Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Hell yes! So the insides are good, the shell is just tough. Glad they’re coming through for you!

Here are the Lipsmacker s1. I threw 2 in a shot of tap+hp a few days ago, took less than a day for them to sink, this morning they both had tap roots:


good morning :grin:
sorry for the delay got some work over the weekend
here goes

ewok lipsmaker=1 lipsmaker s1=2
15 mins later
18 hours later

ill update more in a bit1 ewok x not poped yet


So I wonder, do the roots grow thru the “fabric” so it stays as is. Good for Autos if it does, I bought these but have not used yet, I noted they are plastic so not biodegradable, Is that accurate? Do they transplant well as is? in your experience. Thanks

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yeah mate they just grow rite on through and keep chuggin
i normally put them in a 1ltr net pot then 12ltr fabric pot


So u popped 2 Ewok x? And 1 Lipsmacker s1? Right? Or am I seeing it wrong?


hello mate :smiley:
yeah sorry i didnt make that clear
2 x EWOK x
1 x lipsmacker

1 of the EWOKs didnt pop in the paper towel and went real dark hasnt popped up yet (mite have been a little crushed ive had it before) do ya want some more popped for germ testing?

i will get better pics the lil seedlings are doing well and seem strong


Nah, the other folks have popped theirs also. I’ve got the info I need I believe. They pop but you need to coerce them a little bit lol I popped 2 Lipsmacker s1 myself and those seem fine. The only ones (so far) that need that little extra encouragement are the Ewok x. Of course, bc I have a ton of those :joy:

Thanks man! I can’t wait to see how they turn out :ok_hand: idk how the crosses will turn out but if the s1 turn out just like the mom, you’re really going to love that one. I do anyway :joy:


Both mine came up. The Ewok was just really slow and I had to help the seed hat come off because of it. Both currently alive and well though :+1:


Awesome! Whew :sweat_smile: did u try the bubba kush cross? If not, I’ll try it next.


Ya the bubba had about 2x the vigor of the Ewok, but again I only popped 1 of each so far. I know I know, I am the worst tester ever…Lol.

We shall see how they go here in the next few weeks.


Aww yeah :rocket: 's away!

From @hollyho

1x (Double Grape x Creme de la Chem) x Blackstrap
1x Sour Crack x Blackstrap

From @BasementBeans

Samsquanch OG x Creme de la Chem
(Double Grape x 3 Bog) x Creme de la Chem
Strawberry Nuggets x Creme de la Chem
Sour Orange Diesel Kush

They’re now in the larger tent:



Fun to follow your project these should be awesome!


They all got up-potted today on their “lucky 13th” day of living and all had roots out the bottom of the speedcups! This round is just nursery pots with chicken shit and promix bx with my traditional nutrient salt feed for the next 2 months.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :partying_face:


They look great! That tent is going to be packed and stacked! :heart_eyes:


morning mate not much change, the ewok x that had not popped is a no-show so we have 1 of each still rockin
#1 = ewok x
#2 = lipsmacker s1

just realised this is an OGers grow off :grin: :thinking:
#7 = lemon chem reg by @santero
#5 = gg4 irl x pure michigan f2 reg by @TestOfOath (back left and center)
#12 = crasher runtz reg by @NugLifeFarms420 (back right and center right)
#3 = ice cream cake #5 s1 by @TestOfOath (sorta middle back)
they are going in 1ltr pots tomo along with some GUMP and SHIT clones i’ll update again then ( mrs lime @ work, told me ta paint kitchen needed a break :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)
one love :om:


2 for 2 on the scored Ewok cross for a total of 3 babies.


@Limeflavouredheadbut this is a great thread, thanks for much for your work documenting your grow.

i have those fabric bags as well and ive always been afraid of leaving them in the bag. guess i have to try now


Hey Holly how long are you letting your seeds mature for ? I pollinated my 2 girls 2 weeks ago.
Gorilla auto and incredible bulk auto


I’ve been letting mine mature for about 6 weeks after pollination :wink:


Awesome! I have 2 Lipsmacker s1 going as well. I can’t wait to see if they turn out just like their mom! I’m glad those Ewok finally popped for you. I may start giving some of them away soon with a “you may need to score and soak” caution lol thank you for updating and I hope you like them! I can’t wait to see how the Ewok cross turns out :grin:

Yes! If you weren’t leaving them in the bag, what were you doing? :joy: I bet transplanting out of those was hell. I’m actually the opposite. Scared to transplant from fabric. I’m thinking about trying it this run bc I don’t have bigger plastic containers. I only have the fabric pots. And I have some regs going. So after solo cups, they have to go to fabric. After I sex them, I was thinking about transplanting to bigger fabric pots. Kinda dread that tho. The roots grow right through the bags. I would probably have to add another week or so to veg for them to bounce back after having their roots ripped on. But yes, growing from veg thru flower in them is the way to go! Why are you scared to leave them?

Hell yes! It makes it so much more fun to be able to share the progress with people who have made the seeds bc they’re excited to see the pics as well.