Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

She’s 26” tall and the other clone is almost 22” now. They are crazy. What have I done :rofl:

Check out my cupcake liner job :see_no_evil:

@BasementBeans :joy: I have definitely learned a lesson. Next time I will only have the tops of each branch and strip everything below them. Then! I can get the cupcake liners on and mind my own business.


Lmao that’s quite the pollen party you’ve got going there! Yeah you really only need a top or two.

I’m sure you can move it somewhere else now that it’s bustin’ fat nuts all over the place. Might be a good idea to wait a day or two and dust it again.


This is classic; I can just see this going down like a sitcom…I love Lucy at the chocolate factory style!

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Looking great @hollyho!! :grinning:


Thanks guys!

“Busting fat nuts” alright :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It did it for about 6-8 hrs then stopped lol i was glad too. I wasn’t even thinking of it as real pollen. My eyes were super dry and I’m pretty sure I snorted quite a bit of it :woman_facepalming: Had to take a break, pop an allergy pill, rinse my head out, and rethink my strategy lol

I put the pollen that I collected on some parchment paper in a small box with rice in the bottom. Saw it on the internet :woman_shrugging: so as it’s dropping pollen, I’m using some and collecting the rest for (hopefully) later use.


And here you were, like 24-ish hours ago, worrying you wouldn’t have pollen :sweat_smile:


(SN x CDLC) x blackstrap has a nice ring to it :wink:


It just seemed unreal to me lol I’m excited for sure!

Hell yeah it does! The 2 strains I got from you have been pre flowering for about 4-5 days. Next week they should be packing on white pistils and I may hit the SNxCDLC toward the bottom. A few branches. I also took clones of that one. About a week or so ago. When I was cleaning it up, thought “why not” lol

The (DG x 3bog) x CDLC that I put in a 1gal has been just hanging out in the small tent with the blackstrap clones and getting watered. Haven’t put much effort into it. I had planned on reversing that one too and got busy with other things… it’s flowering now so I’m hitting it with the blackstrap pollen also. I’ll just let her make seeds too. So the only ones in the big tent I’m pollinating are SN from you, dark Devil (sweet seeds), and maybe the sour crack and candy Mintcakes (gas reaper) I have dusted the whole blackstrap clone (female) the last 2 days. I’ll do it again tomorrow. How much longer you think? Should I wait til I see the pistils turning brown? Or 3 days, rinse her off, then I can move her out?


If you dusted twice that should be enough! You should be seeing ‘the frizzies’ inside 24 hrs. of hitting them with pollen.
I mist them down (very fine fog of water mist) to inactivate any leftover pollen, from above, from underneath - anywhere pollen could be hiding. This includes me and the surrounding area. :grin: :+1:

Seeds usually take 6 weeks to fully develop.



Thank you so much! I’m so glad to hear that! I wore a mask in there yesterday and I still woke up with a stuffy head :weary: I bet everything in the house is pollinated :woman_facepalming: maybe even me :sob::sob: I’m going to take her out today. Maybe put a trash bag over her, cut her and shake her, let that pollen fall to the bottom and store it just in case and bc I don’t want to have to do this again for a while lol :sneezing_face:

How do you guys keep it from invading your faces?

And one last question about any pregnant plants: do I just keep feeding as normal? Do you have to do anything different to a seeded plant? I just want to make sure this wasn’t all for nothing! :rofl:


Lol, you’re funny. Doesn’t beat how much pollen I inhaled last year, giant ragweed outside plus all the males I flowered indoors. I must’ve breathed in a couple ounces worth :sweat_smile:

If you have an empty spare tote with lid that will fit the reversed blackstrap, you can line the bottom with parchment paper and give it some good taps in there while holding the stalk with the lid closed as much as possible to help contain and collect the pollen. Spraying a fine mist of water in the air afterward can help knock down some of the pollen floating around.

Personally I don’t really do anything different for seed plants, but I grow organically, so everything the plants need is pretty much there. As long as it’s well fed you shouldn’t have any issues.


+1 what OTUG said :+1: :grin:

If you are feeding (eg. coco etc), then give them the veg nutriments a couple times in flower.
Best guess so far is they need more nitrogen but they’ll ‘make do’ with whatever they have.



Thanks guys! I feed jacks 321 so I think they’ll have plenty of nitrogen. They all pretty much get the same thing veg vs. flower. I was just wondering if they needed extra care. You answered my question. I’ll just keep ‘em rockin and hope the seeds mature right.

Here are a couple before (left) and after (right) pollination pics. Idk if they’re the exact same buds but you can tell somethings going on w them. Hopefully they’re just getting ready to make seeds :crossed_fingers:I took the before pics on 1-17 (the first day they got dusted) and the after pics today (1-19)


I really need to get some black strap beans, Anvil too :heart_eyes:

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I use a combination of face coverings to avoid a face full of pollen when I’m chucking. I put on a cotton face mask to cover my nose and mouth, and then I put on a face shield as well. The mask is good for keeping me from blowing clouds of pollen all over when I exhale, and keeps the pollen out of my system when I inhale. The face shield helps keep it out of my eyes and beard. Not sure why, but pollen seems to be drawn to my beard like a friggin magnet.

Edit to add: Your girls are making seeds! Do yourself a favor now and put something on the branches making seeds, if you didn’t pollinate the whole plant. If you put twisty ties on the branches you dusted, when you chop them you can set those branches aside and process them separately.


I did do a couple whole plants but hit a few other strains with the pollen and threw some masking tape on the branches so I could keep my eye on them lol

Here’s the (hopefully) pregnant blackstrap clone. The reversed one got trashed a couple days ago. (I harvested quite a bit of pollen first for my next round)

There are still a lot of white hairs and I thought if pollination worked they would turn brown? So I’ve been dusting like crazy :woman_shrugging::joy:

Here’s the (double grape x 3bog) x CDLC that’s been dusted with blackstrap pollen. Right before lights out. Hopefully she’s pregnant too.

The strains that have been dusted with blackstrap pollen…

•Blackstrap - gnome automatics
clone from same mom
(whole plant)
•(DG x 3bog) x CDLC - @BasementBeans mephisto cross
(whole plant)
•candy mintcakes - gas reaper
(a few bottom budsites)
•dark devil - sweet seeds
(a few bottom budsites)
•sour crack - mephisto
(a branch on the lower outside)

may do more branches on the sour crack…haven’t decided - I was wanting to save the pollen for later but the sour crack is a monster too - just huge! So I may make more black crack seeds… or cracked black pepper… maybe crack slapped? :joy:

I’ll also be hitting the strawberry nuggets x CDLC next week (ish) as soon as she gets more white hairs. But I won’t be doing that whole plant either.

And here’s the blackstrap mom… she’s taking foreverrrr. Pic taken yesterday on day 75 :weary:


You need a NSFW disclaimer up top, before people just scroll down into this orgy!


Ok… do these look pregnant? I know it’s only been since the 17th (I’m pretty sure) so 9 days. But I’m anxious. If it didn’t take, I was going to hit them again lol I’m confused bc the hairs turned brown but now they have fresh white hairs in some places! Looks like they got a buzz cut. Not the normal long wispy white hairs. So I know they look different but not sure if it’s bc pollination took.

Blackstrap Clone (whole plant pollinated)

(Dg x 3bog) x CDLC (whole plant pollinated)

Dark Devil (only 1-2 bud sites, at the time I was just curious and this one was already pretty far along so I didn’t want to mess her up lol)

Dark Devil (not dusted)

Candy Mintcakes

Candy Mintcakes (pic from the top)

Sour crack (one of the branches I dusted toward the bottom - did 3-4 bottom branches that I would normally cut and throw away)

Sour crack (not dusted)

As you can tell the ones that have been dusted look like hell :joy: are they supposed to do that? And do they shoot out fresh white stubby hairs after being pollinated? Hell idk what to look for honestly.

@BasementBeans @Oldtimerunderground @Qtip @Banquo


Here are the rest… and I’m in trouble. This blackstrap just wants to live forever and the other 6 are trying to take over :grimacing:

(Double grape x 3bog) x CDLC

Strawberry Nuggets x CDLC

Ewok x CDLC

Blackstrap (mom to the pollinated clone)


Most definitely. Some absolutely beautiful pics @hollyho :grinning: nice work :ok_hand: