Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

@Banquo ur an absolute pleasure to share and learn from since I’ve become friends with you throughout the time here and I forgot where I git it from but Beans are great but the depth of knowledge and camaraderie here at OG are worth so much more than any one seed…also I am glad that I have been able to find some GREAT friends so keep it up @hollyho


Wow, I’m so upset rn. I ordered from united seed bank Monday. Got my package today. It was quick shipping. I paid $25 for guaranteed shipping. It came in a black Mylar package inside of a bubble mailer. I got the IHG- color of space and the beleaf- trufflethermia. The beleaf wasn’t sealed. It was in a box with a little drawer. So I pulled it out first to check it and no seeds! Just some little cut up paper inside! Anyone else had experience like that w them? It’s a first for me and I’ve ordered from quite a few places!

I just placed another order this morning for a cpl more packs of in house. Now I’m worried about those. :sob::sob:

I emailed them and I’m waiting on a response. Tbh now I’ll wonder if the seeds they send back to me will even be what I paid for. If they send them at all. It’s weird bc it was sealed in the Mylar so I’m hoping they don’t claim “well, we sent them” bc I know some people probably scam. But I stg I bet one of their team members slipped them out before sending or they were never in there to begin with and they just didn’t check it. :sob:

As you can see in the pic above, I went ahead and opened the in house just to make sure there was seeds in there. Yes, they were in there.


They got right back to me :sweat_smile:

That calmed me a lot. Fu*kin beleaf :triumph::sweat_smile:


Wow you are doing some really nice growing and I have been following what you do and hope to see if I can make seeds happen. Interesting to see the continuum of your obsessions, logical for sure, same here next stage I get to I need go all in. Always in all endeavors and now fully retired. I have time for this

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Ok guys… before I give away on the free seeds thread, I’d like to give back to some of the people who have followed along w interest :sweat_smile:, sent seeds to me or helped me through this process. I’ve sent to


I need to go back and look but next up is


Do you guys want a pack of these blackstrap beans? I have some blackstrap s1 and some mixed blackstrap crosses. They would be crossed w blackstrap, but could be Dg/3bog/CDLC cross, dark Devil cross, or even some blackstrap s1. If you want a pack, dm me and let me know which one you want “blackstrap s1” or “mixed pack”

And of course @BasementBeans - Still waiting on the others to dry! I’ll let you know as soon as I get yours together! 2 more weeks. I’m not sure how many flips I can fit in a card and stay under an oz. I may have to send 2.


That’s pretty cool that yhey were able to make it right for you and believed u too awesome

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Yes I was scared tbh but I don’t have $100 to throw away lol they were very cool about it… whewww

Yuppers I understand that :100: %and congrats on the seed run looks great :+1:t2: and I hope that they grow well

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Didn’t u ask for a pack of the blackstrap? If so, dm me w your safe addy.

Aww @hollyho thank you, that’s really a cool offer!
I absolutely, totally would be honored and AMPED to receive some beans from your first seed run. :hugs::bear::purple_heart::+1::100::fire:
I actually feel pretty emotionally attached to this grow, as seeing you go through the process has really helped me feel like doing a seed run might be possible for me!
Thank you for the love, and for fearlessly sharing your efforts


Send me your safe addy, I’ll drop off in the morning to the ones that get me their details by 9 tonight cst

I’m just trying to make sure the people who followed along and helped get some. I should have plenty but I’ll see what I have left after this before I go into the fsac thread.

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So glad to see it all pay off for you !!

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I am also working up to making the first seed run within the next new year and I just harvested my second grow and it’s time to get a tent to take the next step best of luck and good vibes to you and your grows

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If you want a pack, message me your details :ok_hand:

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I would be honored to have some but do your giveaway before you give to me.
I have so many and some may need seeds.
Congratulations on your seeds!!!


@DougDawson i don’t want to leave you out! Idk if you grow autos or would even want them, just let me know.

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Thank you! I had a blast making them and if u change your mind, hit me up!

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I will.
The wife loves autos

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Hey bud, I appreciate you thinking of me. I have grow auto’s before and am planning on throwing a few outside my cottage this year. I would be proud to take a few of those from you and would be thankful :slight_smile: I really did enjoy watching your journal, you did a great job.


Thank you! Just send me your details and I’ll have this group going out in the morning :wink: