Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Looking good! All those crosses sound great!

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Awesome!! How can you tell? :joy: what do I look for? The bracts on the double grape cross are hard to the touch. So I can feel that something is going on there but I was scared I pollinated too early on that one.

And thank you!


Thanks!! This is my first time making seeds and want to make sure I get plenty so I don’t have to do it again for a while! :joy::sweat_smile:


For sure pregnant! 6 weeks to the finish line.


Why was I thinking 3 weeks? I’m never gonna make it! :crazy_face:

Hopefully my clones go slow and I can pollinate in time!


If you take a look at the differences between this photo you posted

And this one

You can see the noticeable swelling, as well as the lack of solid white hairs in the 1st pic compared to the 2nd one that wasn’t dusted.


You can see the seed peeking out :eyes:




Omg I didn’t even notice that!! And the before and after pics up there… I still wasn’t sure bc every one that gets dusted looks like hell afterwards… so I didn’t know if that was the difference I was seeing or what. I’m so excited!


I’m excited now that I KNOW it’s making seeds. I was so worried it wasn’t working and I’d need to dust again lol Now I’m just waiting on this strawberry nuggets x CDLC and the Ewok x CDLC to get enough white hairs to pollinate and I’ll be done for a while.

I let the extra pollen dry for a few days, then put it in a tiny container w a small amount of rice, put that in a freezer bag, then put the freezer bag in a glass airtight jar :joy: hopefully that will keep it healthy until I use it again.

What do you mean?


I thought seeds took 3 weeks to develop for some reason… I guess this is what happens when you try to learn everything all at once :crazy_face:

Oh, and dibs!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Tell me more about the Ewok, it’s not one I’m familiar with… Sorry if I missed it🙏🏻

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I got them as freebies from a place called “notmymonkeys420” on Facebook lol I’ve had some issues with their photo strains so I was like “f it, let me try these free ones” and omg I was pleasantly surprised. The first one in 5gal coco gave me 6.5oz, the next 2 in 3gal coco gave me 10.5 (for both). They stink!! It’s the worst smell I’ve ever smelled on a plant lol!! Probably the best auto I’ve grown to date! I’m hoping to hit one of these with the blackstrap pollen, then maybe reversing one and letting it pollinate itself! I need more of them! The first Ewok x CDLC is actually my profile pic on here. That’s the one that gave 6.5 oz. Took 90-100 days tho. But man it’s worth it!

I have no idea what strains they used. I’m guessing mephisto? For sure for the CDLC. Not sure about the Ewok tho. They have skywalker autos too. I’m guessing they reverse the mephisto strains and cross them, then sell them. Not real sure about them. You can check them out on fb. I think they even did a little interview on YouTube at one point… I wish I could send a scratch and sniff thru the internet lol

Editing again to add that when u look up Ewok auto flower, mephisto is what it pulls up. I also have some blue Ewok from them. And maybe something else w ewok in the name. The pictures look a lot like my plants too. I might have 2-3 beans left :sob::sob:

My profile pic so u can really see her. I had to give her a photo shoot lol this was the first one

The 2 I did in 3gal pots, one had some purple sprinkled thru her


Blackstrap trichs… what does this even mean :joy: looks like Christmas lights :christmas_tree: :woman_facepalming:

Sugar leaf:




The purple trichs? Unless there’s somehow anthocyanin getting into the trichomes, it’s probably a trick of the light… if they are really purple though, it’s probably harmless other than making it a little tougher to judge when they’re done. It looks like the calyx has mostly clear and maybe a few cloudy trichs; I can’t see any amber. That means you should probably wait a while. The sugar leaf is irrelevant, I think.


@Bobgrows posted some purple hash over in @BigMike55 s thread, and elsewhere.

@Cormoran I think in one of those threads they were talking (could be conjecture) about the color “bleeding” into the trichomes, which sounds like it’s what you were theorizing could be the case


Sounds like more than a theory at this point, I’d forgotten about that. @Nagel420’s also posted pictures of his purple hash, he’s very proud of his purple buds. :slight_smile: They do get quite a reaction. The color’s caused by anthocyanin, which isn’t dangerous and is used as food coloring. It could even be good for you, though I suspect any benefits are removed when you start smoking it - for edibles though, it’s an antioxidant and has been shown to slightly reduce cancer rates from smoke exposure in rats.

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Yeah, I ignore the sugar leaves unless everything else is milky and they’re not ambering up.


Yes the bud is purple! But compared to the Dark Devil or Purple Lemonade I’ve done, it actually looks more maroon. And the sugar leaf pic I clipped from a bigger picture of a bud lol was just zooming in and checking things out and thought it was cool. But yeah, I’m wondering how the purple will effect my ability to judge maturity :grimacing: she’s on day 81 (I think) and I’m thinking she has at least 2 more weeks. I’m waiting for all the white hairs to turn brown atm. 2 weeks :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Here’s a pic of my last purple lemonade trichs. Not sure when I took it. But the trichomes do look like the color is bleeding in from the leaf :thinking: and it seems as tho the color that bleeds into the stalks goes away when they’re mature… not sure where it goes tho lol


When I get my camera out and set up, I take pics of everything lol I don’t judge maturity by sugar leaves but they’re pretty too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I took this one last night lol it’s just a leaf on the blackstrap :woman_shrugging:

I have so many random pics lol

Also I find it easier to zoom in with a good camera even after I have taken the pictures than trying to steady my hand with the microscope over a plant :woman_facepalming: THOSE pictures never make any sense lol


@Oldtimerunderground @BasementBeans @Banquo

Or anyone who sees this and can answer my question lol

6weeks for the seeds to mature… is that from date of pollination or when I first see the seeds in there? I pollinated the first ones on 1-17. So 10 days ago. So would that mean I have 4.5 weeks left? Some of the seed pods look like they could pop open any minute lol

And do I have to worry about the seeds falling out??


4-5 weeks from now, if even that long. You might get a few that pop out during the drying process but most will be inside the buds and fairly safe. And just to answer the question, to my understanding, its 6 weeks after date of final pollination

Everything is looking great so far. Can’t wait to see how many beans you get to sift through when all is said and done! :hugs: