to them. Bugs donā€™t seem to dig them either. :smiley: Lots of spiders on them, but I donā€™t touch those.

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