Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Just thought of when you guys were telling me to get the nets up on the plants. I couldn’t understand how in the hell it would work. I totally get it now. It’s like it’s own little lever and pulley system. Realized this as we had to be extra strategic with the net on the Kushage while we are taking top pieces off her or all of her other buds were losing some support and hanging closer to the ground. We had to leave parts of branches there until the end just to keep the net working.


:scissors: :head_bandage: :couch: :tv:

yay trim jail. :neutral_face:



Okay, so double brain dead and double the back pain today. Took down, washed and trimmed 1/2 of the Cherry Berry White and the 4 blue dream autos. CBW still the most interesting and unique smelling plant that I grew this year. I actually ate like a tiny piece of fresh bud, out of sheer curiosity. I thought it was gonna taste more like grass or something, but it was super spicy, tasted like pine and almost a menthol flavor. It was trippy. I have to work for the next 2 days then we are back at it on Thursday and Friday to take down the rest of the CBW and Kushage. Why does trimming completely exhaust me?


Half naked Kushage


Only a pound left of the Kushage to trim and wash :smiley:


No joke bro. My god, I’m tired. At least after these two, I’ll have 2 weeks before the Botafumeiros and Holy Punch are done. btw… The Holy Punch bud is starting to get super sticky now. That strain is really looking good! Super curious what she’s gonna taste like.


I’ve gotta say though, Dad and I are like pro’s now at Day 4. We have our setup and system down even on the clean-up, probably about as fast as you can get at this point and it’s still a zillion hours.


but what a coming year you are gonna have now - enjoying both smoking and sharing
take of yourself !


I used it. Mom used to sell it. I think this is a rumor started by them.

I get far better results with a sprig of fresh rosemary. It will last about 15 minutes when you rub it between your hands and then on your neck ears arms and ankles.

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What is this “washed” that you speak of? I’m on my first outdoor grow and will be chopping them soon, and it never occurred to me to wash them.


We had a big discussion about this earlier. Yes, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup lemon juice in a 5 gallon tub. Soak 2 or 3 minutes then swish in bucket of hot water and bucket of cold water. Fan dry for about 15 minutes then trim. Gets all the icky off and doesn’t hurt the trichs or bud at all. No smoking icky outdoor debris, bugs, smog etc…


That’s interesting. Never heard of the rosemary before. The skin so soft always worked for me when I was younger. Piss poor now, so we just get bit now lol

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I’m really bad at keeping up with this thread. :blush:

Thanks for the recap. :slight_smile:

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Used to sit on the little screen porch and smoke my cigs…they come to the CO2 in your breath. and the warmth. I planted a rosemary by the door for that reason. Use it all the time.


No worries! A lot start blending together with me too! Anyway, the bud wash is amazing. I highly recommend it on outdoor plants


Glad ya did it @mesh may have saved some split branches also … I know out here in Colorado winds can get pretty high velocity even in a small backyard. A buddy of mine grows Christmas tree style with no o supports and have broken major branches before . I’d feel that my buds through the scrog Outside could stand a pretty high gust. I did have to tether some branches that went out a couple feet past the boxes though!


Like some chicken processor’s in a chicken factory type?


@Tinytuttle the wind here will kick up again soon. I worry most about the strawberry diesels as they are 10 feet tall now and have 2 months to go. We did put a couple extra nets on just before she started budding again. I was just thinking last night that maybe we should anchor them to the garage wall like we did with the Kushage when she tried to uproot herself.

And yep! Def like an assembly line over here in the trim world. I believe we have hit maximum efficiency! lol


So anyone seen @oleskool830? I’m getting worried. He posted something about problems with his eyes, said he was okay then poof haven’t seen him.


September 24 he was last here. Hope the ol fella is ok and suitably lifted.