Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Ditto, I tried tried to reverse some auto clones, but I think they were too far into flower.

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I noticed that on the (double grape x 3bog) x CDLC mama, the bracts with seeds were turning brown and they were crispy to the touch. Looked like the seeds were going to fall out at any moment. So I touched em. :joy: a few just fell off into my hand!

I’m so excited! The little brown beans are so cute :heart_eyes: I went ahead and plucked the main bracts that were like that. I have 31 beautiful, mature ((Dg x 3bog)x CDLC)) x blackstrap beans so far! No words can describe how ecstatic I am. Not even “ecstatic” :sweat_smile:

I’ll post pics in a little while when I get a chance to transfer from camera to phone.

Here are a cpl I took w my phone for now.

Some of them have fallen out but here they are in all of their glory :joy:

One to the far left is still kinda green. I didn’t mean to remove her. Damn. She would have made 32 :rofl:

@BasementBeans @Oldtimerunderground @repins12 @Banquo @Mr.Sparkle

Thanks for guidance guys! Lots of hand holding, I know but greatly appreciated!!


Seed making IS exciting. Good work!


You’re about to have a lot more than 31. They look like big healthy beans, well done.


Thank you!! I can’t wait to get a final number lol the plant itself looks 2-3 weeks out but if I’m going by the 6week rule on the seeds, I have 10 more days.

Since these were on the main bracts, I wonder if the seeds are as mature in the buds :thinking: I can’t SEE those so I’m so curious. If it’s anything like trichomes maturing, probably not. The main bracts are always way ahead of the buds :joy:


@BasementBeans i may just let her seeds ride it out til she’s done? What do you think? Is that too long? Will it make the seeds hard to germinate?


Is it the whole plant pollinated? I’d say just make sure it goes at least those 6 weeks from pollination. If you’ve just dusted a branch or two and want the rest of the plant to mature, you can just clip the seeded branches and take them out.

Shouldn’t be any issues with seed germination letting it run a bit longer.


Nice beans @hollyho!! :clap::ok_hand: I love your excitement too!! :grinning:


Yes! I popped 2, let one do her thing, kept one in a 1gal pot to pollinate. So hopefully there are seeds in there lol

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Thank you :blush:

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Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t4: :clap:t4: :v:t4:
I usually let mine go until they are damn near dead, if the whole plant is pollinated. Not saying either way is right or wrong. I also will harvest buds that are ready and let the others ride, so I get as many mature seeds as possible. :v:t4:


Beautiful man. Brings a tear to a feller’s eye watchin ‘em bein born. Pretty soon they’re all growed up. Cherish these moments.


@repins12 ok good bc my wife has called dibs on that plant lol (after I get my seeds out :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) I was going to let her finish up.

@Cbizzle :rofl::rofl: thank you


My thing is, I don’t want to harvest the whole plant, when the entire plant is pollinated, until I give all mof the seeds a chance to mature. I have seen sprouts growing outta buds before, especially when the RH is high. I have not experienced this personally but, have seen several, including some of my neighbor’s.
Honestly, I run my plants, until they are, damn near dead. My seeds seem to be doing well for everyone :v:t4:


Sprouts growing out of buds? What do you mean?

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How long should I let them sit out before they can be bagged and tagged?

@Oldtimerunderground @repins12 @BasementBeans @Banquo @Mr.Sparkle


I think I usually let them sit for 2 weeks out in the open. No reason for 2 weeks specifically, just letting them thoroughly dry before I pack em up.


i agree ^^^^


That’s basically it, but ambient RH also comes into play.

Here’s a short paper I found a while ago:
Seed storage, small2012.pdf (170.8 KB)

{from pg 6}
Intermediate moisture content
was achieved by placing seeds in a room with the humidity at 50% for a
