Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

I noticed that on the (double grape x 3bog) x CDLC mama, the bracts with seeds were turning brown and they were crispy to the touch. Looked like the seeds were going to fall out at any moment. So I touched em. :joy: a few just fell off into my hand!

I’m so excited! The little brown beans are so cute :heart_eyes: I went ahead and plucked the main bracts that were like that. I have 31 beautiful, mature ((Dg x 3bog)x CDLC)) x blackstrap beans so far! No words can describe how ecstatic I am. Not even “ecstatic” :sweat_smile:

I’ll post pics in a little while when I get a chance to transfer from camera to phone.

Here are a cpl I took w my phone for now.

Some of them have fallen out but here they are in all of their glory :joy:

One to the far left is still kinda green. I didn’t mean to remove her. Damn. She would have made 32 :rofl:

@BasementBeans @Oldtimerunderground @repins12 @Banquo @Mr.Sparkle

Thanks for guidance guys! Lots of hand holding, I know but greatly appreciated!!