Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Wow, I’m so upset rn. I ordered from united seed bank Monday. Got my package today. It was quick shipping. I paid $25 for guaranteed shipping. It came in a black Mylar package inside of a bubble mailer. I got the IHG- color of space and the beleaf- trufflethermia. The beleaf wasn’t sealed. It was in a box with a little drawer. So I pulled it out first to check it and no seeds! Just some little cut up paper inside! Anyone else had experience like that w them? It’s a first for me and I’ve ordered from quite a few places!

I just placed another order this morning for a cpl more packs of in house. Now I’m worried about those. :sob::sob:

I emailed them and I’m waiting on a response. Tbh now I’ll wonder if the seeds they send back to me will even be what I paid for. If they send them at all. It’s weird bc it was sealed in the Mylar so I’m hoping they don’t claim “well, we sent them” bc I know some people probably scam. But I stg I bet one of their team members slipped them out before sending or they were never in there to begin with and they just didn’t check it. :sob:

As you can see in the pic above, I went ahead and opened the in house just to make sure there was seeds in there. Yes, they were in there.